August 2024 (different things I saw, not really a trip report)

Things I noticed that were different in this trip..(might not be new to many of you but was to me so just noting.) I refer to the "front" the entrance that faces the larger street facing BT and the "back/rear" to the entrance that faces the alley.
the new elevators for the rear entrance are a great addition. They added a pair of elevators to the left of the older single elevator. The pair of elevators are now right in front of the sports bar railing /tables which introduces another dynamic with the ladies (more below). They closed the single elevator but the service elevator to the right is still there and there is another new elevator that is on the right tucked into the hallway. The two new elevators are faster than the old ones. Since I wasn't there on the weekend, those two worked plenty well and I didn't have to use the other two.
the 7th floor work is nice (PH floor on front elevator). So for those that know the layout when exiting the PH (7th) floor from the front elevator, you take a right and walk down a hallway and then up some stairs and to the left was the rear elevator. The configuration is the same but those old carpeted stairs have been replaced with wide white tiled steps with lighting above each row of steps with modern handrail.
Before the steps there is the new single elevator that takes you to the tucked in hallway at the rear entrance. Once up the stairs, the double elevators are to the left and then the boarded up closed old elevator to the right of those. I didn't see improvements in some other floors besides the PH/7th floor. -
Now the sports bar. Maybe this was always the case but I just didn't realize due to the location of the new elevators but now they have girls who can wait their hour in there instead of LC. There aren't a lot ranging from 1 to 6 at a given time typically averaging 2-4 for Monday and Tuesday (slower time). I was tired on Tuesday late afternoon so I just decided to go back to the room to get some rest around 3:30pm. This (fortunately) happened to be the one time I actually had to wait for the elevator more than 20 seconds. So I turned to look and since the elevators are right in front of the bar and a really cute/pretty lady smiled at me. I nodded and said "hello". I didn't know if these girls were on break or what because they all have to wear the HK thin outside robes in the bar like they do at Azuls. I decided to just go up and ask the smiling lady if she wanted a drink and she gladly accepted instead of getting into the opening elevator. The drink is actually a ficha like in the club. They get the smaller beer as well and most unfortunately it is the same price as the club. I was thinking it was going to be cheaper in the bar...stupid me.
We clicked big time as she was a bit shy at first but really opened up and was actually my favorite friend I met for the whole trip. The walk from the bar to elevators were just steps away! At 3:30 there were 2 girls and at 4pm there were 6 girls. The quality was nice as well. My friend said she preferred the bar environment to wait the hour before she can go to HK vs LC.
-good or bad but the alley has the drug dealer back in the same spot in front of Gold Palace. There were a lot of police trucks Tuesday evening driving through plus I noticed each street light has a camera so not thinking they would survive long dealing in this location.
Never been in HK at 7am. They turned on these big white flood lights above the back/rear bar and lit up that whole section for cleaning. Upstairs above the front bar and main stage, all the booths by the window were put on their sides, moved to the back so they could clean that area. Nothing important to know but I just never realized it seen those lights.
Monday at my arrival, I took the HK shuttle. I walked to the location where they used to have the waiting room (booth). Due to construction, the booth was moved in a corner of a parking lot closed up. Yet the front of that exact location, there was a HK service guy standing behind the railing with HK /Zona shuttle signage so a car picked me and another up there. Yet on Tuesday come back from SD, I went to that location and nobody was working there. I stood there for a while as well. So I just took a taxi. Wednesday drop off at Ped Eat was on the other street, parallel and in front of HK booth with some glass shelter in between for some other transit.
If anyone is interested in a trip report like how many people during different times and different days, why I was there Wednesday morning at, border lines, let me know and as I don't mind sharing but didn't want to bore people with another trip report if the info isn't interesting and this post is so long already.
last commentElevators and shuttle services may be important to some
I’m more interested in girls, services and prices.
Great info. And I'm always interested in reading trip reports, these are how I live vicariously while waiting for my own next trip to TJ
Details about the hotel and bar layouts are always interesting and helpful. I always enjoy reading well written information about all aspects of TJ. The hotel and the clubs seem to change frequently and rapidly, so it is good to keep up.