
avatar for blahblahblah23
>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣

So from reading the internet I found out that Italians are really sub-saharan Africans, Albanians are middle eastern or Turkish, and Russians are apparently Mongoloids. I am so glad I have the internet to learn so much useful accurate knowledge from!

Also apparently we should all drink 1 beer or 1 wine glass a day because it is good for you.


last comment
avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

If you’re into genealogy check out this girl Danielle Romero on YouTube. She goes into all that stuff.

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

So where did the stabbing fetish come from? Reddit? Or did you happen to research all this at the San Jose Public Library and some asshole at the next computer kept pestering you?

It all comes back to it’s a small world. I’ll travel halfway around the world and run into some jerk that lives down the street from me.

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

Oh no I have always been a bit evil and murdery. Lmao!

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago
avatar for CJKent_band
1 yr ago


I will play along and comment on your discussion:

You were not born being evil and murdery, you “learned” that behavior…

From Google:

The billions of human beings living today all belong to one species: Homo sapiens.

As in all species that have spread worldwide since ancient times, dogs, cats, horses etc, there is variation among individual human beings, from size and shape to skin tone and eye color.

We all have roots extending back 300,000 years to the emergence of the first modern humans in Africa.

The human species has been able/required to spread all over the world to survive and thrive.

Humans, like most living organisms, are born with a genetic/natural survival instinct, that helps them survive long enough to reproduce, and this instinct sometimes makes them to adopt selfish behaviors that would allow the individual organism to maximize their own individual chances for survival.

Humans and animals of the same species often work cooperatively in order to survive as a group, but when one member is perceived as a burden for an extended period of time, the individual may either commit self-destructive behavior, or be put out of his misery by the group. This allows his “relatives” to have a better chance at survival, and if enough close relatives survive, then his genes get indirectly passed on.

This cooperative behavior most times works well in modern societies. Humans are cooperative, group-loyal, altruistic, creative, etc, etc. etc, etc.

However sometimes this “self preservation instinct” becomes extreme and have the potential to lead to negative behavior against other humans perceived as “enemies” and is conducive to greed, violence, discrimination, exploitation and extermination.

The undeniable reality is:

“Greed is the disordered desire for more than is decent or deserved, not for the greater good but for one's own selfish interest, and at the detriment of others and society at large”

Most of our past and current “Economic Systems” create Poverty, Greed, Violence, Disease, and Environmental Destruction

"There is enough in the world for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed."

~ Frank Buchman aka (Franklin Nathaniel Daniel Buchman) ~ Decorated by the French and German governments for his contributions to Franco-German reconciliation after World War II.

~ Born June 4, 1878 Pennsburg, Pennsylvania ~ Died August 7, 1961 Freudenstadt, West Germany

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

The Albanians are actually commie lesbo with the Chinese

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

Actual footage showing Italian and Sub Saharan African genes mixing

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

These are some niche fetishes you speak of lmfao ^

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

ok CJ you are so wrong. You forget to include the part that males are subhumans and not the same species, ok? Did you fail biology?

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

God have mercy on us...

avatar for CJKent_band
1 yr ago


In my humble opinion and limited experience, I believe that your “dark sense of humor” is a coping strategy for dealing with the emotional effects from your previous relationships with some men who have disappointed you.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago
avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

My favorite way to piss off Italians (and make them recite vowels) is the Dennis Hopper scene from True Romance. Skip to 5:00 in for the relevant part.

Oh yeah: Trigger Warning. LOL

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

^I'm sure there is some truth to that regarding places like the south of Spain and Italy, but same time I've met a # of Sicilians that were lily white so idk lmao.

I get a lot of amusement reading or hearing some of this shit.

I have also recently met a girl that doesn't consider Italians white lmfao. I find that Americans have an extremely narrow definition of white people because like for example a lot of times if there is a Mediterranean looking girl at a strip club a lot of people don't think she's white anymore? Olive skin is a frequent southern European trait and pretty fucking common in Eastern Europeans. And Med women are supposed to have an ass and hips above avg compared to no body nw euros. Or even someone as pale as me constantly gets asked what race I am or people place me all over the map which is just too funny esp after I quit trying to be blonde anymore. I just think a lot of Americans are still not really used to anything other than Irish/Anglo/Nordic. Every white that doesn't look like that is atypical apparently in this country.

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

Although to be fair I've seen some hilarious discussions of Europeans shitting on other Europeans. It seems like the fucking Irish/Anglo/Nordics seem to shit on all Eastern Euro and Southern Euro like back in their home countries. This might be similar to how a lot of Asians fucking hate each other yet as a white I don't get it lmao

avatar for CJKent_band
1 yr ago

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @blahblahblah23

FYI; the human brain because of evolution/survival divides the world into us and them categories known as in-group and out-group.

