I’m sorry to say this but I’ve had a fetish for woman smoking for a while. I didn’t tell them to start the bad habit and encourage them to stop but it’s not my choice so I enjoy the show. I use to pay to watch one smoke in VIP. I use to bring one packs of cigarettes (they are expensive). Now that it’s been band indoors I have started watching the vapors. I just enjoyed a VIP with a new girl and I could smell cigarette smoke on her breath. It was a huge turn on that I didn’t know I enjoyed. I’m going to tell her I found that sexy and see if I can purposely get close to smell her breathing? Hopefully she’ll say yes.
Have fun.
All good just don’t say you’re into videos of watching women poop like Muddy likes - that’s gross.
If your gal is smoking after or during sex, you need to add lube.