Memorial Day
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Remember the real reason for this holiday, America’s Fallen Heroes They gave their last full measure of devotion so we must honor their sacrifices and thank them for their service. Don’t forget that the debt is owed as well to Gold Star Families, that can never be repaid, as there is nothing that will ever fill that empty chair at celebrations like this day.
last commentAgreed!
Well said twentyfive! Enjoy your freedom today, paid for with the lives of so many others.
Perfectly said
Well said. Agree.
The streets of heaven are lined with the heros that we honor on this day. They are smiling while watching us exercise the freedoms that they fought and died for and while our country may not be perfect, they know that their sacrifice was worth it.
My eternal gratitude goes out to them and their families and fellow service members that are still here on earth keeping their legacies alive.
I respect this.
100%. Special thanks to all mongers here who served.
Amen, 25!
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
^ Really, do you have to bring your dumb little grudge into a thread that shouldn't at all cause a fight? Show some class.
^ I'm just stating the obvious, get over yourself