
So Nothing on Nude Africa or RFK Jr/ Olivia Nuzzi?

We've got prominent men getting themselves jammed because of illicit sex-related stuff. That seems like it is at least ancillary if not adjacent to the core mission of this site


  • mogul1985
    10 days ago
    The question is, how do we know these are hoaxes like we've seen so many? It's always like 10 or more years ago it happened.
  • JayTeeDee
    10 days ago
    "(Mark) Robinson listed his full name on his profile for Nude Africa, as well as an email address he used on numerous websites across the internet for decades." Dumbass.
  • mogul1985
    10 days ago
    And we've had all kinds of propaganda and forged information. Digital content can he easily spoofed, and people take it hook line and sinker. Do I need to list the number fake "proof" we've seen over the past 10 years. Just odd this all comes out just before an election. Not a year ago, not 5 years ago, 2 months before an election. I have no idea if this is real or propaganda. The timing just says a lot.
  • jaybud999
    10 days ago

    I totally hear you. The moon landing was faked, ask Buzz Aldrin will tell you. Also, verify the earth is flat with Elon Musk.....he "says" he's working with rockets and stuff. I think it's just cover for Russian missile technology.....since they're testing while Russia is invading Ukraine. Not 5 years ago, but right now....so clearly, something's up. Timings weird, even with all the data to back it up.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 days ago
    With the Nude Africa thing, like with the Access Hollywood thing with Trump, it seems super suspicious that it didn't come out before the primary election, let alone so close to the general election. And the evidence against Robinson is less conclusive. If rickthelion actually turns out to be Tim Walz, I wouldn't think he actually claimed to be a lion. Nor would I care much in general.

    Robinson says he meant that people such as Nazis need to be killed, which doesn't seem particularly controversial.

    Calling non-straight people filth is much more a real issue. Very flimsy, his trying to claim it was his way of saying he doesn't want kids exposed to sexual topics too young. In any case., all you need to know is he supports someone who wants to pardon traitors.
  • mogul1985
    10 days ago
    And Biden taking showers with his 12 year old daughter recorded in her diary and sniffing little girls is also fake.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 days ago
    The groping stuff with Biden was pretty credible, somehow just got forgotten.
  • Hank Moody
    9 days ago
    It is right to be cynical and ask questions. Ignoring the answers when they are right in front of you is fucking stupid.
  • Studme53
    9 days ago
    Profession liars in the “intelligence community” aka deep swamp signed their names to a Biden campaign document saying Hunter Biden’s laptop had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation. Fucking liars. FBI had the laptop for a year prior and quickly confirmed it’s authenticity
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    When old cases are prosecuted its because there is evidence and usually unrelated crimes are found as well
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 days ago
    This thread would be a great fit for the "Political Discourse" forum.
  • Hank Moody
    9 days ago
    Pretty funny that NC nominated this jackass for governor and it’s not his three bankruptcies, failure to pay federal income tax for years or his antisemitism that will cost him the election, but rather his commenting on a porn forum exposing his private lusts for tranny sex. He should run as a democrat. He’d be a hero.
  • mogul1985
    9 days ago
    Yup, this belonged in the Politics Discussion section.

    "The groping stuff with Biden was pretty credible, somehow just got forgotten." It was chosen to be swept away by the MSM; had this been Trump they'd be 24x7. Catering to their viewers, all of them, is way too common. People tune into what the desire to hear.

    This is why I really like the All In pod, it doesn't cater nor does it run advertisements as they don't want to be beholdin' to them plus the 4 can afford to do this.
  • mogul1985
    9 days ago
    "When old cases are prosecuted its because there is evidence and usually unrelated crimes are found as well"

    Show me the man and I'll show you the crime. Political prosecutions and accusation are dug up when the opponents think they can make hay.

    During the Trump/Harris debate, the inquisitors did 5 "fact checks" on Trump that were found to be incorrect at the time and the next day, and yet Harris wasn't "fact checked" when she clearly spewed her researched taking points. "Project 2025" and "fine people" were the most obvious the Dems still preach.
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    Mogul. Theres no case with no crime. Criminal prosecution is tedious and meticulous work.

