February 8-12 Report

avatar for OPIllini96

I arrived in TJ on February 8, late at night. My flight from Chicago O’Hare was delayed departing for about an hour because of deicing the plane - there was a winter storm that came up. Took the 992 bus to America’s Plaza downtown, then rode the Blue Line trolley to the border. Went to exchange 100 in dollars for pesos, but for some reason the exchange line was unusually long; it took me 20-30 minutes to exchange money.

Then another lengthy line inside the customs building for the foreigner line. Waited about 15 minutes, then showed the agent my passport. He filled out and stamped a FMM visa (everyone in the foreigner line got one) and handed it to me - no charge.

Then entered TJ. Didn’t see the HK limo in the lot, so walked all the way down to the rolling gates. Instead of taking a cab (smart move it turned out because the local police were checking cars on the bridge), I walked up to the HK shuttle office and the limo was right there. I got in with five other mongers, and off we went (the police did NOT stop the limo; I understand they don’t check the HK limos).

Tipped the driver a couple of bucks after arriving at Cascadas, then checked in for the night (had a basic single room). I was tired, but decided to go into HK for a little bit. It was definitely a big sausagefest, as usual for Saturday nights. I noticed the new walkway between the original club and the Miami extension. It’s located where the jacuzzi used to be (BTW there’s also a see-through shower where the shaving cream show girls clean up afterwards). Stayed for just over an hour, then got a couple of tacos from the stand outside HK on Ninos Heroes and called it a night.

Super Bowl Sunday, I had the Cascadas staff store my belongings while they were getting my penthouse executive room (had for three nights) ready. Ate lunch at Azul, and my room was ready when I got back to reception. The room was nice, spacious and clean - unfortunately I spent more time there than anticipated during my trip; I’ll explain shortly.

Went down to Las Chavelas to watch the Super Bowl. Unlike last year, there was no halftime buffet, which was disappointing. Then the game became a blowout, so I went back to my room for a nap.

Later, came back down to HK. Didn’t see any girls that appealed to me, so went across the street to Tropical. A girl with a Playboy bunny-like costume (sans the ears) piqued my interest, and I bought her a ficha. But I asked her how much for arriba, and she said $150. I tried to negotiate, but she held firm, so I left. Went to Chicago for a little bit, then did a bar crawl to Odisea and La Hacinda - didn’t stay long at either. Then at La Caretta, I bought a couple of fichas for a mésara, but nothing developed. Then went to La Malquerida and had a beer and bought a ficha for a dancer, but I just wasn’t feeling it in terms of a possible arriba. Back to HK, still nothing doing, so I called it a night.

Monday: met a friend who isn’t on TUSCL. He’s from Sacramento and is fluent in Spanish. Had lunch at the Hotel Nelson bar and his girl met us. They were heading out the following day on a trip to central Mexico. Had a couple of beers, then went back to Cascadas to prepare for meeting TUSCL members captainfun and seven - they were a blast to hang out with.

The three of us started at Tropical, then went to HK and Gold Palace. But we spent most of our time that night in Chicago. Cap and 7 got Arribas while I bought several fichas for a cute mèsara. She’s from Colombia and had fake tits and eyelashes (at least that’s what 7 told me later). She wanted to go up for arriba, but I wasn’t feeling well, and I knew why - I drunk too many beers that day. Besides the two at Nelson, I had two in Chicago. I don’t drink often, so it’s easy for me to overdo it. So I declined the arriba and told cap and seven I was going to take a nap and I’d meet them later.

After a nap, went to Tropical and caught up with the guys. I bought a Red Bull and then bottled water in order to dilute the alcohol in my system. But I still had a headache and was still drowsy, so cut the night short.

The next morning, I was still feeling sluggish, but I was determined to get a couple of arribas in on my final day in TJ, and I did. The first was with April, a paradita who works in the alley in front of Cascadas’s back entrance. I’m sure many of you have seen her on YouTube: she wears thick glasses and a wig along with some really high heels and a lot of makeup. Speaks good English, in her late 20s/early 30s. I have had her before, and we had a good session.

Went to Azul for lunch, and I think that helped me feel better because in addition to be drunk the day before I hadn’t ate much either. So that evening I went to HK, tipping dollars to a few ladies dancing. Then later went to Tropical, where I saw this girl named Lara Jean finishing up her stage show. I tipped her a dollar as she went around the club, then shortly afterwards saw her sitting by herself. Lara is cute, in her 20s, and from Mexicali I believe. Speaks solid English.

I bought her a couple of fichas and we established good chemistry right away. I decided to take her to my room for arriba. Lara initially wanted $150, but I countered with $100, and we agreed for $120. She started passionately kissing me, and off we went. Great way to end the trip.

Checked out the next morning and took the limo back to the border; this was around 11:30. For the first time since I’ve been going to TJ, there was no line whatsoever to get to customs. Even inside the building itself, I waited just a couple of minutes. After answering the questions, reentered the U.S. with no problem, and had plenty of time to relax at the airport before my flight home.

Overall, the trip was solid. Yeah, I definitely wished I had felt better, but I enjoyed meeting cap and seven, and hopefully we can meet up again sometime this year.


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avatar for justinyoo
2 wks ago

Thanks for the trip report Op! Glad the final day you were able to get in some fun. Like you commented on one of my trip reports I believe, yeah you have to keep track with food. I do a poor job at that myself. The night passes fast because we are looking at so many pretty women, talking and drinking.

avatar for RonJax2
2 wks ago

Thanks for the report OP, it's methadone for my chica addiction.

Glad you put things together at the end of the trip there, sounds like that made it worth it.

avatar for PAFBABS
2 wks ago

OP- IMO quite a very genuine report, based on your personal experience as it really was.I appreciate you sharing it 👍🏻

Kudos to you for still making the best out of this trip and no complaining, coz coming in after an exhausting long flight from Chicago O ‘ Hare will make anyone feel tired. Nonetheless, you made the most out of the trip and I am sure you had a fantastic time 👍🏻

avatar for Jascoi
2 wks ago

Thanks for the report Opillini!

avatar for EastCoaster
2 wks ago

Nice write-up, OP. Can you (or anyone else) explain why "the local police were checking cars on the bridge"? That's something I've never run into here.

avatar for OPIllini96
2 wks ago

@EC: I have heard reports of the local police shaking down gringos for bribes, especially those who use taxis. They stop and search guys, looking for drugs or other illegal substances. That’s why they set up roadblocks.

avatar for captainfun
2 wks ago

Hey OPIllini96. Nice summary of your recent TJ adventures. Cool to see a recap of the whole trip.

Great to hang out with you and Seven and take it all in from club to club.

That one mesera you were chatting up at Chicago Club knocked back a lot of beer in a short period of time.

avatar for seven
1 wk ago

It was a pleasure, thank you for taking the time to write this!

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