Suspension Ebony Inn

avatar for Brownc300
My visit this time was very short and to the point. I've always been respectful and friendly to the women. However, I had a disagreement with a dancer (a while back) who ended up stealing some cash from me (trust me I can't give the details).As a result of the theft, I stopped getting dances from her and she bad mouthed me to the other dancers and security. No problem, I blamed it to the game. Seems when I go in now, security gives me hard looks and for the first time since going to EI, only two dancers ask me for dances, a new dancer and one of my pre-pandemic friends Ego. I got two dances with the new dancer and finished with Ego then left. I don't plan to return (I'd like to). To the moderators of the board, can the following question be posted to the board: Has a customer ever been barred from coming inside the Ebony Inn, because of conduct? Just asking. I been a regular for several years and just would like to know. It would be much appreciated. Thanks.


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avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
I'm not aware of any bans, but I heard a story about a guy dashing after getting some dances with a girl. I imagine if he returned, he would be rejected or beaten senseless.

The concept of girls "sticking it to the man" by refusing to dance (and foregoing cash) due to what a guy did to some other girl, is comical. Particularly at EI, there are enough ratchet girls there that they actually get off on going against the grain by dancing with guys others don't like.

I suppose the only way to know if YOU would be banned from entry is to try.
avatar for Omyleon
6 months ago
Bro, I highly doubt there is an apb to avoid you. I have known dancers who have got into fist fight who were suspended and then let back in. If anything, if things went south with a girl a lot of times in my experience they try to make it up.
avatar for ww
6 months ago
Dancers and staff constantly change out in these clubs.

You would need to be going to this spot practically everyday for anyone to be scoping ONLY for you.

You thinking too hard about it. If they didn't throw you out on your azz then you still ok to go.
Thanks to all of you for your responses. Much appreciated!
funontheside-Tks, I've never dashed away as that would definitely be asking for a beat -down. I'm a spender, so when I come in and go to VIP, the ladies come running. Also, you're right about girls getting back at each other by getting dances from another women's "favorite". All true your words.
Myleon and WW, thanks also, before all of this foolishness happened I was a once every week-10 days visitor. Now, it's months between visits. It worked for me because I could just come, have a good time and leave, no strings attached( like most of us probably). I'm still a bit paranoid cause when I sit in VIP, guys come and intentionally sit beside me on their cell phones! It's wild. It's probably all in my head. I'll post if/when I return. Peace to all 3 of you!
I forgot to add: Things got crazier when Tracy died. She knew I was cool and she had some clout inside the club. Again, thanks guys for the comments. I'll return in the near future.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Funontheside he would be “beaten senseless” by who, the dancer or club staff? If a club is beating people up- it needs to be investigated and shut down. It looks like ebony inn, based on your comments, is too violent a club to remain open
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