Offered OTC by a dancer

avatar for basictoken
I met a new girl recently. She gave me her number, presumably so we could connect when she is working. Later that night she texted me saying we could meet outside the club as well. I’ve never done OTC so I’m assuming this would involve way more than a lap dance. We agreed on a price and I told her I’d see l, maybe in a few weeks. Ever since then we have texted daily, just general chit chat. I plan on seeing her at the club in the next few days.

Am I right in assuming she’s staying in touch because of the possibility she could keep me as a good paying client for OTC?


last comment
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
She's staying in touch because she wants the money to continue to flow from you to her. It's not a slam dunk that it's for OTC vs ITC. She's counting on the fact that by texting you, she will be at the top of your mind the next time you pull the trigger on a spending spree.
What are you waiting for?
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
Funontheside - I figured. Which is fine.

Sfrsox - waiting to hear back on a newer and better job I interviewed for
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
What rate did she quote you for OTC, was it a higher rate than ITC?
Why are you going to the club to see her when you could see her otc?

Make sure theres no condom for the bj or hj otherwise its not worth it
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
OTC comes with a set of complexities which don't exist with ITC (flaking, hotel booking/cost, safety, planning, etc). Situation varies from girl to girl and club to club.

OTC is not always the best scenario.
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
basictoken - A key guideline is to never assume anything will happen. Even if she claims she will do xyz, there is no guarantee. You assume it will involve more than a LD, but she may assume you just want to take her to dinner. Details should be ironed out in advance.

Don't be surprised, either, when the "rent's due, I need to do my nails, my car broke down" texts start coming.

Tread cautiously....otherwise, that extra money from your new job will quickly disappear.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
6 months ago
Just see how it goes, don't build up a lot of expectations. Don't be surprised if what she promises or hints at doesn't actually happen. You're flipping a coin here, at best, 50% chance you won't end up disappointed and/or feeling like you got fleeced.
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
Appreciate all the comments. Yea treading cautiously indeed. I suppose I need to be direct about asking her what I can and cannot expect to happen. I’m not about to jump in right away.

The price we agreed on was $500
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Funontheside OTC is less risky for the client I would think. In the club, the dancer can scam and have the bouncers and management backing her. OTC, even if she has a pimp, hes gonna be too afraid to do anything on camera. You can steal your funds back if she tries scamming. You can wait to book the hotel until she is physically with you in person.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
$500 is a standard price for full service all included.

How much are the dances per song? You can try getting a couple dances, finger and eat her pussy in the dances. Its a good way to judge what OTC will include and also if she has a boyfriend pimp.

Regarding the OTC you can also wait to pay her till the end or halfway through. Or give her $200 upfront and the rest after half an hour. Dont give the entire $500 upfront
If she is quoting 500, you better get several hours, at least 3, and msog. If not several hours and msog, then you should get bbfs or if covered, you get all three holes. You're getting a bad deal if it's anything less.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
^anal is unnecessary. But the BJ should be bbbj at least. Bbfs is risky
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
Tell her to fuck HERSELF, if $500 is her price.
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
Don't listen to rickmacro....if she has a boyfriend pimp, that's more reason to sent her home with a creampie, so he has something to clean up when she gets home.
Like you mentioned, she's most likely just keeping in touch as a form of marketing. There's a 10,000:1 chance she might just be friendly and like you, not zero, but I wouldn't count on it.

It's hard to say if she's selling ITC or OTC specifically. Too many variables we don't know. Some girls prefer one or the other, different areas might make one more profitable than the other, around here we're heavily influenced by tourism seasons, etc.

Personally, I do not recommend being direct/explicit about what will or won't happen. In my experience, doing that emphasizes the transactional nature of the relationship. Simply agreeing to a price OTC leaves the interaction to be a bit more natural. If it's $500 for some kissing, a blowjob, and sex or whatever what tend to happen is you both go into the meetup with a ToDo list and the focus will be on checking the items off the list and moving on. If that's what you want, then by all means go ahead and get explicit.

But by not getting explicit, it leaves things more open. You can maybe have a few drinks, some snacks, they'll likely be some foreplay, maybe shower together before or after, maybe some more drinks and or snacks, maybe a dip in the pool or hot tub, a round two could be on the table. I enjoy the more natural, less forced progression of this approach.

Yes, there is absolutely a greater risk of not getting exactly what you want by not being explicit. For me, its a chance I'm willing to take. Like Ibb mentioned, even if you are explicit there is a decent chance you end up disappointed anyway.