    Every single comment you make is just a right wing conspiracy fueled rant.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 days ago
    If it's OK for Republicans to call Democrats Marxists, it's much more OK to scoff at Trump's disavowals of Project 2025. The people behind it clearly don't believe the disavowals. If they did, they'd shut it down, or turn it into Project 2029. If you want to claim they're dumb, then why did Trump put all those dumb people in important positions in his administration?

    Suppose, on December 8th 1941, FDR had public said there were fine people in both Japan and the US. Everyone would have concluded he either had fascist sympathies, or he was way way way too stupid to be President.
  • Puddy Tat
    9 days ago
    @ilbbaicnl - horrible comparison. Are you comparing the bombing that killed 2,000+ American servicemen to a bunch of alt-righters that Trump said "should be condemned entirely"? Jesus H Christ on a popsicle stick.

    You can accept Trump's disavowal of Project 2025 because he did nothing like that in his first time. It's why all the "dictator" and "fascist" shit rings hollow, because it didn't happen in his first term.
  • mogul1985
    9 days ago
    Let's say he secretly supports P2025. What did he do in his first 4 years that was P2025. Now, let's look at what Harris has done as a DA, AG, Senator and VP, then what she is saying now. Harris is a lying rat-fuck son of a bitch who grew-up not exactly like the "middle-class" she espouses. And, she has no clue how to be a leader, even her staff has had over90% turnover. She'll just be a swap for Brandon and saying/signing what she is told - just a Tool for The Machine.

    How does one go from not even one delegate vote and the first to drop out, calling the to-be Dem Candidate a racist, getting to VP then slides on in as the 2024 Dem Candidate? If she is so good, why does illegal immigration, inflation, crime and economy SUCK THE BIG ONE? I give you the New Shiny Tool that even flies wouldn't touch. If she is so sharp, supports a new generation and the best the Dems have to put-up, she needs to do a non-traditional interview, even debate, on the All In Podcast for 60 minutes - no notecards, no teleprompter, with or without Trump, in-studio/not Zoom. For get the MSM or cable as we all know they have a clear agenda.
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    Mogul. The state of the country. And problems whether perceived or real are not the fault of the vice president.

    Also, she was a very conservative DA and attorney general
  • Puddy Tat
    9 days ago
    ^ Yeah, not like she's not second in command of the most powerful country in the world. Lulz. That's a dumb statement even for you.
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    If the VP is so great and powerful why arent you fan boying Spence 🤡
  • Puddy Tat
    9 days ago
    ^ Did that comment make sense in your head?

    The border isn't the fault of the VP loudly tasked with leading it?
  • Hank Moody
    9 days ago
    The VP has one very important power, according to Trump she gets to pick the winner of the election on January 6, 2025.
  • Icey
    9 days ago
  • TheeOSU
    9 days ago
    dougster, Lulz
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 days ago
    By the same logic, you could say, in 1938, Hitler's been Chancellor for 5 years, if he was going to start a war, he would have done it already.

    Personally, I don't think Trump has any true policy goals. He's worried about the court cases against him. They may all get resolved, and then his second term could be OK, like the pre-COVID part of his first term. The thing is, he's only going to appoint people to executive offices who are dishonest or delusional enough to assert there is proof the 2020 election was stolen. Hard to see how he can do that, without his administration being dominted by people who also support P2025.
  • mogul1985
    9 days ago
    "The thing is, he's only going to appoint people to executive offices who are dishonest or delusional enough to assert there is proof the 2020 election was stolen."

    2020 is ancient history. Hillary still believes she was cheated in 2016 as she got the popular vote yet Trump got 304 Electorals and she got 227. When she conceded she wore purple and black, colors of a martyr as she viewed herself - Bill did same. It's no wonder the Dem States support the National Popular Vote Compact even though it will raise Constitutional issues as an Interstate Compact, and they also support Ranked Choice Voting. Only Dem controlled states support these. The Dems treat the 2ndA and Electoral College like a baby treats a diaper.

    One needs to ask why you need an ID for all aspects of life EXCEPT for illegals going thru TSA and for voting; the Dems and a handful of RINOs voted down the Budget and Save Act (Voter ID) while a super majority of Americans want Voter ID. I've been over this multiple times.

