Club Observations

avatar for Ol School
Ol School
Just a few of my pet peeves. you may agree or not, I really don’t care …
Maybe it’s an age thing but I’m really not into all the tattoos that the dancers are getting. I honestly think it distracts from their beautiful bodies! I have seen so many beautiful ladies with really bad ones. Cigarette breath - That’s the last thing I want to smell on a lady when she stops for a conversation! Carry some breath mints or gum. Better yet, stop smoking!
Cell phones - girls sitting at the bar for hours on their phones, PL’s sitting at the bar on their phones. Are they texting each other? If you’re at a strip club why aren’t you paying attention to the ladies? That’s all for now, have a great weekend!


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avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
I saw a girl next to a guy at Gold Club in Baltimore recently, who was messing with her phone while seated next to a guy who had bought her a drink. He also had a girl on his other side who was conversing with the bartender instead of him. And, both were facing forward, rather than toward him.
avatar for Rod84
6 months ago
re: "I’m really not into all the tattoos"

I hear ya. As the BJ/Piano Man himself croons, "Don't go changing to try and please me." and "We love you just the way you are."

Ditto for all the injections and implants. I think any 9 out of 10 PLs prefer soft natural breasts, butts, and lips. Pretty much any size works so long as healthy and height/weight proportionate. There's always that one weird dude though, who says, "I want big tits no matter what." I advise dancers to ignore him.
Boomer here. Love the tattoos, at least the well done ones. Piercings too. There's something about a girl who likes pain that turns me on.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Georg not everyone is a dominant bdsm guy like you
The tattoo's don't really impact me either way. I see them on some girls and I think it works for them and looks good, some girls have some that detract from their beauty, but the majority fall in between where I really couldn't care less.

Cigarette breath I find to be much, much, much less of an issue the past few years with the rise in popularity in vaping and the normalization of weed. I can't remember the last time I saw a stripper smoke an actual cigarette, its probably literally been years. I've seen a rise in bad breath, but I think its because the cigarette smoke isn't there to cover it up anymore.

Phones are another one I could go either way on. I know I'll sometimes check my phone, often times I'm at the club during work hours and a few little 5 minute breaks to read and respond to some messages keeps work progressing and shit from piling up. I'll also look at my phone to kill time if the girls on stage are uninteresting and I don't have a girl at my table. In that case I'm not interested in my phone particularly, but rather I'm disinterested in the fat and or ugly bitch on stage; without my phone I'd be watching the TV or noticing the dust buildup or otherwise engaged some equally pointless and mindless activity.

For the girls on phones, sure I've been disappointed to see a hottie sitting on her phone instead of on my lap, but I mostly am understanding. It's gotta be emotionally taxing to deal with the extremes of constant rejection or adoration, and they're not paid hourly, so I don't begrudge them for taking a little me time. I also understand there are a myriad of other reasons why they may be appear to be just sitting there on their phone but are really just using the phone to pass time and even without it wouldn't be circulating or otherwise entertaining customers. I also have been texting a stripper while she's at work plenty of times, sometimes while I've too been at the club, although I've never texted a stripper while we were both at the same club.
I have girls who text me from the club asking me what to do. Venting about work. So I don't get bothered when I see stripper hoes texting.

Girls avoid customers when they think working the room isn't with the effort.

The mindset behind the tattoos injections bbls boob jobs extensions etc are all the same. They crave constant shallow validation and when it's not as consistent they think they need to do more to get it. They think changing in the outside will change them inside. Its young women in general these days.

Blues and Glass laced coke is ruining a lot of clubs.

The economy is impacting interaction a lot. It's hard to focus on a customer when they're not spending enough
We agree regarding cigarette breath.

I don't mind tattoos. Often I like them.

My solution to a hot dancer looking at her phone is to introduce myself and maybe get dances.
^People who call the dancers hoes should be beaten to within an inch of their miserable, useless lives.
If a woman has a pretty face and a spinner bod the tattoos and piercings mean nothing. The others aren't getting a dance with me anyway so theirs are fine as well.
I have the same preferences as Ol School, but there are exceptions. We must tolerate some things we may not prefer in this hobby. I never let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Icey your comment regarding shallow validation can apply to pretty much anything visual anyone does. Guys wearing flashy jewelry, driving high end cars, high end clothes watches etc are all just seeking validation just like the bbl tattoo dancers.
Its sad that the rare occasion you decide to insult a stripper, its not over something serious like robbing, but instead complaining about tattoos and bbls and claiming they’re psychologically damaged
I agree with Dolfan and Ish, and mostly with George. I don’t mind looking at nipple piercings but I don’t like sucking on them. I will, but it definitely is a downgrade. Kinda like cigarette breath when it’s almost but not completely covered by a mint. It’s not stopping me, but it can be a speed bump.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
6 months ago
Suggestion for FAQ (if not already there):

Q: Does she know I don't like X?
A: Yes, and she does not care that you don't like X.
avatar for Manuellabore
6 months ago
I try to avoid looking at my phone when a dancer is on the stage because I think it's disrespectful. I give plenty of speeches, presentations, etc to audiences of varying size and hate when people have their phones out.
By the same token, it's disrespectful (and unprofessional) for dancers to sit scrolling on their phones without even attempting to engage customers. But, they don't have to follow my standards.
I don't call dancers "hoes" because that's disrespectful under any decent person's standard.
Because of the era I grew up in. I instinctively think of tattooed skin as less attractive as clear skin, but times have changed and I've trained myself to look past that at the SC.
I've got no problem with piercings generally, but not crazy about rings between nostrils.
I hate tobacco smoke and breath, but tobacco breath isn't a deal breaker if everything else is tip top. I have fond memories of a couple torrid encounters with a young Cuban spinner with tobacco breath in Louisville. Hope to see her again
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 months ago
I can't generalize on tattoos. Some enhance the girl's appeal, most don't. In the civvie realm, I'm amazed at how many people get tattoos without any meaning willy-nilly.

Cigarette breath isn't too common in the states. Go to Europe and you'll see a lot more of it.

I don't see why girls sit around on their phones, they're probably paying to be there, why don't they want to make as many bucks as they can?

I'll admit I can sit around with my face in my phone if I don't see anything I like or am just not feeling the club vibe. In either case, if I'm doing that, I'm probably leaving with a full wallet.
avatar for WiseToo
New York
6 months ago
I recall seeing some dancers at an extras club sitting at a table scrolling through their phones and ignoring customers. I was pissed so I just went up to one, made some humorous but sarcastic comment about her phone. She got up and showed me she was scrolling through dick pictures. She found her favorite (involved a hot dog roll and mustard) giggled and walked away. Looking at dick pictures when she could see the real deal made absolutely no sense.
avatar for Manuellabore
6 months ago
WiseToo: Not to detract from your point, but combining humor and sarcasm is tough to pull off successfully, especially when you’re dealing with a perfect stranger. Don Rickles was great and all back in the day, but most people would be put off by a random person trying to pull the same schtick. I’m guessing she missed the humorous aspect
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