Las Vegas S/C recommendations. First timers to Vegas Clubs

avatar for DB Cooper 88
DB Cooper 88
Wondering if yall can do me a solid. Can anyone recommend a club that my wife and I can go to ( and yes, my wife is cool with things. We go to strip clubs often. Just never a vegas one) Particularly a club whwre dancers may get a little handsy with female clientelle/extras. Or anyone recommend a dancer in particular at a club? Thanks!


last comment
avatar for rawhide2
6 months ago
First, tell us how you did it? where did you hide the money?
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 months ago
I think you're LE.

But Sapphire offers couples VIP packages.
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 months ago
Fuck it. Go to Chicas Bonitas and ask Jessie for one of his special girls. If you want some coke or meth Ask Will or Meranda.
avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
6 months ago
Nope not true you must not be piping her down right. Women love sex it’s just you got to know what your doing
avatar for rawhide2
6 months ago
I dont think you are LE at all, but want to know how you got off the plane with the cash.

Vegas - Saphire is a no brainer with your wife. You will have a tough time with the handsy part unless the dancer is truly attracted to you and your wife. Crazy Horse III is another option with a hidden dance area. Treasures might help you a bit as well.

lots of rob places in Vegas: Sophie's, Talk of the Town, and a lot of the smaller clubs

Now back to the cash, Did it fall into the river? why did no one ever find it? did you have a get-a-way car stashed? you must be in your 70's by now? is the statue of limitations gone from your crime? If I go up there will I have a chance to find the little pot of gold?
avatar for schmoe31415
6 months ago
I recommend Palomino. There are frequently couples there, and you can reserve a table package for the two of you without a completely outrageous cost. The stage show is the best in town and drinks are cheaper than elsewhere. I've found the dancers quite friendly and am certain there would be some to entertain both you and your wife.

One downside of Palomino is that they don't really do individual/floor dances any more. The lowest cost to try things out is a 3/$100, but that's in a private booth. They have 15 min/$150 and up from there. Unlike other Vegas clubs, there's no drink requirement on top of that (though there is if you go for one of the hour-long fantasy rooms).

Palomino isn't glitzy. If you want something fancier, I've had decent luck at Treasures. They have a dinner package with pretty good food. Sapphire and Rhino would probably be similar. I haven't seen a lot of couples at those places, but I've been there less often than Palomino so it might be a selection effect.

avatar for shailynn
6 months ago
Over the years I’ve seen the most couples at Sapphires and Treasures - at both places it looked like the couples were having a good time.
avatar for Redmonwin
6 months ago
I second schmoe. Palomino is my recommendation for the great value, stage shows, decent packages and laid back environment. It’s a few mins from the strip but worth the commute for the great value and performances for a date with your wife. Be sure to call for a free van pick up and maybe pick a package. Check the website and you’ll see the packages and fee pick up number.

If you and your wife want a more glamorous and expensive club try sapphires or rhino. Be sure to go to their website and call for a free pick up and free entry.
avatar for Jascoi
6 months ago
Vegas pretty much is EXPENSIVE! for what you get.
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 months ago
Palomino has bottles from between $400 and $2500. Unless you get the upper tier your vip status isn't guaranteed. sapphire is like $1350 for a couples package and everything is guaranteed.

Also keep in mind that girls work more than one club. Little darlings Sophie's and chicas bonitas girls work at palomino so don't over pay.

OP isn't clear about what they like or want so I dont know. Still sounds like le though
avatar for DB Cooper 88
DB Cooper 88
6 months ago
Hey all thanks for the comments and recommendations. @poorlifechoices I can see where you think that. No way of proving I'm not. I can tell yah with confidence I'm just a lowly ole garbage man from the California Bay Area. Solid recommendations on here. I cruised the reviews and think we'll hit up Palominos and Sapphire as recommended. As to what we like we like blonde or brunette, not too thick, not too skinny. The Mrs enjoys a little light touching and exploring, vice versa. She's a bit picky, friendly and flirty is the icing on the cake. We go next weekend so I'll report back for sure. Thanks for taking the time for the recommendations.
avatar for DB Cooper 88
DB Cooper 88
6 months ago
Oh, and rawhide btw. Got away by boat and opened up a small junk rental in Thailand. The dollar goes far there 😉 🤣 thanks for the laughs man. Glad someone got the reference.
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 months ago
One thing about going to clubs as a couple in Vegas. A lot of girls are hesitant to go up to couples so you have to take the lead.
avatar for whitesun777
6 months ago
Warning, club ad of the day.. fyi, Sophia's is now LVSC, Las Vegas Strip Club. New owner, new management. Check my review for details.

And agreed, a lot of solo dancers won't approach couples, the bold ones will approach you, like it or not.
avatar for sfrsox
6 months ago
Have wifey take the lead (if club allows) and you'll be fine.
avatar for Icey
6 months ago
Youre all reading too much into this.

Just have the amount of money you want to spend. Be forward and know what you want
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
If you want a great time at a Vegas club. Check out Lucy at Little Darlings. You wont be dancer in town………

avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Go spend a 💰 on her 😍🤩
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