Huh? She has a well worked out biologically feminine physique - fully biologically feminine, unlikely she has touched testosterone/AAS except maybe a cycle or two of oxandralone (nothing wrong with that at <15mgs per day). This is in very stark contrast to a few other posters posting women they like who used heavy test/AAS to achieve an exaggeratedly biological masculine result.
Would, but she'd have to keep her top on. When the tits are small enough that I can't see any cleavage with even that top on, best to just keep them under wraps.
This is in very stark contrast to a few other posters posting women they like who used heavy test/AAS to achieve an exaggeratedly biological masculine result.
With a fine, strong body
Nice smile, too.
Yeah. When she gets on the podium and smiles - that is so cute. She’s would be perfect girl next door dancer.