Shaken Down in TJ (no joke)

avatar for gawker123

I accidentally posted this in the Front Room - didn't see the TJ specific discussion. I can't figure out how to delete the other post, but this is it:

Never posted but this is for peoples' safety. Third time in TJ. Was riding back in cab around 10pm and stopped by the police at a busy intersection. Asked for ID, told to get out of the car, was patted down, asked what I had on me and I emptied my pockets. Cop might have taken a $10 bill, as I emptied my pockets and after I couldn't find the bill, just a few $1s left. But all I had on me was a a few bucks, a quarter of a viagra, and some tic tacs, but if I had anything harder or if I was drunk I think I would have been f*****. It ended there. This was a Monday night, but plenty of people were around. The cab driver let me pay less because I had almost no cash; he didn't speak English but he was definitely trying to tell me in Spanish he knew what the cops did was wrong. My advice is be very careful and stay away from anything that could be contraband. Also, probably spend the cash you bring.


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avatar for Jascoi
6 days ago

It's definitely becoming a problem.

avatar for Jascoi
6 days ago

bandits with badges. I and a amigo got robbed a year and a half ago October 2023 by the arch as we were walking towards Zona Norte.

avatar for captainfun
6 days ago

Very uncool but semi lucky to only be relieved of $10

I’ve heard this ‘pulled from a cab’ scenario more than once. Makes me wonder if the cab drivers someone communicate with or help to set up these shakedowns

Any long time TJ specialists have insights on this?

avatar for Rod84
6 days ago

I wonder if the HK Shuttle has ever been targeted?

avatar for captainfun
6 days ago

I would suspect that the police don’t mess with the HK shuttle. I bet payoffs happen at higher levels there

avatar for Jascoi
6 days ago

Captainfun. That possibility of taxi drivers tipping off the Policia has been mentioned before in Tijuana forums. I myself have no knowledge personally of this happening.

avatar for Jascoi
6 days ago

As I see it...the Zona shuttle (HKshuttle) Is the best way to reduce the problem with the Bandits with badges.

avatar for RonJax2
5 days ago

TJ forums are replete with stories of mongers who dodged a bullet with the police. OP, I think you're lucky that all you lost was a few bucks.

As a mota-enjoyer, I wonder what does actually happen if they pull you over and they find marijuana. Can you bribe your way out of that situation and if so how much? Or are you headed to a mexican prison for sure?

I'm also curious if the police are patting you down thoroughly enough that they'd find contraband hidden in your underwear.

avatar for OPIllini96
5 days ago

Regarding the HK shuttle, the police do NOT stop it. However, on my last trip, I did notice them setting up checkpoints on the bridge heading to and from the border. They stopped and searched all the cars, including taxis. If you can get a money belt, do it.

avatar for gawker123
5 days ago

I might have the chance to go back to TJ tomorrow night, but I'm definitely going to HK. I specifically went to check out the CC Monday and that was a taxi both ways. The CC dancers and meseros were super aggressive - it was still fun enough but I'm not going back, they were totally coming at me and wouldn't stop. I really disliked the hard selling. Not chill.

As for the police pat down: They didn't give me a super close check pat down, just enough to find something if it was noticeable. It felt more like they were trying to intimidate me into confessing something. But I'm definitely doing the shuttle tomorrow plus not leaving HK with anything on me except a few bucks for a tip and some tic tacs.

avatar for PAFBABS
5 days ago

However, on my last trip, I did notice them setting up checkpoints on the bridge heading to and from the border. They stopped and searched all the cars, including taxis.

👆🏻As OP mentioned, the police do NOT stop HK shuttle or even the CC shuttle.IMO both these are much safer options than their local taxis. Also likewise, recently I too came across the checkpoints on the bridge heading to and from the border. I am not sure what that was all about, and the stupid Policia guy did give me a little more attention than necessary by flashing his light at me but then waved at my cab/driver to pass through since the area was quite heavily congested with nighttime traffic. I can only imagine a similar checkpoint at some isolated street/alley in Tijuana. So, it’s best to take all necessary precautions and especially during nighttime in TJ, coz these so called Policia/bandits in badges may very well be corrupt impersonators just on an extortion spree from innocent people/visitors. In the past in my years of clubbing out in TJ, things weren’t so brazen as they are nowadays.

avatar for gawker123
5 days ago

Indeed, I'm shuttling it for sure. Thanks.

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