
Do you get along with you neighbors?

Any beefs? Even way back when. I've never had a problem with any neighbors outside of being a punk kid but I'd have to imagine it'd be a pain in the ass. At home you just want to unplug not worry about bullshit.


  • shailynn
    10 months ago
    Everywhere I go there are assholes and my culdesac is no different.
  • Huntsman
    10 months ago
    That’s why I live in the boondocks.
  • drewcareypnw
    10 months ago
    Mostly. We got close with our immediate neighbors during the pandemic bc nobody was going out and we basically had each other to hang out with over the fence. There are a few loons that go off about fireworks or kids playing or whatever and we ignore them. It's pretty rare for Seattle bc everyone here is so standoffish.
  • gSteph
    10 months ago
    Yup. Another way I consider myself lucky. They are on the other side of the political fence, but we don't talk politics. Nicest people, they took in a couple wayward kids and helped them out in the world.

    My son banged their daughter for a couple years (in their early/mid 20s) and everyone remained good friends when that came to an end. Borrow each other's tools, we get to throw lawn trimmings on their burn pile. Used to invite them to look through my telescope when I was into that.

    So,we don't talk politics (or my strip club thing), all is good.
  • shadowcat
    10 months ago
    I live in a senior citizen sub division with an HOA. I don't socialize with any of them and there are no problems.
  • DandyDan
    10 months ago
    In the time I have lived in my current apartment building, I have mostly got along with the other residents. When I first moved in, one of the tenants was basically an asshole, but he was ultimately evicted after he got arrested for drug possession and thrown into the county jail.

    One of my civie dates was with the lady next door, but there was zero chance at a second date.

    Nowadays, of the 7 other tenants in my building, I talk with 3 of them at least semiregularly, 2 of them I used to but not much anymore and 2 of them are people who just moved in.
  • twentyfive
    10 months ago
    Where I live it’s a small HOA, most folks here get along well, small petty stuff gets ignored mostly. We have a regular community barbecue 4 times a year and most folks will stop by if they’re in town.
    There aren’t a lot of young people anymore and that was the source of most of the problems in years past, the community while not age restricted hasn’t seen a lot of turnover, many of the homes here are original owners or children of the original owners.
  • motorhead
    10 months ago
    I’ve got a hot 22 year old college student (who is possibly a stripper) living next to me.

    But I think my she is stalking me as she's been Googling my name on her computer. I saw it through my telescope last night.
  • crosscheck
    10 months ago
    Growing up one of our abutting neighbors were complete weirdos. Their daughter who was only normal person in the family took off when she turned 18, never to be seen again. The father and one brother had a restraining order against the mother and the other brother. That's really all you need to know.
  • skibum609
    10 months ago
    We've lived in the same home for 26 years without any neighbor problems at all. My pool fence is actually on my neighbors land. They had a survey done and know this, because they extended the fence to the woodlands. They never said: "your fence is on our land". I never had to say, its been there 26 years and what you call your land is now legally mine due to adverse possession. We just drink and use the pool.
    I will fight at work. I will fight here. I will never tolerate fighting to invade my home.
  • Studme53
    10 months ago
    I’m friendly and cordial with my neighbors. In many cases our kids we’re friends and grew up, played sports, went to school, etc together. Unless you or they are strange, your going to be friendly. Most people are normal and want to get along.

    That being said, “Good fences make good neighbors.”
  • Mate27
    10 months ago
    “I will fight at work. I will fight here.” SkiDumb, aka rage queen. It’s like picking the low hanging fruit when engaging, and his butt buddy 2-bits telling everyone to get off his lawn (yawn).

    Anyhoo, yeah I’m probably going to stay where I’m at, because why fix something that works?
  • twentyfive
    10 months ago
    ^ still looking for a fight mate the biggest pussy on this website
  • drewcareypnw
    10 months ago
    Jeez mate give it a rest. You’re just looking for fights now.
  • gammanu95
    10 months ago
    Get along with my neighbors? Yes. Like my neighbors? No. They do not know I dislike them, nor do I know if they like me. It doesn't matter. We all get along and look out for each other
  • Mate27
    10 months ago
    What did instate about low hanging fruit? Anyway, I spend about 5-10 minutes in this website and the comedy revolving around these two literally writes itself. It’s a shame some of you are humorless, but apparent by the way you comment. Yawn!

    Old PLs never die, they just fade away…..
  • Hank Moody
    10 months ago
    I have some neighbors I like and some I feel neutral about. As long as they don’t speed through the neighborhood or do anything that negatively affects me or mine, I don’t care. Others of my neighbors are very good friends. We vacationed with some for years, still go to dinner or drinks and socialize with the kids. It seemed pretty normal to me.
  • skibum609
    10 months ago
    I see Matedwith27 children is acting like a little bitch ...again. Weak as puppy shit; that's you boy.
  • etsutwigg222
    10 months ago
    My home in AZ is in a neighborhood full of older couples with older kids moving back in. Been there over 25 years and we are friendly, but it helps that I am on a cul-de-sac & own one of the homes next to my residence (Rent it to 4 ASU coeds).

    During summer, I am in MT on 350 acres so neighbors are few & far away. The occasional encounter at the fence line or in town are friendly bur respectful of why we live in MT.
  • skibum609
    10 months ago
    mmmmm co-eds...
  • rattdog
    10 months ago
    4 ASU coeds...

    is it very tempting to offer a rent reduction in exchange for a little bit of......?
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