
Anyone been to Istanbul turkey?

Monday, January 22, 2024 3:07 AM
Anyone visited and mongered there?


  • schmoe31415
    6 months ago
    I've been to Istanbul, but didn't partake of any adult oriented entertainment. The bazaar was interesting. The Blue Mosque was impressive. The ferry across the river taking you from "Europe" to "Asia" was nice, and gave some good city views. I had some good food, and one restaurant owner was amazingly friendly. On the downside, multiple cab drivers were aggressive cheats. More than one tried driving way out of the way on some pretense and demanded various payments. I practically had to jump out of a cab at one point. Maybe this was because I was American and/or didn't speak the language, but it was pretty irritating. This was pre-Uber, so things could easily be different now. Istanbul isn't on my list of places to return to.
  • rattdog
    6 months ago
    many years back i watched the movie midnight express. i was about ten years old at the time. that left a seed inside my head to never ever entertain any ideas of making any travel plans to turkey.
  • motorhead
    6 months ago
    [view link] Take me back to Constantinople
  • Mate27
    6 months ago
    Ask yo momma!
  • mogul1985
    6 months ago
    "Midnight Express" watch, then think about a trip to Turkey. I regret not stepping up to go Pirinçlik Air Base outside Diyarbakir, Turkey when I worked at GE. GE had a contract to upgrade the radar system watching for USSR ICMBs over the Ural Mountain Range. I would have stayed on-base (re: "Midnight Express").
  • sinclair
    6 months ago
    Taken 2 is set in Istanbul. Most of the hookers in Istanbul are Russian or from former Soviet republics. I see Turkish Airlines stewardesses at the airport in the US, and some of them are very sexy.
  • rawhide
    6 months ago
    Putin's friends party in Istanbul.
  • rickmacrodong
    6 months ago
    I don’t know if most of them are russian or soviet. There are some turkish ones and some arabian ones. The nice thing is the rates are much lower than the US, I believe because the cost of living and food is lower there. Even the hottest girls charge $180 to $250 an hour or for two hours there. I havent seen anyone asking more than $250 an hour, most girls will do two hours for $200. Also it seems they are much less likely to have pimps and even boyfriend’s out there. Its still a conservative country, and prostitution is quasi legal there. Turkish culture isn’t as open to open relationships or being a boyfriend pimp like the US. In the US, supposedly many escorts consider tongue kissing to be cheating? Over there, many of them actually offer and like DFKing. BJ without cover is standard there. There were numerous girls still living with their parents, secretly escorting on the side. Materialism is huge at least with the escorting chicks. There arent really any high paying jobs there that would pay $100 or $200 an hour. The only wealthy people I knew of were businessmen. Im assuming doctors and surgeons make far less there too because they charge less? A lot of people from other countries go there for plastic surgery… including guys. Saw numerous guys with nosejob bandages… every other guy at the hotel had a hair transplant done. Eurogirls is a popular site there… there are also much smaller forum sites that are mostly used by the locals. You can also meet someone from there but will most likely need to use google translate. A few of the girls on the smaller forums only want to meet local Turkish men. Also some of them if they know you’re American or British, will ask you for double their normal rate… I heard there are a lot of working girls walking around the Taksim square area. I didnt spend enough time there to find out, but during holiday season its just so packed with tourists. Even outside of holidays its a big tourist spot. There is also a popular scam going on in the taksim area where guys or girls come up to you asking if you want girls or drugs, they take you to a nightclub they own or are affiliated with. Then they start serving you drinks without you asking. Then try charging you a ridiculous amount like $1000 for a couple drinks. If you refuse they may threaten you or threaten to call the cops on you hoping youll pay up. The websites seem to be much safer especially if youre doing outcall having the girl come to you. The 4/5 star hotels seem to have no issues with guests and you can always meet her at the outside entrance area and enter the hotel together, that way she doesn’t have to register at the front desk at all and you can just walk straight up to the elevators. Regarding the taxi scams they are still active, and its because of a ridiculous thing where the taxi drivers enter in the fare themselves on their taximeter and thats how they charge you. If you do uber, somehow it only has taxi drivers there are no civilian uber drivers. Uber is actually the best option though, unless you meet a taxi driver in person and agree on a set amount of Lira beforehand, and pay him only at the end of the trip. With Uber, the uber driver enters in the fare at the end of the trip, but if the fare is anything outside of the range you were given before accepting the uber ride, you just have to report it to uber and they refund you and probably note that driver as a scammer in their system. I had a ridiculous situation where a trip was supposed to be 150 lira, the guy drops me off, i go back to my hotel, check uber and the ride cost was 450 lira! I reported it to uber and they adjusted it down under 150. What i found is that a lot of uber drivers will try scamming a small amount hoping people don’t bother reporting it to Uber. I had a bunch of rides that we’re supposed to be 140 or 160 lira and they were overcharged by 20-40 lira. I reported them to Uber and they adjusted all of them. Only one driver was daring enough to charge the 450 lira which is so obvious. Im looking forward to going there again… a lot of the food also seems better. Even the milk at the grocery store, somehow tastes a lot better than milk here. Maybe its sheeps milk, maybe the cows there arent raised the same as here.
  • rickmacrodong
    6 months ago
    But as far as the middle east I have heard Dubai is the absolute best and possibly even better than the US or the UK. Dubai seems to be the only place where girls from the US or UK Or Australia are actually willing to go there for escorting purposes. Even on the eurogirls site i think it had the highest number of listings of any middle eastern country, with turkey second or third.
  • rickmacrodong
    6 months ago
    There are restaurant scammers there too which is absolutely ridiculous. They will just serve you food you didnt ask for, making it appear as if its a free appetizer or something, then charge you for it at the end. You can argue it with them, but the “free” food is usually priced around a few bucks, in the hopes people pay it instead of arguing.
  • RiskA
    6 months ago
    I’ve been there 3 times but never mongered; between an unknown legal system & the hustle inherent in locals seeing tourists, I just think it’s more hassle than it would be worth. I can monger at home for cheap & with confidence I get good value. Saw some hot women, though; Istanbul and in coast cities it’s very Western. Go east of Konya & you rarely see women on the street, it seems very traditional not cosmopolitan.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 months ago
    Ugh Russian hookers seem to be all over the world lmao. Russia is very good at exporting women 😂
  • rickmacrodong
    6 months ago
    Theres a stereotype of the russian escorts in turkey having a lot of stds, What started that stereotype? And thats true, supposedly switzerland has a lot of russian/ukrainian immigrant hoes It seems like they will provide better service too though, more likely to kiss and offer GFE. Maybe less likely to have boyfriends or be pimped out. But in turkey supposedly theres russian gangsters pimping them The airport in switzerland had some of the hottest chicks ive seen anywhere. Some nice civilians too, but some of the store workers there had faces unlike anything id seen in person in the US. Even on linkedin i somehow started getting a bunch of suggested people in Switzerland, and the faces of these girls are just far better than what you see in the US. I dont know if its surgeries being done or the mountainous environment there creating these looks
  • georgmicrodong
    6 months ago
    Yes, lots of people have been.
  • rickmacrodong
    6 months ago
    What was your mongering experience there like georgi?
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