Cross Shooter's Showgirls off your list for a while

avatar for Rightfield
It seems to have burned down.…


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avatar for mogul1985
2 months ago
Is this what happens when a club is losing money, can't so insurance is all that is left?
avatar for JamesSD
2 months ago
Yeah, unfortunately my mind always goes to arson first, especially if the fire starts in the middle of the night.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
A Greek club owner and a Jewish club owner are sitting in the waiting room for their insurance agent. The Jewish owner asks the Greek, "Why are you here?"
The Greek answers, "My club burned down in the middle of the night. You?"
The Jew responds, "I lost mine in a flood."
The Greek sits thoughtfully for a couple of minutes. He turns to the Jew and asks, "I give up. How do you start a flood?"
avatar for shailynn
2 months ago
When you think about it - how many strip clubs do you know that have burned down over the years? It’s probably a lot for most of us. I’ll never forget one that burned down that was a concrete building. I always thought “how the hell do you burn concrete?”
avatar for Ferdinx
2 months ago
RIP Shooters. Had a lot of fun times there back in the day.
avatar for DandyDan
2 months ago
One I considered going to, but never got to. The Eau Claire area is just a little too far away.
avatar for shadowcat
2 months ago
Yep. Man arrested for arson.

ELK MOUND, Wis. — A man was arrested Tuesday in connection to a fire Saturday morning at a strip club in Elk Mound, Wisconsin.

In a press release, the Dunn County Sheriff's Office said they received calls of the fire just before 5 a.m. on Saturday after motorists on Interstate 94 reported seeing flames. When fire officials arrived they found Shooters Showgirls fully involved.

Seems to me that the second most popular way of destroying strip clubs is to convert them into churches.
avatar for Ferdinx
a month ago
I'll be interested to see which category the suspect falls into:
1- Club owner (or surrogate) angling for insurance payout
2- Disgruntled customer
3- Bible thumper
4- None of the above?
avatar for shadowcat
a month ago
Ferdinx- he claims strip clubs are against his beliefs.
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