
I've seen what strippers say about us on stripper reddit, horrible things

Avatar for Muddy

Terrible things. Awful things. These dancers are usually nice to me in person but behind my back apparently it's a totally different story on what they think of me and us overall. I thought we got along great, well now we now how they really feel. I've seen us be called and I quote: "ugly, creepy, depraved, cheap and perverted"

And for that I raise my right hand and proclaim: "Guilty as charged"


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Avatar for WiseToo

I'm not surprised at all. It's just part of the fantasy having you think you are getting along great. It's really no different than work where you pretend to get along with some coworkers, but really think they are assholes. Except, you don't post your true thoughts on the web.

Avatar for vanillaextract

They are sweet angels, you should tip them at least 100 dollars per dance, these women deserve it. You are lucky because they are doing you a favor they don't have to. I am a gentleman and tip 1k-3k in vip and 80-1k for normal dances. So i'm sure they think i'm a great catch and awesome human being because of my morals i display

Avatar for shailynn

“ugly, creepy, depraved, cheap and perverted"

I think they were just talking about Motörhead and jackslash.

Avatar for skinnywhiteboy

Too be fair that's a pretty accurate description of most of us lol. For real though I have a few thoughts on this.
One it's Reddit, what percentage of strippers actually comment on stripper reddit? Just like this site the vast majority of men that have stepped into a club have never been here.
Second, who cares what some chick half your age thinks of you. I always thought that was kind of the point. Once your done you can leave and skip all the BS of talking about your feelings and pretending to like her favorite shows.
I once had a stripper tell me "That's okay, I'd never talk to you anyway outside the club" after turning down a dance. I just laughed and replied "that's okay because I don't pay for the company of fat bitches" She wasn't the fattest stripper ever but kind of looked like Amy Schumer so biggest than I wanted. I got kicked out but whatever the club sucked anyway.

Avatar for Muddy

I said it was mean, not untrue. They got us down to a T. I mean they really know their stuff. Very diligent and observant of them.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Most of my favs could out-perv me by a mile.

There are some strippers I'm sure who feel trapped in the occupation, and grit their teeth through every dance. I don't think any of my favs felt like that. Look at how many posters we have here, who think that sex workers are inherently some sort of second rate form of human. People can tell you think of them like that, much as you may think you're hiding it. Not going to earn you fond feelings.

Avatar for Context21

They can say what they want to say, but they can’t unsuck a dick or unswallow a load.

Avatar for shadowcat

There are also strippers that will tell you what they think about another customer or what other dancers are saying about you or other customers.

Not quite as explicit as your buddies tell you about other dancers. :)

Avatar for dogchain

Trapped? I guess they never saw the now hiring signs outside every mcdonalds.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Marie Antoinette lets them eat cake, dogchain lets them work at McDonald's.

Avatar for Elitis

shadowcat in a weird way that almost humanizes them to me

Avatar for rattdog

is it really that much different how strippers really feel about men in general as compared to civvies?

what i've heard that left a mark over the years:

heard this from my friend's mother: "yeah that's right i got this nice house. what do you think i got married? it certainly wasn't for his looks."

two women talking during a subway ride: "he better get his act together. that job he has isn't cutting it." after i heard that i looked to see what she looked like. a fucking 4 who was lucky to get any guy in the first place.

Avatar for dogchain

Difference is your friend's mother prolly took that guy's soul with his money.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

Are we that much nicer to them, here?
I've seen some of the reviews.

Avatar for skibum609

Who cares? Business is Business.

Avatar for RonJax2

I have clients. I talk shit about them to my co-workers.

I also genuinely like many of them, even the ones I talk shit about. It's possible to both like and also be annoyed or aggravated by someone, especially when it comes a client for business, and obviously stripping is a business too. People can, and often do, have conflicted feelings.

Think of the general stripper web as a women's locker room, and it makes more sense. You're just hearing the worst of it there. A dancer bitching about an ugly, cheap, degenerate PL might have also made a genuine connection with that PL, but she's not going to talk about that in the locker room.

And @PuddyTat69 has a good point here. We shouldn't throw stones from this glass house we're in, there's lots of disrespectful behavior here too.

The best thing for everyone, PLs and dancers alike, is to try to be respectful towards each other, we'll all have more fun that way.

Avatar for Mate27

I just assume everyone talks shit about me behind my back, especially my closest friends and relatives. Why would my providers be any different? You’ve seen what anonymous posters say to each other on here, can’t believe it would be much different elsewhere.

Avatar for jackslash


"ugly, creepy, depraved, cheap and perverted"

I think they were just talking about Motörhead and jackslash.

That doesn't describe me. They need to add "old."

Avatar for docsavage

I have always thought that people change their personalities based on who they are with. The stripper might be one person with the customers, another with fellow strippers, another with her boyfriend, another with her grandmother etc. I have seen many times where a regular acts very friendly when we are alone in the lap dance area but much less so if other strippers are around. I think they appreciate the customer who picks them out from all the other strippers to spend money on because he thinks she is something special but are reluctant to show it in front of the other strippers.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

I gotta wonder why anyone is bothering to go over to reddit to see this when blah is right here.

Avatar for RamPaige

Can't hate on them for being honest.

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