This picture was two weeks ago. What a fucking goddess. Seriously, there ain't much I wouldn't do (I'm not giving up a body part of anything, to draw a line) to dip into that shit. If you'd smash first picture Sofia but not two weeks ago Sofia, you're a fucking retard. No disrespect intended of course.
"AT LEAST ten more years into the future. After that, I'll need to re-evaluate"
Not sure what there is to reevaluate except the obvious like making sure she doesn't gain weight or do much more plastic surgery. She's proven that she's a lifelong beauty, a class act, and is a 100% fuckable goddess till the day she dies. Oh, and she doesn't seem to be a stuck up bitch if you've ever seen her more candidly. That's icing on the cake and the best part of it.
last comment…
This picture was two weeks ago. What a fucking goddess. Seriously, there ain't much I wouldn't do (I'm not giving up a body part of anything, to draw a line) to dip into that shit. If you'd smash first picture Sofia but not two weeks ago Sofia, you're a fucking retard. No disrespect intended of course.
"AT LEAST ten more years into the future. After that, I'll need to re-evaluate"
Not sure what there is to reevaluate except the obvious like making sure she doesn't gain weight or do much more plastic surgery. She's proven that she's a lifelong beauty, a class act, and is a 100% fuckable goddess till the day she dies. Oh, and she doesn't seem to be a stuck up bitch if you've ever seen her more candidly. That's icing on the cake and the best part of it.