
By the way, Founder,

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 10:57 PM
Thanks for all of the hard work on the new site. So far, I consider it an improvement.


  • stripperlover777
    2 months ago
    👽 Great Job With The Tuscl Website Improvement Founder 🐦
  • stripperlover777
    2 months ago
    I Noticed There Isn't An Envelope Icon On The Users Profiles For Pvt Messaging. Would B Nice To Have A Search Bar To Search The Site With As Well.
  • elmer
    2 months ago
    Founder gotta say it's a whole lot easier to read at least on my Android phone haven't checked it out on the PC yet
  • chimera422
    2 months ago
    Dates on messages not working, feed not working
  • jwhat9
    2 months ago
    what happened to dark mode?
  • Hank Moody
    2 months ago
    FFS, we’ve all been through this multiple times. You know it’s coming back. Just give him a minute to restore it.
  • MrFuturi
    2 months ago
    Is the map gone? I used that function the most.
  • mjx01
    2 months ago
    Same here, can't find the map
  • twentyfive
    2 months ago
    Gayman is a suck up
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