An in-group is a “social group” to which a person psychologically identifies as being a member. In the other hand, an out-group is a social group with which an individual does not identify

The exact membership of the in-group and out-group are socially contingent (hence vulnerable to the instruments of propaganda), and the intensity exists along a spectrum from mild to complete dehumanization of the "othered" group (such as through pseudospeciation; the treatment of different human groups as if they were different biological species.)

avatar for Brahma2k
1 yr ago

I’m of the Calabria region of Italy. It’s more south than Messina Sicily and is the most southern part of the mainland. DNA test (don’t use Ancestry DNA) did not reveal any Arab North Africa DNA matching (only with the Southern Aegean Islands). If it had North Africa, no worries either way. Whatever it is is what it is

avatar for jackslash
1 yr ago

The Moors invaded Sicily and southern Italy in the 700s and stayed for a couple centuries. This resulted in the dark hair and skin found in southern Italy. Northern Italians are lighter. The Roman Emperor Nero had blond hair and blue eyes.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

Southern Italy was heavily colonized by Greeks (who also have darker complexions) in the 1st Millenium BCE.

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

Interesting. Either way I almost never see "dark" Italians. Maybe that is atypical, but this is just my observation. I've seen more dark EE than Italians honestly.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

North Italy is a different story. After the Roman Empire fell, the Lombards migrated there, they are germanic.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

You wouldn't say Sophia Loren has a dark complexion? Or Al Pacino?

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

They are both unambigiously white european. They have zero non european features from the coloring to the facial bone structure. There is nothing MENA or Asian there, and won't even go into the SSA bullshit, obviously not there neither.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

The 23 is for 23 And Me Prophetess. She divines your race without any DNA test.

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago


avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

Black People in Northeastern Africa often have narrow pointy noses and thinner lips, as Europeans tend to. So so much for "European" facial features. Race is a social construct.

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

Lol the only europeans who always have thin lips are western europeans. This is well known.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

When you see white people with thinning lips that can be from sun damage.

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

I actually believe that. Mine look way plumper if I remember to regularly use chapstick, and way thinner when they are all dried up which sun damage can easily do.

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

But anyway I've seen a lot of latinas, dot Indians, and asians with thin lips in addition to whites. I think the only people that almost never have this problem are african, specifically.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

I think it must be true when they say the Russians are a mix of Vikings with Slaves. blah clearly has beserker blood in her.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

Heinz 57.

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

I've seen a bunch of theories on the origin of Russians. Basically mix of slavs, Vikings, Turkic, Iranian, Mongols LOL

Idk how much is true. And most of the mixing was like 1000ish years ago or something like that

avatar for RonJax2
1 yr ago

I've been studying Mexican Spanish a lot, and recently did a deep dive on the verb Chingar, which has tangential relevance to this conversation about mixing races and nationalities.

In Mexican slang, Chingar is everywhere. Often it is used in situations where we might use a phrase with the word "fuck". For example, "¡chinga tu madre!" (Fuck off! or Fuck your mother!) and "¿qué chingados?" (What the fuck?) There are dozens of more examples, but the one place Mexicans wouldn't use Chingar is in the bedroom to talk about actually fucking. Coger would be the appropriate word for "to fuck", and furthermore gringos should be careful using Chingar because despite it's ubiquitousness in Mexican slang, the word has dark connotations of rape.

The rape-y vibes in this word say a lot about the history of Mexico, where thriving indigenous populations were colonized by violent Spanish conquistadors.

The phrase "los hijos de la chingada" is vibrant illustration of this dark history. Literally meaning "the children of raped women", Mexicans might use this phrase to mean "sons of bitches", but also as use it as a prideful reminder of their heritage. On September 16th, the REAL Mexican independence day, you might hear "¡Viva México, hijos de la chingada!"

To elaborate with a quote from a Mexican scholar:

"Who is Chingada? Above all, she is the Mother. She is not a flesh and blood mother, but a mythical figure. La Chingada is one of the Mexican representations of Motherhood, like La Llorona or the "suffering Mexican mother" that we celebrate on May 10. La Chingada is the mother who has suffered, metaphorically or actually, the corrosive and slanderous action implicit in the verb that gives her name."

In short, Mexicans are a product of the Aztec and Mayan empires being colonized by Spanish conquistadors, and even the language they use when they stub their toes reflects this.

More reading if anyone is interested: (English) (Spanish) (Spanish)

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

You mean that Mexicans don't speak Mexican?

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

On a more serious note I do think that the history of various peoples raping others is disgusting, but I guess it is just a fact of life. The US military still does it lol.

avatar for RonJax2
1 yr ago

Yah, it's hard to separate history from all the rape and violence

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

@RonJax2 generally there is only speculation about the origin of Mexican slang words. I wouldn't be too convinced of any particular idea about it. Chingar seems to have more negative connotations than fuck does, but it doesn't mean rape. La chingada simply means "the cunt".

There were and are many indigenous nations and languages in Mexico, with a complex history. The (multiple) nations under the Aztec Empire knew less about the nation that built Teotihuacan than modern archeologists do. There was never a Mayan Empire, only a period when Mayan city states existed. The cities had been abandoned when the Spanish came. Dubious whether all the Mayans can be considered a single nation, they can't all communicate with each other. Linguists debate whether they speak dialects of one language, or multiple languages.

People in the US say it was founded by Britain. People in Mexico say it was conquered by Spain. But, except for the minority who get deep into Marxism, they don't get all bitter against anybody.

avatar for rawhide2
1 yr ago

blahblah, I dont know who you are, but let me tell you; you sound HOT, like smoldering fire hot! amazing personality.. even those plumper lips!

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