
Judge the book by its cover

avatar for CK_ISBAC

I want tips and tricks on finding the right girls at a stripclub.

I don't wanna waste my money on a girl who will demand tips, be a prude, act bitchy, or give me a half assed dance.

Ive meet a few freaks who blew my mind with just a $20 dance, but girls come and go so I almost never see the same girl.

And don't just say

"oh u have to test the waters, get 3 dances"

"Oh, if U want a LDK pay her $500"

"Don't go to stripclubs if U aren't willing to spend 1000"

I go maybe 1-2 times a month if that. I spend Less than $100 each time. That's perfect for me.


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avatar for whodey
3 mos ago

Best advice I can give is read the recent reviews on here of the clubs you are visiting to see which girls they are talking about. Other than that, with a low budget and going too infrequently to get to know the girls and find some favorites it will just be hit or miss.

avatar for Manuellabore
3 mos ago

Yeah. It doesn't work that way

avatar for TheeOSU
3 mos ago

My advice is oh u have to test the waters, get 4 dances, if U want a LDK pay her $600 and don't go to stripclubs if U aren't willing to spend 2000.

Really man, you finish up by saying 'I go maybe 1-2 times a month if that. I spend Less than $100 each time. That's perfect for me'

If you have your 'perfect formula' why are you asking for some vague magical formula for something that has always been YMMV?

avatar for Rightfield
3 mos ago

I am resisting the urge to make smart ass remarks. But it comes down to human interaction. Customers tend to talk with the girls a bit and see if there is some connection.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 mos ago
  1. It helps if you are willing to be the one who commits the crime of solicitation. Say specifically what you want. Much less chance a stripper is an undercover cop than a customer is.
  2. Write reviews, report the ROBs by name. With a dancer you were happy with, don't say more than "Bubbles was very honest about what she would and wouldn't do." It seems many strippers' relationships with their SOs depend on the SO underestimating what she's doing with PLs. You can make a general comment that extras are likely available with certain dancers.

Bottom line, it would take teamwork, and taking one for the team sometimes.

avatar for WiseToo
3 mos ago

Going 1-2 times a month is fine, if you are going to the right kind of club. Read reviews of the clubs in your area and decide which ones, if any, seem promising in satisfying your needs.

The clubs set the atmosphere and the girls will come and go as they work in the club. Focus on being in the right kind of club and not on the girls.

avatar for drewcareypnw
3 mos ago

I think this is the wrong hobby for you. Going 1-2 times per month and spending $100 each time doesn’t give you much opportunity to find great talent. And even if you do, the girls come and go (as you pointed out) so even a known quantity isn’t going to be a sure for long.

avatar for wallanon
3 mos ago

Sometimes you just pick a dud. There was a dancer with a hot body and an old face (cute but old...kinda like turns into a butterface from 5 feet in) who was telling a sob story and said she needed some extra cash last time I was at the club. Her lapdances were ok and getting better before she got called on stage. Cool.

This is a classic MILF gone wild in the VIP routine, right? She was hot enough from most angles to get the job done so I was willing to try her out. I asked her how much she wanted to go to VIP and she flipped out. Yelling. Stood up and tossed her arms around. It was almost funny. Almost. Because I knew where she used to dance it was probably trauma, but if you flip out over a simple question I get to "judge" you.

So she was about to storm off in a huff, but since this is a club I go to occasionally I talked her down and got her to agree to more dances after a break. I said we (she) needed some time to cool off. Later while I was waiting for the new to me dancer I actually wanted she came back around and gave me a playful bump. If she had a better face I might've given her a second chance because I dig crazy, but not that day lol.

The dancer I wanted freed up and she got to watch me spend on a dancer who was working the find-a-daddy angle but worth paying to find out what she's down for.

avatar for From978
3 mos ago
  1. I've been doing this for thirty years, and I still get scammed occasionally. There are few guarantees in this market.

  2. I read your only review; it sounds to me like you've solved the basics. Just have fun, and think of the bad dances as tuition.

  3. High turnover can mean a lot of things. (a) She's trying another club, so start a conversation with "Wow, thanks, I really want to see you again.". (b) She's not as good as you thought, and she's out of the business. Nothing you can or should do. (c). She needs $13,750 to liquidate a debt, and then she will quit. You can either enjoy it while it lasts, or ride to the rescue and move into permanent OTC status.

avatar for humblepatron01
3 mos ago

The eternal quest for the sure shot. You're in Canada so I'm not privy to that region's pricing but if $100 works for you then great, but most places in the US, you'd struggle to get more than 3 single song dances after paying admission and a drink. You hate to hear it, but money is one of, if not, the strongest factor it determining the level of fun you can possibly have at a club. Like in gambling (which this is a form of in some respects, lol), having enough cash helps you weather the bad runs to keep you solvent long enough to find the good dancers. You can get lucky and, like you mentioned, find good value immediately. However, usually you gotta go thru a few trials first. You can improve your edge by utilizing TUSCL. You can also lookout for other qualitative factors. For example, how's their stage dance (i.e. do they get up close and personal at the rail or pretend you dont exist)? When they sit with you, are they standoff-ish or do they get close and touchy? When in the front room dance, do they just go with the flow or are they more clinical/business like in their dealings? So many things to look out for, but with time and more club visits, you get a feel for who MIGHT be better dancers...and you'll still be dissapointed from time to time despite the stars appearing to align. After all, these dancers are salespeople so expect many to attempt to optimize of their money:effort ratio. Good luck man.

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