Suspension Ebony Inn- Maryland

avatar for Brownc300
My visit this time was very short and to the point. I've always been respectful and friendly to the women. However, I had a disagreement with a dancer (a while back) who ended up stealing some cash from me (trust me I can't give the details).As a result of the theft, I stopped getting dances from her and she bad mouthed me to the other dancers and security. No problem, I blamed it to the game. Seems when I go in now, security gives me hard looks and for the first time since going to EI, only two dancers ask me for dances, a new dancer and one of my pre-pandemic friends Ego. I got two dances with the new dancer and finished with Ego then left. I don't plan to return (I'd like to). To the moderators of the board, can the following question be posted to the board: Has a customer ever been barred from coming inside the Ebony Inn, because of conduct? Just asking. I been a regular for several years and just would like to know. It would be much appreciated. Thanks.


avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Any club anywhere at some point in time has likely kicked someone out…
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