
Thumbs Up/Down

Pinpin aint EZ....when you're high
I'm sure this was answered/discussed when the overhaul happened, and I missed it. Did founder give a reason for removing the thumbs up/down icons in discussions?

I liked it.


  • Dolfan
    2 months ago
    I liked it too. It was a lot easier to just thumbs up a comment instead of posting another one that says the same thing.
  • Jascoi
    2 months ago
    (thumbs UP!)
  • gammanu95
    2 months ago
    People were just thumbs downing people they didn't like, regardless of the content. I miss the ability to simply thumbs up an opinion or idea which I would echo, but passive-aggresive trolls and bitches misused and abused the feature and caused everyone to lose access. Ruining it for everyone.
  • Puddy Tat
    2 months ago
    I'm with gamma. Too many people up voting their own comments or creating alts to spam them.
  • jaybud999
    2 months ago
    Thank you gentlemen.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 months ago
    I think it reduces the general level of acrimony. While it’s validating to see a bunch of folks upvoting your post, the downvotes seem to inflame and prolong conflicts. Being able to mute people also helps reduce conflict.
  • twentyfive
    2 months ago
  • gammanu95
    2 months ago
    25 was the biggest bitch about abusing the function, creating alts to spam his detractors, and the main reason it was taken away
  • twentyfive
    2 months ago
  • gammanu95
    2 months ago
    What was it you said? " Dance porch monkey dance"?
  • twentyfive
    2 months ago
    ^ 👎🏿
  • Hank Moody
    2 months ago
    I like it just as an easy way to affirm without adding an otherwise empty post. I don’t think I downvoted more than a couple times and it was usually to agree with a negative post rather than downvote the author. I’m assuming it’s one of the features that will come back when Founder gets around to it.
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