I actually do think strippers do like hearing from you out of the blue
After a few years away. I always get right to the point, right down to brass tax, "Hey I'm back in town. Wanna fuck for 200 bucks?"
Although I never ever hear back from that. Ever. But I think deep down they think to themselves, that he is at least thinking of me, he didn't forget about me and he still finds me plenty attractive. And I think that means something.
Reaching out every now and then, just to connect, maintaining that relationship, to bridge that customer/stripper gap so we can one day unite under one banner.
Although I never ever hear back from that. Ever. But I think deep down they think to themselves, that he is at least thinking of me, he didn't forget about me and he still finds me plenty attractive. And I think that means something.
Reaching out every now and then, just to connect, maintaining that relationship, to bridge that customer/stripper gap so we can one day unite under one banner.
And they say romance is dead...
I say it right off the rip. Before they even respond. I let 'em know where I stand.
Wait…I just 2 quarters, a dime, and a penny in the couch. So how about a final offer of $220.61. Actually, I just noticed the penny is Canadian. How about some anal action for $220.60 plus a Canadian penny?
She’ll think you’re a frickin’ international hairless ape of mystery because of the Canadian penny. ROAR!!!
my fav is like this--totally unreliable
i'll send her a text message and won't get a response until weeks (sometimes longer) later. and i'm not the type of person to blow up anyone's phone. i'll try to reach her a couple times but after that i give up. then what happens is i'll get a text message from her out of the blue weeks later lol.
anyone, it's not a big deal, just a bit frustrating
That’s how you do it😁