
Top 40 members muted

Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
Monday, August 5, 2024 4:04 PM
So, how does this top 40 members muted https://tuscl.net/top40?id=11 work?

It says “past 12 months.” Does that mean members who mute the focal member in the past 12 months or total number of members that have the member muted. Because I’m surprised by the members on the list.

Well, Kent ape is the top and that is no surprise. While this rick enjoys fuckin’ with various hairless apes he spends a bit too much time and effort doing so. And the stripper loving ape makes sense as #2. I mean really, he’s a harmless weirdo and I kinda like him but he starts every word with a capital letter and that can give you a frickin’ headache.

But the surprise is my absence. Now I don’t try to irritate you because, as a rick, I have chosen to help the stripper loving apes of the world by dispensing my valuable rickvice. But I always assumed more of you would be bothered by my scud missile of truth.

Anyhoo…this rick is glad that you’re paying attention. Encourages me to keep giving the good rickvice. ROAR!!!


  • shailynn
    a month ago
    Someone must have taken stripperlovers computer away from him. If someone would identify who did that, I’d like to send them some money via PayPal or Venmo.
  • Manuellabore
    a month ago
    Interesting to see the intersectionality between Top 40 Members Bookmarked and Top 40 Muted. One man's meat is another man's poison
  • Mr Monger
    a month ago
    I’m trying to be atleast top 5 lol
  • TCabot
    a month ago
    Yeah but why does stripper loving ape post with all caps on each word? Did he never learn proper grammar?
  • rickthelion
    a month ago
    TCabotApe asked => Yeah but why does stripper loving ape post with all caps on each word? Did he never learn proper grammar?

    That is one of those deep philosophical questions like “Why is the sky blue?” and “Why do women flash their titties at Motley Crue concerts?” and “Can God microwave a burrito so hot that it burns the roof of his mouth?”

    Well, actually, the blue sky thing is Rayleigh scattering. And the Motley Crue thing is drugs and alcohol. Not sure about the divine burrito. Kinda makes me think the stripper loving ape thing is “because he’s a frickin’ weirdo”

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