Tattoos and Piercings Going out of Style?

Has anybody else noticed the youngest generation of dancers, girls in general really, say 18 to 23, going increasingly au naturel? Is clear, undamaged, unblemished skin at last coming back into style for the newest generation?
Even the weird, un-natural hair colors are disappearing. For that matter, I see more and more brunettes, as if hair dye in general is going out of fashion
I'm even seeing more glasses on young girls. Are they just fake glasses as fashion statement, or are they replacing contacts?
More importantly, is this all about a fashion statement, that natural is in? Or is the natural look in because the young can't afford all the tatts and piercings, or in some cases even contacts or hair dye?
Thank whatever deity that at least shaved crotch is still in style!
last commentTattoos and later piercings, have always been used by countercultures to express individuality and rebellion. Now that it’s mainstream for every thirty-something soccer mom attending 12-year old Olivia’s match to have a tramp stamp and nose ring, it’s probably no longer in vogue to have this done as a sign of individualism. If everyone is doing it, then it’s not different
I still see a lot of tattoos but agree they are so prevalent that they are no longer the sign of rebellion or individualism they once were.
It needs to stop. Seedy tattoo artists are ruining perfectly good dames.
I hope the pendulum is swinging back toward all natural, including with boob jobs and fake elephant butts.
I think it's due to my coaching. If asked, I advise strippers to avoid tattoos and for the love of one's preferred deity, leave your tender breasts alone. Maybe the word's getting around... ;)
I would agree it's in a bit of a down cycle. I still see very few strippers with absolutely zero tattoo's, but there is a noticeable trend of less girls having lots of them and more of the girls with a little heart on their hip, a butterfly on their ankle, or similar decoration. Also agree it's not the act of rebellion it was, not at all. And I think that was a large part of the appeal for a lot of kids.
The tattoo's and brightly colored hair never on strippers never bothered me. All things equal, I didn't prefer it, but I can't recall ever thinking to myself that I'd like a dance if it weren't for those tattoos, piercings or that hair.
Fake tits, botox, and the like still seem to be on an upward trajectory though. I've stopped seeing a lot of strippers because of that shit, and I've absolutely thought to myself if it weren't for those fake tits/ass/lips, I'd be getting a dance right now. I'd much rather see that shit go out of style.
^ We can only hope it goes out of style, but in the meantime, there are too many of these botoxed, and inked up barbie's for my taste.
Gordiboi... Oh my God I hope you're right! Unfortunately Mexico is not included in your observation.They're always behind in the trend. with your observation of no tats I probably need to start kicking up visiting USA strip clubs again.
I can't say notice this but I'll be on the lookout. I mean at this point, there moms are probably all tatted up so what are you really "rebelling" against.
I haven't noticed any changes. I have failed every time that I have tried to stop any woman from getting piercings, tats or implants. As long as men continue to glorify big tits, women will get implants.
I don't mind big fake boobs at all... Some of them now are so natural feeling and even can be natural looking. a flat chested girl or an A cup girl has a chance to have a really nice figure.
I think it has gotten worse. Now facial tattoos and piercings are more common. The 18 to 22 year olds just haven't had the funds or time investment yet.
It’s the alternating generation theory. No one wants to be like their parents. Boomers generally didn’t like tattoos because everyone had a dad or uncles who served in the navy in WWII, and came back with tattoos that we thought were gross. But the boomer’s kids thought that tattoos were cool, and a symbol of rebellion and individualism. Now the following generation doesn’t want to look like their parents so they’re a little less interested in tattoos.
Personally, I’m not a big fan of tattoos, but if they’re on a hot stripper with a killer body, I don’t mind.
In my experience no, at the clubs I've been to I'm usually one of only a few girls with no tattoos or piercings beyond the lobes, but I also live in a very heavily tattooed/"alt" city (Richmond) so I'm probably a bad judge.
I agree tattoos are cycling out again.
Navel piercings and nose piercings are currently very in. So are multiple cartilage ear piercings, but I suspect those don't bother anyone here.
They may just not have the money for them yet
Tattoos and piercings are still going strong wherever I look.
The only part I agree with is the weird hair colors have definitely gone away since the pandemic.