Looking for info on gogo bars...in or around Philly 1976-1984
Retired Burlesque Belly Dancing GoGo Girl
These are some of the clubs that I worked in during that period of time.. but I know they have been others some of the names have eluded me over time... It would be great if someone still has around some copies of unveiled magazine not only these dates but later dates of 2000 I'm not sure when Andy stopped publishing them...
If you check out my profile you'll see most of the bars and clubs I worked... And over the years when it was my early career and then when I returned in my later career some of the clubs kept their same name and some had one or two name changes and of course some of them went totally defunct and became regular bars or restaurants or got torn down...
If you check out my profile you'll see most of the bars and clubs I worked... And over the years when it was my early career and then when I returned in my later career some of the clubs kept their same name and some had one or two name changes and of course some of them went totally defunct and became regular bars or restaurants or got torn down...
I don’t know if you danced at any of those bars or knew any of the dancers. There a few I still remember and will never forget.
I believe it was one of the first bars I auditioned at in my later career not really sure why I picked it cuz I traveled pretty far to get to it
But when I auditioned the manager asked me if I could stay for a while I wound up staying 8 hours and I met the owner and he told me I could come back whenever I want and stay for however long I want I didn't have to call for a scheduler or anything I really loved that place... Plus once a week not too far away I worked at a bar called the Dragon Inn and I actually got paid to work there so just showing up for a couple hours I made 50 bucks not including tips... And it wasn't too busy during the lunch hour which is I think the only time they had girls but it was a nice little place it was easy to work..
The Harem dancers (I don’t know how they were organized or scheduled) would rotate between the 3 bars and were top notch. Someone on another site would talk about the guy who managed them and the stories he could tell.
My favs were Persian and Gabrielle/Brielle. Both hardbody 10s. If anyone remembers them I’d like to get you impression.
I would love to hear about your experiences about that era! If you have time, can I PM and ask you questions, like. Q&A?
My theme song back in the day was Hot child in the City I mean I was 17 and running wild had my own gorgeous apartment by the trevose train station...with my two other roommates... Man that was fun..