
Hello Fellow PLs.....

I'd live this way again
Sunday, June 23, 2024 11:47 AM
Ashtray45, TwerKing, DaddySpanks, Kris78xxx, MlkeHawkings are all accounts made in the last 30 or so days, referencing extras in barely passing reviews that might be AI or even just a composite of reviews already posted and/or are horribly inaccurate. They have one review or one discussion and maybe 1 comment. And they are commenting/reviewing clubs with a rep for great mileage. I have real concerns right now. I'm muting all these accounts and I'm suspicious of what's going on.


  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    I don't recall any of those in particular, but I don't entertain any conversations with overly inquisitive strangers like that. You're LEO into proven otherwise.
  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    *until proven otherwise
  • IWantHerOnMe
    3 months ago
    ^^ that’s how I feel
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 months ago
    Not being up in discussions doesn't seem suspicious. We're only here because we're PLs with extra L.

    I asked ChatGPT what are some handles that a fuck boy would be liable to use:


    Keep an eye out for them.

    Reviews are just what we got, untill Consumer Rerports starts rating strip clubs. Always to be taken with a grain of salt. I've on occasion found clubs to be better than I expected based on the review. I can't remember a case where a club turned out to be worse than what I expected based on reviews.
  • dickdecker
    3 months ago
    Ya got one generic review and ya been on the site for short amount of time and you're asking about extra's?? Let's use our common sense people. BTW....what are 'extra's'
  • Book Guy
    3 months ago
    Always always check the member's stats. How many reviews? How long? I sort-of wish the system would display a user's review tally up front. So f.e. I would appear as "Book Guy (148 published reviews)" wherever my reviews are posted.

    I know this info is readily available. The first thing I do when reading reviews, is click the reviewer's name to see if this is his virgin review rubber ducky. But I might like the number to be displayed on the reviews page instead of hidden behind a click-through on the user's page. It's maybe extra (and unnecessary? YMMV) work for Founder, so I haven't suggested it, but maybe I will if I'm feeling demanding.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    3 months ago
    @ilbbaicnl I should’ve noted the one discussion was WILL DA DANCERS LET ME DO ANAL. Just classic bait. I stay out of this discussions normally too these days.

    @dickdecker LOL extras are a cosmic mystery no man can truly understand

  • ggofv
    3 months ago
    As a precaution, I want you all to know I'm not a cop. I do make a lot extras comments though. But I'm not with the law.
  • skibum609
    3 months ago
    ^ 2 reviews in 9 years. No idea who or what you are, but a strip club fan you are not.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    3 months ago
    I’m not getting into VIP details for any reason. If you can’t read between the lines that’s on you. And I’m tired of people thinking any club/dancer guarantees anything, that’s not real.
  • Jascoi
    3 months ago
    i guess i should do more backgroind checks before i approve.
  • Jascoi
    3 months ago
    correction... *before i comnent*.
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