
Posting a review

Avatar for LoveTheLadies

Anybody else having problems posting a review? I tried on both my iPad and phone but when I hit submit nothing. Any recommendations I’m old and not the most tech person.


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Avatar for Lurker-X

I’ve had that issue using safari on my iPhone but no issues using the Chrome browser instead.

Avatar for funonthaside

You sometimes need to switch from Private mode when using Safari.

Avatar for Jascoi

just don't keep hitting the submit review button.

Avatar for LoveTheLadies

Funontheaside That worked switching from private. Thanks for the recommendation

Avatar for snowtime

I had the same problem several weeks ago. I finally gave up when nothing happened when I hit submit button. I am also old and not good with tech stuff. Don't guess there is a way to retrieve the draft review. At some point I will rewrite it, but is much easier to do when the visit is fresh on mind.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Try typing your reviews into Notes and then cut and pasting into the review window. That’s saved me a few times when the website glitched. It’s also helpful if you get interrupted and need to take a break before you finish your review.

Avatar for funonthaside

When submittal doesn't immediately work, I copy to notepad or draft email, then paste later.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

When I travel, I normally only carry a work laptop--I can't write a good review on my phone, so I typed my review into a draft e-mail then pasted it from my phone.

Avatar for Dan3635

I’m having this review submit problem now. The draft article button works. @founder, could this article draft system be added to reviews?

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