Why You Should Digitize and Encrypt All of Your Monger Media...Like Today

Funny how the article was written to make it sound like anything other revenge against a dead dad and carelessly doxxxing complete strangers. Here's a quote from the article, "Caroline Furneaux was surprised and beguiled by the pictures of anonymous women she found among her late father's 35mm slides. She turned them into a book, 'The Mothers I Might Have Had.'"
Maybe I'll write a book about someone I don't know and call it "Caroline Furneaux is a Cunt".
last commentThere’s quite a bit of truth to that.
We've already seen one of the more prolific members on TUSCL get linked to his true name after he passed away. Most of what had been posted here was jokey and not to be taken seriously, but some of it clearly talked about what he was into IRL. Just have a plan is what I'm saying, because you don't want to leave it to strangers (or even friends and family) to be discreet with your hobby archive when you die.
Let's just be clear... NONE of you guys should ever run for governor of North Carolina.
Just sayin'....
^ but POTUS isn’t out of the question yet.
As a complete aside, my biggest problem with "NUDE AFRICA" is that the site uses... COMIC SANS font... and worse, does not kern (adjust the spaces between the letters) correctly between the N and the U.... WTF... literally any basic grapics tool will do that for COMIC SANS... (it is a TrueType font that automatically does that!). How cheap and lazy does a site have to be to make THAT their logo?!?!
Okay okay... rant over...
Typical millennial ( or whatever the fuck you call them) She didn’t do the work of these photos, or have the experience or get the consent…. but hey…..’ I can take the credit AND make some free money from it.’ I’m sure she blames her Dad for all the fucked up things in her life too.
No one is as anonymous as they think. And malicious attempts at doxxing by some unhinged members on here is the norm.
As far as after death. Who cares. If something embarrasses you so much dont do it
Whoever decided to resurrect the Icee character you can retire the troll account anytime. It wasn't missed and the people who know who they are shouldn't have Beetlejuiced it back into existence.
"As far as after death. Who cares. If something embarrasses you so much dont do it"
So that people who might actually not have the capacity to understand get some help, what we do (at least some of us) might affect more than just ourselves. Whatever the reason is, if you've got stuff you'd like to stay confidential it should be that way all the time because you might not get the chance to slash and burn it.
It's been explained twice now two different ways. That's all I have to say on it.
Wallanon basically youre just saying you dont want your family finding out you're addicted to paying hookers for sex. Thats your problem. Saying youd rather take ridiculous measures to hide it rather than to work on yourself. Is also your problem.
And speaking of Beetlejuice Im seeing it tonight lulz
"Saying youd rather take ridiculous measures to hide it rather than to work on yourself. Is also your problem."
So this is a discussion forum. Something came across in the news that got brought up for discussion, and someone who's decided they want to masquerade as a dusted TUSCLer decided to try and be provocative.
Whatever "my" situation might be, it's handled. Always has been. And hasn't been shared, so if what you've imagined is ridiculous to you that's perfectly alright. The article was just something obvious to point out for those who might not have their house in order.
"If something embarrasses you so much dont do it" As a person who has professionally done things that are "illegal" in most jurisdictions in the United States, there are plenty of reasons to not want just anyone to go through my digital footprint while still living. "Embarassment" is so much as I don't want to have a trail of things that can link me to certain business transactions...
I am 100% okay with everything I have ever done... on a personal moral level... I am not ashamed of it... (in fact, I am rather proud of it!)... but that does not mean I want others poking around in my business...
"Saying youd rather take ridiculous measures to hide it rather than to work on yourself. Is also your problem."
While no one is ever going to arrest me for anything I have done... (When they start arresting me, they have already finished with the "real" crimes) ... I do make a promise to maintain privacy of others.. if someone were to go through some of my digital trail, you might find things that would break that trust... That is unacceptable to me.... my word is worthless if I don't protect my customers... from whatever reason they ask for discretion. I don't ask why they do.. it does not matter... If they do, they do...
In your narrow understanding of this issue, you might think Wallanon is ashamed of himself... or his actions... personal convictions.. or... something.. I am not sure why you would even think this beyond coming up with some spurious attack to try and agitate him on some level.
While he does not need me to defend him, I certainly will defend his understanding of his own morals, ethics... and actions... If he wants to hide his digital trail, it is for his own reasons... that are well beyond what others (everyone who isn't him) need to know... I will say this though... I know it is not because he is ashamed of who he is... beyond that, what does it matter?
Icey is a joyless, dishonest, cretin.
icee is also one of dougster's multiple alias accounts lulz
Wallanon. You think you can attack me then act butthurt when I reply. I didnt provoke anything. You take offense to everything and have shame about nothing. Thats also your problem
^ The only member here who has ever intentionally doxed anyone is Icey who did a paste and copy on the private members only VIP page, for which he got banned the second or third time for. The foxing of Juice, was unintentional and there was no malicious intent.
"The foxing of Juice, was unintentional and there was no malicious intent."
This is accurate. The doxxing was done out of thoughtless ignorance, but still ended up as a public post that sat around online for however many hours until founder noticed/was contacted and removed it. Like the guy from the article, that wasn't an abstract hypothetical it's something that actually happened.
The thread was to simply show what can happen when some box of old slides (or whatever it may be) ends up sitting there after the person who gave them meaning leaves. Per the usual there was a misguided attempt to turn it into a personal critique, but it's worth the annoyance to talk about the artifacts of a private life being put on display.
It's also worth a little forethought on how you want your mementos handled when it's time. No, I'm not going to take the time to rewrite that last sentence...
^ I wasn’t critical of anyone except for the one poster that went out of their way to be malicious, shit happens and it’s on you to protect your own privacy or not as you choose. The issue was created by someone who’s been banned several times and has intentionally weaponized the internet to share his personal miserable existence.
No one's commented on the fact that these women are all quite attractive. This dude lived a good life, lol.
Either way, I agree with @wallanon and @grrlgonebad that there are numerous reasons discretion is important and valuable in this hobby. One thing no one has commented on here is the privacy of the women involved here. They might well not have wanted to be part of these shenanigans, and it does appear like they gave their consent for their images to be used in this way.
The juice thing was pathetic. He blew his money gambling and on hookers and left people begging for donations for his kids.
Its a real cautionary tale for this site
I hadn’t read this post/story and then on my commute they were taking about a story in Canada. @wall, I see your old random slides and raise you a widow discovering her husband fucked hookers for years while on business trips and catalogued all his porn.
And she’s written a book about it. That’ll make you think.
“The industrial scale of Sean's infidelity and obsession, perpetrated over so many years, is revealed in Jessica's extraordinary new book, 'The Widow's Guide to Dead Bastards'.“
This is going to take more than one reply...she ate his motherfucking ashes...
...so, what's to be taken out of this Jessica's Dead Bastard situation? Let's see, how about a Dos and Don'ts: All Don'ts edition?
Bonus Don't:
Don't shop for hoes online. This is why. This is why. Go directly to VIP. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Spend it on strippers. You're welcome lol...
"He poured his heart into everything: his work, his hobbies, and the people that he met along the way."
In memory of Sean Waite. Infamous and no longer nameless in the Tomb of the Unknown TUSCLer. Wherever you are, it's not cool that's what left of your body got stirred up with dog shit in your old yard and pinched out of your bitter widow's ass.
so instead of protecting the memory her son had of a loving father, she shits all over him after he's dead. not saying that she wasn't wronged here, but what a selfish bitch.