
Consequences for girls that come back from having a kid to early

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 12:28 AM
Look I'm totally against government overreach. I've been a registered libertarian voter for years. I even have a statue in my front yard of Ron Paul and kid Rand Paul holding hands carrying a Gadsen flag. If you look in my room there is a big poster of a nativity scene with my face photoshopped on baby Jesus and the three kings are Rep Bobbie Massie, Governor Barry Goldwater and Ted Nugent. I'm also one of the few humans on the earth to jerk it to Jo Jorgenson. So my track record speaks for itself. Now with all that being said, I'm totally for if a stripper comes back too early to dancing from a pregnancy, that we throw in jail for an indefinite amount of time, no court, no lawyers, no trial, no nothing. Just let her sit there and think about what she's done. The stretch marks, the sagging, nobody wants to see that shit. I hereby propose a year ban after giving birth from dancing. All in favor say aye.


  • Studme53
    8 months ago
    IDK - some dudes are into lactating ladies.
  • jaybud999
    8 months ago
    Depends on if it's a cesarean.
  • gSteph
    8 months ago
    Good thing you're kidding, sounds like overreach. Market probably take care of it. Some youngins recover amazingly fast.
  • tuskular
    8 months ago
    lol, thank you for this, I actually laughed out loud.
  • Heaven-sent
    8 months ago
    You lost me at jerk to Jo Jorgensen.
  • JamesSD
    8 months ago
    A year is harsh. Especially since her mouth works right away.
  • twentyfive
    8 months ago
    @Muddy They don’t close the amusement park cause one ride is out of order! Jes Sayin
  • Muddy
    8 months ago
    *Tommy Massie
  • Muddy
    8 months ago
    Could've also went John Stossel there
  • motorhead
    8 months ago
    Better to come back too early then keep working for too long. But some guys are into that.
  • gammanu95
    8 months ago
    I'm a Capitalist. Laissez-faire - market forces will take care of the problem.
  • Rod8432
    8 months ago
    I had to look up Jo Jorgenson. Man, if she gets your mojo working, you're definitely deep in the Libertarian fold... ;)
  • rickthelion
    8 months ago
    Muddy ape, this rick is a bit disturbed by your Ron and Rand shrine. You say you’re only jackin’ it to Jo Jorgenson but methinks you’re also splattering the Nugent poster with your jizz. Or maybe the Goldwater poster. Not sure what is more disturbing jack off material. My rickvice is to actually go to a strip club and get a handie from a sexy female. It will do you a world of good. ROAR!!!
  • motorhead
    8 months ago
    ^^ Rick - you can’t be trash talking the Motor City Madman. He’ll go all out Fred Bear on you and shoot an arrow thru your kitty sack.
  • BabyDoc
    8 months ago
    I recently met a dancer with a one month old newborn. After a thorough and complete visual inspection I can attest that she had a perfect body. No stretch marks or body damage of any sort. I did not check the tightness or looseness of her pussy but still - one month - damn. Lucky girl or good genes who knows.
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