How has the SC affected you?

avatar for DickJohnson
Let's focus on us guys for a while. How has a long career hanging out in the SC's affected you? For a while, it made me a worse person. Or rather, it helped to make me that way. You know the story. Excessive drinking, lying, unhealthy views and attitudes toward women in general. After a while, i just couldn't be proud of the person I had become. Now, after seeing and being a part of all the low behavior that a SC can entail i decided to try to even be a better person than I had before. So, in a way, the SC made me even a better person. Am i perfect? Hell NO!! I know some of my posts are humorous, or meant to be, but this is a serious post guys. Any insights?


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avatar for Dudester
16 years ago
I'm a teatotaler, I don't drink. As a single guy who was absolutely abused by so called girlfriends, I find something heroic in a place that delivers what's advertised. Paying for the GFE/sex ITC is cheaper financially and emotionally than pursuing a relationship that won't come to the fruition I need.

Also, I'm a writer and and sometimes a dancer serves as a muse for me. The club is a fantasy experience and sometimes this inspires me to write a romance story. I know that dancers are usually tied to an absolute loser/zero, but pretending they want to be rescued can be inspiring-even though I know the truth is there is absolutely no way they want to be rescued from the life they're in.
I used to be a shy guy. Especially around beautiful women. Not any more.
avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
I suspect that's a typical pattern, Dick.

I think some of us might have been too good when we were younger, and then got attracted to the "dark side" that strippers represent. (Carl Jung calls this "the shadow"). I went as ways down the rabbit hole myself, before realizing that world wasn't me.

So, like you, I think it was good to get a glimpse of that underworld, realize it wasn't really for me, but realize that its existence, and strange attraction, needs to be acknowledged.
avatar for DBos
16 years ago
SCs have helped fill in a void for me. I've had wonderful experiences and ongoing relationships which to me serve sufficiently as a sub for the wild sex life I otherwise could never have. So I don't go all the way with them. Getting to second base with a 10 is often better than sex with a 6.

I love my stripper friends. I look forward to seeing them again!
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
I would say, not at all, other than I've had a lot more beers since I started going then I did before. That continues since I rarely go to them any longer.
I have drifted in and out of the scene for over 10 years. Sometimes two or three times a week and sometimes only twice a year. I am fighting off negative conclusions about women because of my exposure to SC. We protect and glorify wives and girlfriends, but, sometimes, look down on strippers. Don't all women do what they do, including getting married, for the money and the safety and protection that money can bring them? I have had girlfriends confess to marrying a guy that they knew they didn't love, because all their friends were getting married and it was "time." After forcing the guy to buy the big house, set up the lifestyle and father children, she gets a divorce and believes she is owed something for having to put up with him. This is not my personal story, but comes from the mouths of more than one woman I have dated. And these women claim strippers are immoral and dishonest. At least in the club, you know it's all about the Benjamins.
avatar for JC2003
16 years ago
I used to be very shy around women, but going to the clubs solved that problem. I've gone from putting them on a pedestal to thinking of them as sex toys or live porn though so that isn't good.

The clubs I go to are juice bars (no alcohol) so no danger of me becoming a drunk.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
16 years ago
I probably drink more than I used to, even outside the club. I don't think I am as shy as I used to be, but that hasn't always translated to outside the stripclub. When I was younger and me and my old workbuddy would go on day long road trips to stripclubs that are a good distance from my home, I got to see places I wouldn't have otherwise seen. I have also realized that the best looking girl is not always the best girl.
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