    I have no reason to believe 4 more years of Trump will be different than his 1st 4 years, save for 2020/COVID-19. And, I do believe he'll have much better people and he won't be controlled by a GOP Machine,

    What we have now in the WH is really the worse since Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan (both Dems) who ignited the Civil War. We've had some bad POTUSs from all Parties, however these Tools (Harris/Biden) are just talking heads being told what to say and where to sign.

    And no, I would not support Pence if he was running in the Primary. And, a strawman like this is moot as Trump was going to be the GOP nominee. I did think DeSantis had the best shot however he shot himself in the foot.
  • rickmacrodong
    9 days ago
    The very fine people comment, from my understanding, was Trump referring to the fact regular people were also in attendance, not just neo nazis or extreme leftists.

    Which makes sense, and it’s important to draw the distinction. If every right wing protester is a neo nazi then you can also say every left wing protester is lighting buildings on fire like some of the BLM people were.
  • Puddy Tat
    8 days ago
    "By the same logic, you could say, in 1938, Hitler's been Chancellor for 5 years, if he was going to start a war, he would have done it already."

    Lol. HiTlEr. Or we could say that Harris being VP and not causing a nuclear holocaust doesn't mean she won't next term. Or does that not fit when it's your preferred party? Get real, man.
  • mogul1985
    8 days ago
    ^ Spot on!

    BTW, Hitler has 100% control of the media, compared to all the SM, digital video, Internet and cable.
  • mogul1985
    8 days ago
    Hitler HAD that is
  • ilbbaicnl
    8 days ago
    Voter ID laws are a problem for who have been left behind by the modern world. They don't have the money to buy a car or take a plane t trip. When voter ID laws are passed, not bundled with provisions that establish and fund offices to help people without cars get ID, the intent is clearly voter suppression.

    The closest the Dems came to comparable claims of voting fraud was this: https://web.archive.org/web/200806071407… . It's full of specific allegations, which can be confirmed or refuted. Whereas, with Trump and those in his employ, it's an endless cycle of spurious allegations and refutations. Maybe the Dems who came closest to matching what Trump is doing were the ones on the FL Supreme Court in 2020. Who ordered a recount just of Dade County, not for the whole state.

    To turn the tables, what specifically are the big dangers of a Harris Administration? If you say Facebook censorship, why can't people solve that by switching to Truth Social or the website formerly known as Twitter? Let's give her the same pass you're giving Trump, that she won't do anything worse than Biden did.

    Do you really feel fine about going back to this? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/close-1…
  • Puddy Tat
    8 days ago
    ^ I feel like going back to inflation-free growth, peace, and a controlled border.

    Not "forward" to censorship of any tech that gets too big (you remember what they did to Gab and Parler??), a president and VP who say the constitution doesn't mean exactly what it says, sucking Iran's cock and balls, more Russian invasions like under Biden, even more drunken sailor spending

    Do you really think she's turned all her 2019 hard left positions magically in an election year? Bernie Sanders doesn't.

    Of course the lefties here have snark ass answers like "no one's censoring you here" as if an obscure message board is equivalent to a social media platform with 2 billion users.

    "Joy" my fat ass.
  • TheeOSU
    8 days ago
    'Voter ID laws are a problem for who have been left behind by the modern world. They don't have the money to buy a car or take a plane t trip.'

    Our resident creepy weirdo idiot illbacon adds to his resume of idiotic proclamations. The well worn liberal talking point is easily disproved.

    People can get an official state ID at most state BMV/DMV locations and they are easier to obtain than a driver's license (no driving required!) So they have to jump through a couple hoops like actually show up with their ss card etc as we all do when we deal with government agencies or should we proclaim them exempt and special and hand deliver pre-made ID cards directly to their residences?
    Maybe we can install voting machines in their homes too so they don't have to get off the couch and put their shoes on? Any other ideas to pander to the supposed disenfranchised complainers?
  • wld4tatas
    8 days ago
    Still whining about Facebook lol........ try to get over it

    Actually, PT probably doesn't really care about whether Facebook censored misinformation or hate speech on it's platform. It's just part of the right wing narrative he has to promulgate daily across the many political discussion forums he posts in.
  • Puddy Tat
    7 days ago
    ^ Hmm, what was I just saying about snide answers. Try to imagine Donald Trump with the same censorship powers as you seem to think are a good thing.
  • Hank Moody
    7 days ago
    Steering back to Mark Robinson, the story has only gotten more credible. This has the potential to cost Trump North Carolina, the first republican to lose a NC statewide election in 30 years I think, though I don’t believe that will happen.

