Donald Trump is Hot for Arnold Palmer’s Dong!
This oughta help his campaign! If anyone had any reservations before, I’m sure they’re confident he’s presidential now.
This oughta help his campaign! If anyone had any reservations before, I’m sure they’re confident he’s presidential now.
last comment....and he dances to YMCA...
Somebody take grandpa's keys away before he heads down to the gay bar... again.
Somebody take grandpa's keys away
It's become painfully obvious that neither our sitting president Joe Biden or presidential candidate Donald Trump are mentally capable of holding the highest office in the nation
Trump has all the signs of dementia.
Rambling, incoherent speech (listen to an entire speech, not just sound bites)
Forgetting names
Inability to tell fact from fantasy
Aggressive, hostile behavior
Not the type of person to put in charge of the world's most powerful military or to manage an economy.
^Except that he sounds sharper than the giggler and stolen valor combined.
^ You must get a different channel than I do, on my tvs he’s just a totally demented old man who looks like he shit his pants
...sounds sharper... ummmm.... seriously.. what color is the sky on your planet?
that's it.. I am doing a 39 minute lapdance for skibum... to ava maria... except I am just going to stand there, swaying side to side... drooling a little bit...
Here's a hint... if you wouldn't take that from a stripper... why would you accept it from the guy you want to be president?
@25 - Tim Walz always looks like he's constipated and trying to push out a log.
^ You would never do a lap dance for me. I don't want Trump to be President. I want anyone other than a fucking progressive to be president. Wouldn't even let a progressive cut my lawn.
Trump prefaced his AP remarks by pointing out that he "loves women".
So, "no homo, man"
As for me, I've already purchased put options on tea and lemon futures. I expect plummeting demand at 19th holes across for the refreshing drink named after the famed golfer
Melania keeps begging waiters and bartenders for an Arnold Palmer now with a wink.
Yo Manuellaboreape, you know what the Arnold Palmer drink needs? Some frickin’ Jack. And leave out the damn tea and lemonade. Nobody wants that shit in their Jack. ROAR!!!
This lion is going to be serious for a moment. Grrlgonebad asked a question on the political side of TUSCL about why America can’t be united. I’ll tell you why America can’t be united: constant online political discussions.
This tread is a great example. Trump did something objectively funny. A dude commenting on a dead guys dong is frickin’ weird. And frickin’ funny.
Actually, Trump has done two really weird and funny things recently. I mean really, eschewing questions at a Q&A so you dance to multiple versions of Ave Maria is weird. And funny. And dancing to YMCA at the same event is funnier. Only thing that would have made it even funnier is if he requested some ABBA. Just imagine Trump doing his “I’m jackin’ two guys off at once” dance while leading the audience in a sing-along to Waterloo. That’s some funny shit right there!
But here’s the thing: some people, like Skifredo, are frickin’ idiots who can’t just take a step back and have a laugh. Maybe you think Trump was just joking. Many folks are concerned that he’s not, but whatever… Maybe you’re a worried he is losing it but figure he’ll be forced out and Vance will be president. Or you’re worried he’s losing it but figure he won’t do much damage if elected. Hell, maybe you think Trump really has lost it and it will change your vote. Or you were planning to vote against him regardless. I can respect anybody who has any of those opinions. But I can’t respect anybody who doesn’t think the shit he pulled was funny.
Obsessively posting about politics drives you insane. Just look at Skifredo. And Gamma. They’re nutjobs. I’m not saying that because they’re conservative. I’m sayin’ that because they’re both obsessed dinguses.
A normal, non-obsessed person (or felid) might read the comment and go “yeah…sounds like grandpa loves a dead guy’s dong…that is funny.” Maybe they’d also post thread on the political board speculating about whether Trump has lost it. And that will elicit the usual band of idiots to post “nuh uh has not gone nut” and “has to gone nuts” and frankly I don’t see why that’s fun, but whatever…
Anyhoo, the ability to post about politics whenever has caused some people (dinguses) to develop an obsession with posting every pointless moronic thought they have about politics.
I don’t know if Skifredo and Gamma etc. started out this way, or if the ability to post about politics all the frickin’ time caused them to be become this way. But they’re sad figures. I’m mean really, Fredo can’t just take a step back and think “yeah, that was weird…and funny…I’ll just have a laugh”. What the fuck is wrong with him?
Urrr…I mean…ROAR!!! 🦁 🦁 🦁
Fucking LOL. MAGA dances for MAGA types... can we make this a national trend this week?
Definitely make sure to toss the "I'm jerking off two dudes at once" dance in the mix every once in a while.
Hahahahaha trump loves jerking off two male ghosts at the same time!
@rickthe Lion
Hell to the yeah
Don’t forget to drool on the Arnold Palmer when you do the I’m jerking two dudes off dance
^Your taste in human beings is despicable. Progressive cunts seem to be your jerk-off material Mr. Progressive.
^ sticks and stones motherfucker
Who the fuck is Skifredo talkin’ about when he uses the plural “human beings”?
He should, at the very least said “your taste in human beings (aka hairless apes) and felids is despicable.”
He’s wrong because most felids are cool as shit. And I’m a rick so I’m like cool squared. But he shouldn’t call me a damn dirty ape. Shit like that makes me wanna go all wildebeest on his ass. ROAR!!!
“…should, at the very least, have said…”
Imma hit the road for Cupertino. I need to put the fear of lion 🦁 into the Apple engineers so they make an iPad that a lion can operate without frickin’ typos! Now where is my drivin’ whiskey? ROAR!!
Talking that long about the size of a dead man's dong is weird
Can I get in on that double dick jerkoff action?
Here you go CJ!
Now that's funny 😄
I don't even want to know what the top Google search phrases have looked like here
Is the owner of this maga or something? They took down the YouTube video of Donald double jerking!
Oh whoops my bad. Hit the wrong button!
"on my tvs he’s just a totally demented old man who looks like he shit his pants", no 25, that's your mirror. Take your sippy cup and go back to bed.
^weirdo is such a jealous troll
Sticks and stones motherfucker? Fuck you bitch. Have a coronary when Trump wins asshole.
I don’t think he’s going to pull it off. All of this shit isn’t helping. Most voters don’t want to know what he thinks of Arnold Palmer’s elephant dong. And it’s a reminder that Trump has a button mushroom shaped shrinky dink.
Jon Stewart actually said something funny, " I'm not here to fact check Trump, but Arnold Palmer is not 'all man' . He's half-lemonade."
The difference if it was a democrat who had 3 wives, paid off porn stars, or wore orange make up, or talked about dicks, or called a women shit the right would have a melt down. People talk about Trump because he is unstable and wants to be talked about.
Democrats do have three wives, pay off porn stars, wear make-up and talk about penises and the right don't melt down. That is a normal press conference for lefties.
'Donald Trump is Hot for Arnold Palmer’s Dong!'
'trump loves jerking off two male ghosts at the same time!'
'Here you go CJ!'
'They took down the YouTube video of Donald double jerking!'
'Arnold Palmer’s elephant dong.'
'Trump has a button mushroom shaped shrinky dink'
After reading all of this it seems that OP's obsessed with Palmer's and Trump's dongs.
I wouldn't be surprised if he gets dick pics from cj.
They're definitely like minded including their overt Trump obsessions.
Democrats are obsessed with dongs, namely cutting them off, hormonally shrinking them, and crafting them onto people not meant to have them.
Wait I thought Democrats were all homos who wanted to suck dongs?
Please make up your mind.
JamesSD meet Lyndsey Graham.