It's also important to remember that my approach drastically increases the likelihood of a romance hustle. When things are mechanical and the exchange is very explicit, its easier to shut that down. When things progress naturally, you're more likely to feel like there is more to the relationship and be more willing to help her out later. And she's more likely to see it that way and try too.

Again, my philosophy runs counter to the prevailing opinion here. The times I've given her that $75 to pay her phone bill and wound up with her back in my bed in return for my kindness are much more frequent than the times I've given her $200 for rent and only heard from her when she wanted more. But you have to be willing to gamble, have the fortitude to fold bad hands, and most importantly be aware that your gambling. You have to recognize the bullshit and know you're giving a stripper money in hopes it'll come back to you, not helping a friend through a tough time. If you choose your strippers carefully, it can pay off. If you choose poorly, it can bankrupt you. Or maybe it's just dumb luck?
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
Fair point about tossing her $ for phone yielding dividends. I've found that works best, though, if the helping out occurs after you already have a solid foundation.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Dolfan is that paying her $75 for phone bill in addition to paying her per meetup of OTC? It sounds like you were able to structure things such that you paid small bills here and there and she met with you OTC for free?
It is more risky but it can also have a bigger payoff. Paying small bills here and there can work out much better than paying $300-$400 for every meeting.
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
I suspect he paid the $75 in addition to meetup fees, but he likely got better/longer service and/or lower meetup rates. I believe his point is that small gestures have much greater benefits. That has been my experience, as well. It's not a blanket practice, though....just applied in certain situations with long-term girls who have proven themselves to be worthy/trustworthy.

But, that's my perspective only...dolfan knows his situation better than me.
She is keeping you on the line, like any salesman would. You’re probably not the only one. $500 for sex is typical in bigger more expensive cities, but high in other parts of the USA or abroad.

What will happen in otc? There’s only one way to find out…
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
Dolfan - Those are some good points to think about. I can see where it works out with someone youve known for a while and gotten to know them. This girl I've been speaking to for maybe a week, so it's still an unknown.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Someone used the term WAG. What is that
avatar for WiseToo
New York
6 months ago
I had some lap dances a few times from a dancer who's from MA. I thought we got along well so I mentioned ITC. She said that she doesn't do ITC but occasionally does OTC and mentioned that in Providence there are a few "lifestyle" clubs for swingers. She showed me a club on her phone, assured me that she knows the swinger couples who go to that club and implied we could meet there as singles. She also said that she is not married.

I thought the conversation was kind of bizarre. I don't know what's in it for her dollar wise, nor what to expect. It seems that such an OTC meeting can be some type of scam or perhaps it is legit.

I'm not anxious to find out so i didn't follow up. I think ITC might be the better option.

avatar for wallanon
6 months ago
"It seems that such an OTC meeting can be some type of scam or perhaps it is legit."

Could be for her safety. Or could be a way to get you in a bad spot and outnumbered with your dick out lol.
avatar for wallanon
6 months ago
...and the only time I want to be outnumbered with my dick out is with multiple hot chicks about to go to work.
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
6 months ago
She wants you to be her customer rather than a club customer. I wouldn't do it unless that's an arrangement you really want
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
Swinger clubs are about as safe as you can get. Plus, if for some reason you don't click with her, there would be plenty of other women to observe / play with.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
If you’re willing to take a flight and pay $700 for the hour, you could see olivia fox. You also get the bragging rights of having been with a famous playboy model. Simply doing OTC with a regular girl, you cant say that. Plus she is well reviewed and does bbbj, DFK, allows DATY, etc.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Also even if you are older or uglier, it doesnt mean she cant genuinely like you. Girls dont care about looks as much as guys. Also consider how many ugly grimy dogs out there are considered cute. Another thing to consider is, many girls date and marry guys who aren’t physically attractive. So even if you are dating or married to a stripper, doesnt mean she was attracted to your looks.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Ignore “mypoorlifechoices” this dude deludes himself into thinking dancers dont do otc unless theyre ugly/desperate and that they hate all their clients. His comment appears to be refusing to even admit that youre getting OTC with potential for much more than a lapdance
That's not a bad assumption, but you really won't know until you ask her direct questions. This is not an occasion to be coy. That said, one of the benefits of OTC with a dancer versus an escort is the lack of structure, which can lead to some pretty great encounters.

