Key West club incident

avatar for Meshuggah


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Wow, this guy is a fucking tard, a high functioning one....but a tard.

And I've never been to a club that looks/feels like a house at the entrance.
What did he pay $200 for? VIP that didn’t happen? Clip joint. Sometimes you just got to write it off as a loss.
^ Red Garter , Key West

It's a well known clip joint, a block down from the Southern Most Point marker
avatar for Muddy
2 months ago
I like that customers actually don't take getting ripped off lying down. At the very least make it a pain in the ass for them.

Now on the other hand you gotta be a complete dumbass to flee in Key West unless your Shamu. One road out of there!
avatar for Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
2 months ago
I have to admit, when I read the the video's title, "Gentlemen's Club Refund Request Takes an Unexpected Turn", I thought the guy was going to tell the cops the stripper promised to blow and/or fuck him for that amount, and because she didn't, he wanted his money back. Then, I expected him to be arrested for soliciting prostitution.
That's not Red Garter. Red Garter Saloon is an actual strip club. A little touristy with some ROB's dancers like any other south Florida club, but I wouldn't call it a clip joint at all.

That place is the Key West VIP Gentlemen's Club, and it is 100% a clip joint. They've been robbing people for years. They promise sex in a room for a reasonable price with a decent looking chick. They've got chicks posted up outside on that little balcony like it's Thailand or something. Once you pay, they leave you in a little room for a while, an uglier chick comes in and demands more money to do anything. If you refuse and demand a refund, they try to have you fill out that form saying you asked for and paid for sex and they refused, then they blackmail you with it. If you're walking by, you'll regularly see the cops there doing exactly what was in the first part of this clip.

The stories about that place are pretty legendary to teenagers in the area. Growing up, those stories are actually what kept me from going into strip clubs for a long time, and kept me from doing rooms for a long time after that. I thought all strip clubs were like that.
^ You’re right I get the two mixed up, all the time they’re both on Duval and I’ve never been in either.
There was a video on TUSCL not too long ago that was of the same place in the daytime. A dude was doing the walking Duval with a GoPro schtick and the girl on the balcony got all bent out of shape about being recorded. It seems like that place is a magnet for drama.
In Massachusetts the crime is operating under and he'd have been arrested once he put the key in the ignition.
I do not know the law for certain in Florida, but I have been told that in most places you cannot even be behind the driver's wheel with the keys while intoxicated. A sales rep was telling me how he had unintentionally become too drunk to drive home during a network event. The parking garage attendant helped him push his car into a parking spot in the street (couldn't stay in the garage overnight), where he threw the keys into the backseat where they were inaccessible in case the cops caught him sleeping in his car.
avatar for Iknowbetter
2 months ago
This is how a bad night becomes a really bad night. Sometimes it’s best to know when to accept getting clipped for $200.

I’ve walked past this place many times during the day. It’s across the street from The Butterfly Conservatory (not even ironic for Key West). Girls sit on the front porch and try to lure the tourists in.

I have to admire the patience of the Key West police. They have to deal with a lot of drunken tourists every day of the year. However, this incident occurred during Fantasy Fest, when the really crazy shit goes down.
Brings PL to a whole new level.😆
It’s a hell of a business running a clip joint if you make your money fighting drunks for $200 at a time!
Cops probably get a cut.
I sometimes stay at the southernmost hotel, there’s always something going on at that place, we always walk across the street when we pass that place.
Amazing this place continues to exist.
avatar for rattdog
New York
2 months ago
so in key west if you own a house you can use it to open up a strip/clip joint? how does that work? a dba and/or a license required?
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