
Who needs guns?

Atlanta suburb
Friday, April 12, 2013 11:42 AM
Milford[CT] Police are investigating a stabbing that took place shortly after 12 a.m. on Friday, April 12, on the property of Keepers' Gentlemen's Club, located at 354 Woodmont Rd. in Milford. The male stabbing victim has suffered critical injuries. Milford Detectives are investigating the matter. We will bring you more information as the story develops.


  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    You know Colt Fire Arms is talking of moving since sale their product is banned in their home state of CT. They will take the 700 high paying high skill jobs and tax payments and go where they are wanted. I would do the same thing if I were them.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Ban all knives! And yea, I have been following Colt via the NRA - bailing to Texas...
  • NotFromTX
    11 years ago
    Do you jackasses really think that you'd equally like to be threatened by a guy with a gun and a guy with a knife? Do you really think that the death tolls would usually be equal? Do you really think that under guns-available-to-all regimes guns would kill fewer people? If you think any of these things, you are stupid asses. And yet you and your ilk talk and write as if you do.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    You are right.... guns do kill more because you can be detached from the act.....all you do is pull the trigger. Banning guns won't solve anything. Because criminals will still get guns...period. So then you take guns away from law abiding citizens to make them easier targets for criminals. Look at where some of the strict gun laws are in the USA.... CHICAGO....but yet people are getting killed daily. So you are stupid and blind to think gun restriction will work. Like I stated... CHICAGO is the prime example. Here is a good one for anyone who wants to ban guns... Put a sign in your yard saying "I don't own any firearms".... Then I will put a sign in my yards saying Protected via Kimber 1911 45 ACP.... I will bet dollars to donuts whos place gets broken into first.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    Also you know what is the # 1 thing that kills more people a day..... a car. Should we ban them? Also all antigun people need to think..... the real reason why the second amendment was written was to protect the citizens from the government. YES THAT IS CORRECT. So why would the government want to take away guns..... conspiracy theorist go after it. But remember how our great nation was founded..... people with guns. Great now I will be red flagged by the Fed..... But hopefully people will remember history.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    Another thing to bring up to any politician or anyone who is anti 2nd amendment.... If you want to repeal the second amendment.....why not repeal the 1st as well??? Because once you repeal one.....you can repeal more. Another thing to think about.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Good replies crsm27
  • mmdv26
    11 years ago
    Due to the process that must take place, it is unlikely that any amendment will ever be repealed. As has been said so many times, "guns don't kill people, peopl.....". Ban large magazines to make mass murder with a gun more difficult, but the people - especially young AA men - need to develop a new value system for "getting even". No idea what that would look like. Who has stats on percent of B on B shootings compared to all shootings?
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    @notfromtx. Most self defense situations happen within 6-10 feet of you. Would you rather try to point someone's gun a different direction and getout of the line of fire if the gun discharges or cut yourself up on a knife while trying to fend off an atacker? Would you rather them fire off 6-15 shots with a handgun depending on capacity and then they have a useless weapon in their hand or would you rather an atacker have unlimited "ammo" so to speak with a knife. A knife had no limit to how many times someone can stab you with it...the only limiting factor with a knife is when the assailant either runs out of energy or decides he has done enough. How many times have you heard of someone shot 30, 40, 60, 90 times with a gun. Then tell me how many victims have been stabbed that many times because the knife did not need to be reloaded. Which would you rather have dumbass? I would rather fight off someone with a gun than someone with a knife any day
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Crsm... your the man
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    ^^^ Notice the stripper had her finger curled around the trigger when not shooting while the others didn't... (that I could tell!)
  • NotFromTX
    11 years ago
    No hope of a serious answer to my questions. As to who's the dumb ass, I got a pair of 800s on my SATs. I can tell your scores (for the subset smart enough to have gone to college) are nowhere near mine just from the quality of your thought. The many gun-loving men in the US ought to try thinking in something other than slogans and clichés. There are very few even semi-intelligent people in other countries who fall for the NRA's barrage of BS.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Ah, I don't agree with you so I'm stupid, mentally defective, etc. Got it. My feelings are real real hurt. :P
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