
Is my dick too big?

Avatar for Sgrayeff
SgrayeffIn NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.

What's the right answer when a dancer asks: "Is your dick too big?"

That's the question I asked by an attractive dancer recently. Those exact words. We were discussing fucking in the back. Before she'd agree, she wanted to know if my dick was (her words) "too big."

Conundrum. Never in my life have I sought to minimize the size of my equipment. I'm proud to have a dick that is above average. Yet here I was an inch or two in difference from banging this small statured beauty. What to do?

For the record, there was a moment or two during the BJ where I could see her doing the math. But we did fuck. And it was good.


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Avatar for gSteph

^ When you know you've moved past the "Hi, how's your day going" stage.

Avatar for Mate27

You misheard. She said “you’re too big of a dick”.

Avatar for Manuellabore

Fortunately, this is a conundrum I will never face.

Avatar for shadowcat

I had one tell me that I was "adequate".

Avatar for JamesSD

"Let's try it and find out"

Avatar for FLAP3000

Depends on which hole we are gonna use….

Avatar for motorhead

“What we have here, little yellow sister, is a magnificent specimen of pure Alabama Blacksnake. But it ain't too goddamned beaucoup“

Avatar for doctorevil

I’ve had multiple strippers tell me they like my dick because “it’s not too big.“ I’m not sure if I should feel complemented or insulted. On the other hand, at least they don’t say it’s too small.

Avatar for 5footguy

Whether or not you're too big is just as much a function of her anatomy as yours (see below). Simple answer: "no, it's just right for you". Then proceed with care when you get there.

There are two girls who I regularly run into their cervix. One of them loves it, the other tolerates it. Some girls seem to have a deep black hole for a pussy and they probably wish I was bigger. It's not just the guy's size, but the female anatomy has a lot to do with it. Also, there's girth to consider, which is said by most to be a more important factor in pleasure/fit for a woman than length.

It's always critical to help the pussy relax. I had a regular last week tell me that she couldn't handle me from behind, she just put her hands up and said "no". The last time prior it had hurt too much. As a compromise, we got into place, and I stayed still and let her do the movement so she could control pace and depth. Once she had relaxed enough, it was much easier.

Avatar for funonthaside

Probably the only situation in which a guy proudly proclaims it isn't large.

Avatar for Specialj

"I'll let you be the judge"

Avatar for Studme53

Oh yes, very relatable. Happens to me all the time.
And who else forgot to take off their Congressional Medal of Honor before getting a lap dance? We all know how embarrassing that is.

Avatar for RiskA

I’m average but girthy; one girl said I was “hung like a tall boy beer can” (which raises many questions about why THAT was her reference point). But the ratio of strippers saying “you too big” to AMP girls? Maybe 1 to a million.

Avatar for Seekthethrill

Big is a subjective term. I rock the magnums so not small but not an xxl Johnson. Some girls It’s big, others it might as well be a tootsie roll. It all depends on her anatomy and her preferences. Me personally, I let them cop a feel discreetly if I’m already at full mast.

Avatar for rickthelion

OP, Imma start by sayin’ that I have never seen your wang and I’ll go all wildebeest on your ass if you try to show it to me. But I’m still confident in this response to your question: no, your dick is not too big.

Also, I’m confident that it has no spines. So stop writin’ about your spineless lil wang and move on. ROAR!!!

Avatar for motorhead

I’m hung like a gorilla. I think a battle between a gorilla and a lion would be very interesting. Gorillas are stronger. I can bench 4000 pounds. But lions are faster. But gorillas have the superior intellect. But lions are natural predators/fighters.

It would be a very even match Mr Rick

Avatar for twentyfive

^This story is relevant

Used to be a man who owned a bar out in the middle of nowhere. Not too many people came to the bar, so he was trying to think of a good gimmick to get people to come. It so happened he was watching T.V. at the time and the parade for the circus was on. As the elephants went by he remembered reading somewhere that elephants don't laugh.
He went down to the circus and inquired about buying an elephant. It just so happen that there was an elderly elephant bull that the circus was planning to retire. After agreeing on a price, the man bought the elephant.
Back at the bar the man put a large jar on the bar with a sign reading: "Make the elephant laugh, $5.00 a shot, win $5,000."
Well, a lot of people thought they could make the elephant laugh, and soon the jar was almost full.
Then one night a man walked in and said to the bar owner, "I hear you will give any one who can make the elephant laugh $5,000."
"Yeah, he's out back"
After about five minutes tremendous, deep, thundering laughter could be heard coming from behind the bar. Every one in the bar raced back to see what was going on. When they got there the elephant was LAUGHING!!! The man could not believe his eyes. But, a bet was a bet after all and he paid the stranger who had made the elephant laugh.
A few weeks later and the elephant was still laughing. The bar owner could not stand it any more so he put a sign on the bar reading:
"Make the elephant cry, $5.00 a shot, win $5,000."
Again, a lot of people tried and tried, but they could not get the elephant to stop laughing. Finally the man who had gotten the elephant to laugh in the first place walked in. Upon seeing the sign, he inquired if anybody had had any luck in stopping the elephant from laughing. Seeings as no one had, he once more went back behind the bar to see the elephant.
In less than a minute a wail of grief cascaded over the bar. All the patrons ran out to see what was up. The elephant had huge tears running down its cheeks. Once again a bet was a bet and the bar owner paid the man. Before the man could leave, the bar owner asked how he had gotten the elephant to laugh and then to cry.
"Easy." said the man, "When I first went back there last time I was here, I told him my dick was bigger than his. And now I just showed him”

Avatar for Jascoi

I don't get asked anymore at 73 if I'm too big.

Avatar for ATACdawg

Ahhhh, Motorhead. I assume you're aware that a gorilla's dick is only about a inch long........

Avatar for motorhead

I am….not all of TUSCL is “just a work of fiction” as founder would say.

Me and GMD are the only “honest” people on TUSCL. Everyone else is “above average” or “girthy” 😊😊😊😊

Avatar for RiskA

This is a good thread. @Motorhead, I was just reporting what the paid sex workers tell me; I have zero frame of reference (not looking at others’ junk) and really don’t care. She was probably saying “tall boy” but thinking “mini Coke can.”

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