Lots of people walk around in "Condition Green" when they should be walking around in Condition Yellow. In green, you presume your environment is safe and you have your head down and your mind pre-occupied with other things. In yellow, your head is up, moving around, your eyes assessing any threat in your area.
As I pointed out earlier, someone did get the drop on me once, but they were very experienced convicts (the Police later killed them in a shootout).
The sad death chitown lawyer posted here is proof that we all need to be more careful, no matter where we are.
A sad story, and a sad job of getting the facts together. The 1st report (re: chitowns earlier thread) says victim was struck on the head by a blunt object. Second report reiterated strike in head, adding that gunshots were heard. Now, this one just says he was shot. Which happened first, if at all? Earlier report says shirt was stripped off. Was it stuffed with large denomination bills? (Good case for not stuffing shirt pocket with bills). Whatever, this serves as a cautionary example to be in at least condition yellow,
last commentAs I pointed out earlier, someone did get the drop on me once, but they were very experienced convicts (the Police later killed them in a shootout).
The sad death chitown lawyer posted here is proof that we all need to be more careful, no matter where we are.