How many south paws do we have Here?
Born in NYC, conceived at Woodstock.
I'm left handed. I'm curious to see how many of you are. They say roughly 10-15% of the population is a lefty. I'm interested in seeing if that estimate applies to the PL/stripper universe. I suppose worth noting, my mother was born a lefty but was forced to use her right, as being a lefty in those times was taboo.
Interesting. I grew up with those kind of desks in school but never made the connection. I’ve seen plenty of left handed people write like you described but neither my sister or my dad does. I wonder why.
* Motörhead - I virtually write upside down because of those desks. People seem to be amazed Ed at how a write if I’m holding a notebook in one hand and writing with the other (my left) because I’m writing almost upside down.
* here’s one thing not mentioned in the other thread - I am left handed and my wife is left handed. I had a great grandfather that was left handed, my wife doesn’t know of any relatives on her side that were left handed. We don’t have kids so can’t test that theory of what are kids would be.
I’m sinister. None of my siblings, parents or offspring are, although a daughter might have been if she hadn’t fallen out of a shopping cart on mom’s watch and broke her left arm at a tender age.
I do everything left except bat, golf (which I only did as a kid) and shoot a long gun, probably because I learned those things from righty peers. Plus, who needs a cartridge ejecting across your face?
I can perform similar tasks including writing with either hand.