

Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
Tuesday, November 28, 2023 6:25 PM
Has anyone tried generating a strip club review on AI? I’m curious how accurate it would be, and if it would get past TUSCL peer reviewers.


  • Manuellabore
    8 months ago
    I've seen several articles that were clearly AI generated and were approved by adjudicators. I would reject, given the chance, as they offer no useful information. Would do the same with a SC review.
  • shadowcat
    8 months ago
    I rejected one this morning but I don't remember what club it was on.
  • samiel
    8 months ago
    Have you seen the stuff that gets past? For sure it would be approved! :)
  • Techman
    8 months ago
    I've adjudicated several Ai reviews; some were partial Ai with a paragraph of details. I reject if there are no details.
  • minnow
    8 months ago
    I don't think anyone would admit to that since submitting AI review and passing it off as your own would be plagiarism, IMO. Submit a review without going to club to get VIP credit isn't right, even though it might provide "some' information on club. Also, info may be outdated. If people do that and enough people approve, why bother with paying for tuscl membership- just go to Chat GPT, hit submit review on Club X. Curious about founders thoughts on AI generated reviews.
  • gSteph
    8 months ago
    I reject if I suspect.
  • Manuellabore
    8 months ago
    TUSCL is like a collective where everybody is expected to make a contribution, either cash, or reviews/articles with useful information, or both (I suppose). People who submit AI reviews/articles to maintain VIP access are freeloaders. The more this happens, the less useful information goes on the site, and the fewer people bother to contribute, potentially leading to a downward spiral. Nobody wants to be Dwight Shrute, but it is in everybody's interest to sniff these out when adjudicating.
  • StripclubRando
    8 months ago
    @Manuellabore Reading your comment. "Tragedy of the commons" comes to mind. If accurate and detailed information is the "lake of limited, but highly necessary and therefore desired resource"... then yeah, vague or low effort entries are probably the equivalent of folks sneaking a sip and taking more than their fair share. (Probably guilty of this, at least in part- not a fan of full disclosures)
  • ooyess
    8 months ago
    I've employed AI for work on several occasions. Initially, I compose a draft of my intended message, and if it's intricate, I run it through AI. If the AI rephrases it accurately, I can be confident that I've captured the details correctly. Should the new draft prove superior, I will either adopt it as is or make some adjustments. In fact, I utilized AI to compose this paragraph. here is the original chicken scratch... I have used ai for work a few times. I actually write a draft of what I want to say and if complicated I run it through ai. if ai rewrites it accurately then i know I got the details correct. If the new draft is better then i use it as is or I make some changes. As a matter of fact I used it to write this paragraph.
  • misterorange
    8 months ago
    I can't define an AI generated bullshit review, but I know it when I see it.
  • Jascoi
    8 months ago
    it's all over... way over my head.
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