Skinny girls are softer than soft girls
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Do other guys experience this?
Title says most of it -- I find skinny bony waif-like girls to be softer, to the touch, than girls who look zaftig and therefore look soft. This seems backwards to me.
For example, Janice Griffith ... very skinny, look at those freakish thighs ...
Janice seems much skinnier and therefore more bony than Alexis Texas ...
However, in my experience girls built like Janice Griffith will be more "douce" to the fingertips than girls built like Alexis Texas. Why? Really?
last commentI don't know about "softness", I suspect that might have more to do with skin care than weight. But 100% think Janice is hot as fuck and Alexis looks like an out of shape porker.
Janice would be even hotter without the fake tits which look out of place on her thin frame.
"Natural" girls are softer to the touch than their counterparts. Skinny-looking girls are more likely to be "natural".
to a point. bony methheads are just bony
Yeah, even when I was super skinny I was pretty soft, but I just stay soft at all weights. I have seen what you are talking about though with some curvy girls that look soft but then u touch them and what the fuck like their stomach and thighs/ass are super firm nothing soft there despite looking soft??? It is confusing, and I don't understand it. and yeah i stay soft regardless if I moisturize or not, I just think it is genetic LOL. My theory is that it's just genetics and some chicks either have super firm skin or their fat is deeper and not like surface level of the skin??? I also remember touching one really beautiful skinny but nicely shaped black girl at a club and she was also super soft despite being teeny tiny.
Finally, someone is tackling the real issues we want to talk about on the site. Bravo!
Any girl who uses lotion will be soft. But between a bubble butt and a bony ass your lap... we all know what's softer 😂
When people who look like they should be soft aren't, it's because they have hard fat which wraps around the organs and pushes body parts outward stretching the skin and it feels hard. Soft fat sits just under the skin and that makes it feel softer.
^ok that was what I was thinking too cuz I've definitely felt some chubby girls that surprisingly weren't soft at all. I think us soft ones don't have much of that deeper fat or whatever and it is mainly subcutaneous (?)
Girls built like Alexis Texas remind me of a Mack Truck. And Mack Trucks are not soft.
Blah I agree 100% with you.
statements like this alway start a huge debate, but Janice Griffith has natural boobs.
It depends. Skin softness on the surface in my experience has little to do with weight or size and much more to do with age, genetics, and skin care.
If you're talking about a little more physical depth, like body density type feeling. I find that some skinny girls are still flabby and soft, just some some thick or fat girls are. Some bigger girls are firm and tight, just like some skinny girls. Again, age and genetics seem to be big factors but skin care is less important and things like physical fitness and diet/exorcise come in to play. Girls who are thin as a result of healthy diets, time in the gym and or active lifestyles tend to be firm. Girls who are thin due to drug use, poor diet, or sometimes just genetics tend to be soft. Same idea with bigger girls, girls who are fat due to poor diet and lack of activity tend to be soft. Ones who are bigger due to genetics but eat healthy and get decent amount of exercise often are firm. Weather its visceral fat vs subcutaneous or any other technical shit, I dunno. I'm not a lawyer or a doctor.
I do know I prefer slim women, but firmness is even more prized in my view. I hate seeing a thin girl who looks fit and firm only to touch her and find she's soft. I'll take a thicker girl who still feels firm over a thin girl who feels pillowy soft.
Examples, just based on my best guess by looking at them: Skinny and firm: Skinny and soft: Thicker and firm: Thicker and soft:
@Dolfan, of your four examples, I personally am attracted only to the first two. The first (Rachel Rivers) does have a more physically fit body than the second one; but I think (generally speaking) her type of tiny-but-fitness actually creates a softness or pliancy that I really crave. It's the Janice-Griffith-softness I was trying to describe in my first post. I wouldn't find either of the latter two appealing at all, and I do perhaps disagree with your assessment of which of those two would feel firmer or softer, I'm not sure you got it right. But generally I concur, I would also "take a thicker girl who still feels firm over a thin girl who feels pillowy soft" as long as the pillowy-ness has gone far enough to be unappealing to me. I once dated a firm girl who was bigger than I liked -- we stayed together a while, I just put up with the fact that her larger tits and ass were solid, good for bouncing, and the relationship progressed for a reasonable duration. To the contrary, I also once dated a very pillowy small girl but I broke up with her early, much because I didn't enjoy the delicacy and bruise-prone nature of her nakedness (and attitude that went with it; everything was "no you have to be more careful" from dinner to car driving to sex to petting dogs to ... what a whiner!). So anecdotally on that pair of occasions I voted in favor of firmness independent of size.
@grimes I also was surprised by the assertion that Janice Griffith had fake boobs, so I looked it up and found differing results on differing websites. I really like her when she has natural boobs. :)
@several I don't think this has anything at all to do with lotion, IMO. The type of soft I'm assessing is a bodily pliancy, a question regarding how far down the skin-plus-adipose will go under gentle pushing before hitting a firmer under-stratum (as opposed to having no under-stratum, but being instead the first firmer stratum as the only stratum). I'm not assessing the surface-level smoothness. I think lotion helps with surface smoothness only. (Or maybe with lubrication. But it's not the ideal first choice for that.) Skibum and Blah are onto my concept, I think.
Lol I don't think I'd have the patience to deal with chubbies that are firm. And I've definitely encountered some thin, toned girls that are still soft.
☀️ I Think Skinny & Medium Girls Have Soft Skin. I'm Not Experienced With The Others. Skin Care Is Priority When With Girls!