Almost nothing is sexier than a great accent.
Since the Hawk Tuah girl’s 15-minutes of fame appears to be up, this sweetie might be a candidate to replace her.
I don’t have Tik Tok so hoping this pastes ok](/member/@britishclipsforu)/video/7331062222816398624
last commentI guess it didn’t work](/member/@britishclipsforu)/video/7331062222816398624
Hawk Tuah
Her real name is Haliey Welch. With the spelling of her first name you can tell neither of her parents made it past the 3rd grade.
Geez that Haliey spelling his brutal. Not even the hospital staff were smart enough to help the family fix it?
One random thought on accents. Over time no accent really annoyed me until later in life. Australian. I was indifferent toward it, perhaps even liked it growing up. The more I was exposed to it the more I’ve come to loathe it. In part it’s the way it sounds; but probably tolerable if a hot girl (duh). The second aspect is the country bumpkin bravado that seems to be pervasive in their culture that is icing on the cake of my dislike. Anyone else with me?
Almost any accent on a woman can be either sexy or scary.
Except the Baaahston, New Yawwwk and New Joizy.
Those accents need to die in a fire.
Baltimore has a distinct accent. You know it when you hear it. On the HBO show The Wire none of the actors even tried it. One guy who played the uniform sergeant who would do the roll call briefings actually had the accent. It’s not easy to copy. Neither is the Philly accent.
Yeah I dig the english thing on chicks.
My least favorite accents are the Metairie and St. Bernard Parish accents from southeast Louisiana. Literally met the hottest blond at a bank near Chalmette. Until I struck up a conversation with her. She gave me her phone number and I threw it away in the next garbage can I saw. Horrid.
Sexiest? Spanish (Spain Spanish).
^ I’ll take “Things that never happened” for a thousand Ken.
Accents are only as sexy as the lady who speaks with it.
I tend to really like the accents you find in some of the smaller towns in Tennessee, for example. But mostly, I guess I'm pretty neutral about accents in general. As long as my dancer doesn't sound like Darth Vader, I'm good... :)
As someone who has clubbed all over the country, I find the different regional accents to be fascinating. Same with the ethnic ones in different mixed places, like NYC. I've lost track of how many different accents I've listened to in my hotel rooms over the years. 😁
The one that I remember most fondly, however, was an OTC partner that I sourced from a club in Milwaukee. Apparently she had grown up in northern part of the state and her accent was pretty pronounced, the rounded vowels and almost Canadian "Eh" that would creep in from time to time. Why I remember it so fondly is that (1) she was hot as hell; and (2) after years of traveling to that city, she was the first homegrown WI girl who I was able to coax OTC. Those Midwestern sensibilities can be a powerful force, lol.