    - the posts were tied to an email address and user name that Robinson used on public sites to do reviews like Amazon and model train sites

    - the posts are 10-12 years old

    - despite being strongly pro-life, he’s admitted to paying for an abortion in the late 1980’s for his then girlfriend, now wife

    - most of his campaign staff has quit and Trump didn’t invite him and didn’t mention him in his NC rallies since the story broke

    - Politico reported that the posts were made from an IP address near his then residence

    - The Republican Governors Assn has cut off his funding

    - the Harris campaign is bombarding NC with commercials showing Trump praising him

    Yet, while denying those posts were his, Robinson hasn’t sued CNN for libel or slander. Oh, and somehow those posts that weren’t his were somehow deleted from the Nude Africa site.
  • mogul1985
    7 days ago
    ^ Well then, charge-up Ole Sparky then. Why waste time in a trial.

    I still just find it really odd, 10-12 year old info pops up now. If he did all this, yeah, it's bad.

    And yet, all the videos and statements from Harris the past 5 years are all moot, she never got even 1 Delegate, was first to drop out and was put-down by the Dems when Biden said he was going for re-election - then POOF a middle-class chick is qualified to be POTUS. And even worse, her actions that are all swept under the rug "nothing to see here" as the new Mamala Harris is created. Yeah.
  • Muddy
    7 days ago
    Look what these motherfuckers are doing Mayor Adams because he didn't tow the company of welcoming the migrants (that his city will foot the entire bill, of course) they set you up to begin with, as they do all politicians who work for them, and if you don't do what they say, they got you, they pull your card. That's how the game works. These are the bad guys, wake the fuck up America. I don't care that Trump is asshole, at least he isn't THEM. This establishment globalist, marxist totalitarian blob. (But hey neocon swamp creature #1 Dick Cheney endorsed them, so they must be ok) Today it's bs totally political charges against Trump, Eric Adams and tomorrow it's you and me. It won't ever stop.
  • mogul1985
    6 days ago
    ^ Adams and Dems: Tigers just eating their young. At least Adams isn't in New Guinea like Biden's uncle, for real.

    As Muddy said, the Dems are rolling out Lawfare as NY has weakened support for once solid Dems. Hochul is not doing so great. Adams stepped off the Plantation and this is how the Dems deal. NYC is the key to Dems NY stronghold has they have the mass population to control the state.

    If Adams and his cronies are crooked, no surprise, it's NYC, the home of Tammany Hall, de Blasio whose machine has no idea where $800M went he gave his wife's non-profit, and so on. Had Adams not done what he did, the Dem Machine would allow whatever he is accused of to slide. Look how far Pauli Pelosi the Oracle of San Fran is allowed to trade on Nancy's "crystal ball". And Senator Menendez (D-NJ) was given air cover for a LONG time until it was clear he had to go.

    "Give me the man and I will give you the case against him." Stalin's Soviet Secret Police Andrey Vyshinsky.
  • Hank Moody
    6 days ago
    I get that we’ve all become conditioned to question sources from the other side of the political spectrum. For example, questioning the timing of the Robinson revelations. No doubt CNN dropped it when it would attract clicks, but why else would anyone investigate the Lt Gov of NC, a largely ceremonial position that is not tied in any way to the governorship? They just started digging on this guy and what they found is substantial. His own party is deserting him. That’s pretty solid.

