What would you do if you found an atomic bomb in a cereal box?

Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
And does the “Lone Ranger Atomic Bomb Ring” count?
Leave it to you damn dirty hairless apes to put polonium 210 in a toy for apelings!
This rick has only one question: how many of these rings did Skifredo eat when he was a child? I mean really, the half-life of polonium 210 may be 138 days, but I’m sure the brain damage you get from ingesting the isotope lasts your whole life. ROAR!!!
Probably isn’t any worse than all the crap they put in food these days for manufacturing and shelf life purposes.
Depends on which cereal it was found in, if it was Frosted Flakes, Tony the Tiger, will have something to say about that.