Regarding price, keep in mind that you're also paying for a hotel room unless you're going to hers or your home (which has its own risks...).
I wrote a long-ish followup but it didn't post and I'm not gonna re-write it all.

So, to the OP, my point in posting was to provide balance to the "ask her specifically what she'll do" type advice. Even with girls I don't know well, I've consistently had better results just playing it by ear. You can iron it all out in advance and raise the floor of what to expect. Or you can roll the dice and raise the ceiling of what could happen.

There's no right answer, you decide what makes sense for you and your situation.
avatar for Iknowbetter
6 months ago
Only way to know is to try it out. Otherwise she’ll stop texting and lose interest if she can’t convert.
$500 is a little pricey for OTC, so I’d assume everything (or nearly everything) is on the menu. My first couple of OTC experiences I thought I needed 2 or 3 hours. But I eventually realized that I really only need less than 1 hr since once we’re done fucking, it’s time for her to leave, so I can take a shower and a nap.
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
I took the plunge and we are on. Will see how it goes.
She wants your money. As long as you’re giving it to her, she seems willing to meet OTC/ITC. Pretty clear to me.
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
“She wants your money”

Well that’s the name of the game. They all do.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
@iknowbetter you dont need to, nor should you shower right after OTC. You want the beneficial bacteria to stay on junior for a while, and likewise with DATY, you want those bacteria to stick around for a while for the benefits. But youre correct 1 hour is more than enough time for a session.

Unfortunately the high price of $500 doesnt guarantee that everything will be on the menu or that it will be a good experience. But, I would hope that a dancer or escort who wants repeat business, will perform as best they can with OTC. Its just not always the case though.
avatar for rawhide2
6 months ago
OTC is just dances but on your own couch.. often they bring a gun to protect themselves....
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
Well it happened. It went as well as I would’ve hoped. I booked a room at a nice hotel, we had drinks and some great conversation then headed upstairs for some mind blowing (for me any way) sex. All in all about 2 1/2 hours. We talked about staying longer but money is tight for me right now and I didn’t feel comfortable shelling out more so we called it an evening with a promise to see her at the club soon.
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
Also just to add it ended on great terms. I texted her good night and thanked her for a great evening. Didn’t hear back but I don’t know if its worth reading anything into her lack of response
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
Rule #1 of OTCing....leave your emotions at home. Don't read into texts/no response. Your barber doesn't call you to see if you need another haircut immediately after he cut your hair.

She's a service provider, not a potential partner. View it with that mlndset, and you will have a fun ride.

It probably doesn't help if you told her money is tight, though.

avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
Good points thank you.
2 1/2 is good work by you.
She wouldn't spend more time without you spending more. That's not a good scenario. Take it for what it is
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Did you do DATY or fingering? Its a good way to check for pimps.
Lol Icey, they spent 2.5 hours already. Sounds like a reasonable time if he only paid $500

You insist anyone paying for OTC is a trick that the dancer wouldnt ever like… when its not the case. Its no different than dating a gold digger or even an arranged marriage scenario
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
DATY and Fingering - Yes. Is that evidence of there being/not being a pimp in the picture?
Basictoken. Its not evidence of anything.

Pimps often pay club managers to hire their girls. Everyone gets a cut. What she does has nothing to do with whether or not she's pimped. On the contrary most will do whatever to get that bag
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Basictoken, first off, ignore Icey, that is a guy who was literally in the game and used to operate as a boyfriend pimp in the past. He has extensive bias, spreads all kinds of falsehoods and he generally tries to dumb people down on these forums, in the hopes they fall for the hustles and scams prevalent in not just the strip club industry but any semi legal/illegal industry.

As far as the DATY/fingering, yes, it is a good sign, it means there is no boyfriend pimp in the picture, or if there is, she may be cheating on him. American girls with boyfriend pimps often have rules like no kissing clients, no bare BJs, no cumming with clients, and so they will refuse daty/fingering or in some cases allow them but only briefly like for a minute, and not long enough to actually get off.

If its a latina or foreign girl pimped out by a gang or cartel of some sort- thats a different scenario and those girls may be open to everything.

But as far as an Americanized girl of any race, it’s generally a good sign if they are okay with kissing and allow daty/fingering for more than a minute or two
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
Thanks appreciate it. The daty/fingering lasted quite a while. There was no kissing though. So who knows. Either way it was fun
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