How has the SC affected you?
Let's focus on us guys for a while. How has a long career hanging out in the SC's affected you? For a while, it made me a worse person. Or rather, it helped to make me that way. You know the story. Excessive drinking, lying, unhealthy views and attitudes toward women in general. After a while, i just couldn't be proud of the person I had become. Now, after seeing and being a part of all the low behavior that a SC can entail i decided to try to even be a better person than I had before. So, in a way, the SC made me even a better person. Am i perfect? Hell NO!! I know some of my posts are humorous, or meant to be, but this is a serious post guys. Any insights?
Also, I'm a writer and and sometimes a dancer serves as a muse for me. The club is a fantasy experience and sometimes this inspires me to write a romance story. I know that dancers are usually tied to an absolute loser/zero, but pretending they want to be rescued can be inspiring-even though I know the truth is there is absolutely no way they want to be rescued from the life they're in.
I think some of us might have been too good when we were younger, and then got attracted to the "dark side" that strippers represent. (Carl Jung calls this "the shadow"). I went as ways down the rabbit hole myself, before realizing that world wasn't me.
So, like you, I think it was good to get a glimpse of that underworld, realize it wasn't really for me, but realize that its existence, and strange attraction, needs to be acknowledged.
I love my stripper friends. I look forward to seeing them again!
The clubs I go to are juice bars (no alcohol) so no danger of me becoming a drunk.