
Stripperlover… This rick has gotta ask you something…

Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
Sunday, March 3, 2024 4:35 PM
Now this rick is not going to criticize the obsessive posting of photos, but I gotta know what is going through your lil hairless ape mind? Is it the drugs? If so, try drinkin’ Jack. That stuff even helps you drive. Is it some sort of bodily fluid deprivation from relentless onanism? If so, try goin’ to the club and jizzing in your pants. LDK ape gets a kick out of that shit. Anyhoo…what am I talkin’ ‘bout? Let’s start with the semi-sane stuff… Female in mountains: [view link] [view link] Inquiring ricks wanna know…is she a stripper? I mean yeah…she is attractive. But she is not swingin’ on a pole sans clothing, so what’s up with that? Sad pie: [view link] I don’t see no wildebeest on that pizza. WTF? Random ass roads: [view link] [view link] Now we’re gettin’ weird. This rick enjoys a long drive as much as anyone, but I’m usually in an alcoholic fog from all the drivin’ whiskey. Police car on random ass road: [view link] Why? Sad looking strip club exterior: [view link] [view link] You’re not helping their business! So help us out here. We wanna help y’all get over your obsession with weird shit and focus you on the sexy female hairless apes. ROAR!!!


  • gSteph
    3 months ago
    'Tis a sad case. Maybe hopeless. Might be best to go all wildebeest on him. Put 'im out of his misery.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    3 months ago
    I feel like I never see stripper lovers posts
  • wallanon
    3 months ago
    When trolls are calling out other trolls the shit's getting out of hand lol. The photos here aren't really my thing, but are they that bad? It looked like even founder was commenting (and it's his site). Remember that time he turned all the tuscl discussion boards off for a day? Well, I started the last vote. Someone else is gonna need to do it this time...
  • EastCoaster
    3 months ago
    ^ "When trolls are calling out other trolls the shit's getting out of hand lol." Amen to that, brother. SMH
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 months ago
    "I feel like I never see stripper lovers posts" He never makes original posts. For a good long while he was frequently bumping ancient threads with title-case garbage posts. He also kept serially posting long bot-like lists of stripper names and stripper music to certain threads. Again, all title case with emojis. He does know how to write like a regular human based on his single 2009 club review. [view link]
  • drewcareypnw
    3 months ago
    He's probably testing some app that posts spam to DIY board like this one.
  • rickthelion
    3 months ago
    ^ Intriguing theory Drew Ape. This is simply one of the many services we ricks perform. You didn’t even know that you wanted to know what is up with Stripperlover but now you are saying to yourself “is he testing software? is he a bot? is he a zebra? is he clinically insane?” And so forth. Think of how much value we ricks bring to your lives just by being…well…rickish. You’re feeling all down with how boring your life is and BOOM!!! a rick shows up wearing a stylin’ suit and tellin’ you about the frickin’ SYSTEM(tm) and you’re all “now my life is complete!” I debate whether to say “you’re welcome” because you haven’t actually thanked me. But I understand why you haven’t thanked me…you didn’t even know that you needed the dose of rickishness that I put in your face. But hear me now and believe me next Thursday…you will soon realize that you need that rickishness. ROAR!!!
  • Meshuggah
    3 months ago
    Renee looks like a influencer, the hiker, [view link] So stripperlover is just grabbing pics off the net that have nothing to do with strip clubs Random ass road, [view link]
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