    As for Adams, as a former NYer I was glad to see if the city was going to elect a dem, at least he was a former cop. I lived in NY when Giuliani cleaned up the city and it was a big deal. The stuff about Adams not actually living in the city during his campaign was a bit off putting, but if he cleaned up the city, who cares? Living in manhattan is expensive. The corruption rumors in his administration started swirling almost immediately. My guess is one of the other indicted or cooperating targets ratted on Adams to save their own skin. Mayer there’s nothing to it, but read the indictment before condemning it as lawfare. The feds are pretty careful with indictments. Could he have been targeted? Sure. But did he commit a crime? Let’s find out what the feds said he did first.
  • Hank Moody
    6 days ago
    “Maybe” there’s nothing to it… damn edit button.
  • ilbbaicnl
    6 days ago
    So mogul, what's your conspiracy theory about why Andrew Cuomo was taken down? I guess the accusations against him were worse than Biden's groping. Although I don't think he was caught on camera or in public like Biden was. Also, why did the libtard New York Times take down Elliot Spitzer?

    It's my general impression that the elites (MAGA or not) work on a blood in, blood out basis. You have to get your hands dirty to get in. We saw the blood out with Epstein.
    Resulting in a mutual assured destruction situation that protects them. The prosecutions of Trump seem to prioritize pressuring him out of politics. Seems too big of a coincidence that the one that actually went to trial has little chance of resulting in jail time. If Trump is really the white knight who will clean all this up, why did be pardon Blagojevich?

    At the core, MAGA and the Tea Party are one in the same. They fear the demographic changes that will make whites merely a plurality rather than a majority. They think it less dangerous to collapse the current political structure, in hopes of replacing it with a new structure that will prioritize white power over democracy. But the elites realize the demographic change, in the grand scheme, will be a nothing burger. Just as the much feared end of the Germanic Protestant majority was.

    A minority of supporters of either Biden or Harris see them as moral examples. Most see them as part of another agenda. Mine is to not go from mediocre to awful.
  • Hank Moody
    6 days ago
    Indictment alleges Adams took money from Turkish government during his election campaign, used it to get marching funds and conspired to conceal the source. Then, after he was elected the Turkish government was trying to open a consulate building that wouldn’t pass fire inspection so Adams called the fire chief who had said Adams threatened his job if he didn’t pass the building. The fire chief approved the fire inspection even though the building should not have passed. Feds still have to prove it, but if true, that’s bribery and putting people at risk in a potentially unsafe building.
  • Hank Moody
    6 days ago
    “Matching” funds not “marching” damn autocorrect
  • Puddy Tat
    6 days ago
    @ilbbaicnl - wow, you're on a straw man torching spree.

    Trump rebuffed Epstein; he was a Clinton darling. There's no "blood out" for Epstein save for some cockamamie conspiracy theories.

    Calling MAGA/Tea Party "white supremacist" is also an unsubstantiated slur. Trump did better among blacks in 2020 than he did in 2016. If he was such a white supremacist and spent 4 years enacting white supremacist policies, why did this happen?

    The "racist" slur is like an old antibiotic; it's been overused to the point that it has no effect. Not to mention I just showed it's bullshit. Demographic changes are what the left brags about, going back to The Emerging Democratic Majority and Obama's Coalition of the Ascendant.

    Me, I'm part of the "browning of America" with half a family of Latin immigrants who came here legally and treasure American values. Hardly "threatened" by it. My family--even on my "white" side--faced their share of racism and exclusion. But they saw something special in American values.

    It's the Democrats who are dividing America, along race, gender, and sexual orientation. Race relations were BETTER BEFORE BLM and the way some people saw opportunity in division. Give me the party that doesn't shit on the notion of a unified America.

    "There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs."

    - Booker T. Washington
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    Why would the turkish government need him? Whats the purpose
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    Ilbbaicnl you dont know what you’re talking about. MAGA nor republicans are white supremacist as a whole. The reason white supremacists voted for them more often than not was solely because of their anti immigrant policies. A white supremacist doesnt want non white people entering the country, but that doesnt mean maga/repubs in general are white supremacist.

    If they were as white supremacist as you claim, they wouldn’t have so many asian, indian, latino and black voters, nor would they be so pro israel. The republicans discriminate on religion and nationality, not on race or ethnicity. The left is more likely to discriminate on race, gender, and career profession. They have a whole bunch of assumptions and beliefs about males, white people, cops, doctors, teachers, government officials, etc. they will attempt to elevate one race above another for instance with BLM, reparations, supporting businesses based on race, making hiring decisions based on race, etc.
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