Why don't illegal immigrants strip?

avatar for ilbbaicnl
Many, if not most, stip clubs are in a legal grey area when it comes to the sort of dancer/PL contact that's going on. Given that, it seems odd that they seem to hire relatively few illegal workers. Compared to, say, McDonalds. Is it because the law rides strip clubs hard about checking for entertainer licences, and the gubment office that issues them is good at screening out illegal workers?

This seems like a question of particular interest to Trumpers. If the US can keep out illegal strippers without an expensive new wall/fence, why is it needed to keep out other workers?

(Not putting this in Potlical Discourse, since some people may have relevant information, but not care about the political aspects of the topic.)


last comment
avatar for whodey
a year ago
I imagine there are quite a few illegal immigrants working in strip clubs, particularly in cities that don't require licenses for dancers.

I also imagine some clubs would shy away from hiring illegal immigrants for one major reason. It would be easy for them to be accused of human trafficking if they are found to be employing illegal immigrants as sex workers even if it is a completely clean non-extras club. Being accused of human trafficking is a death knell for any business.
avatar for From978
a year ago
I'm not sure whether anyone knows how many illegal immigrants work in strip clubs, but I'm absolutely sure that you don't know. It's not like they're wearing name tags that say Hello, My name is Kandi, and I'm illegal.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
“it seems odd that they seem to hire relatively few illegal workers”

Let’s see some evidence of that. I think the opposite is more likely true
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
There’s been plenty of stories of clubs hiring underage dancers - so why would they have a stricter policy for illegals when every Holiday Inn Express and Speedway are hiring illegals in plain sight
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
A club that I frequent quite often has an abundance of Latina dancers that don't speak English. Dancers at this club with a license pay a $65 tip out each day. Those without licenses pay $100 per day.
avatar for BumHip
a year ago
There's undocumented strippers EVERYWARE! Ever been to Florida?
avatar for nicespice
a year ago
In Texas a LOT of clubs require dancers to bring their social security cards when auditioning: I’ve heard of dancers who tried to work in Texas from out of state, but forget to bring SS because their club back home isn’t a corporate Vu/Ricks that ever asked them for that info, so dancers don’t think of it— so they are SOL. Pretty sure that’s its gubment concerns that motivate managers there.

That being said, there are clubs (def in Texas) that look the other way on that—especially the divier ones that fill their roster almost all Cuban.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
^ The SS card requirement has nothing to do with their immigration status, it is for tax reporting purposes only, and it has to do with the strip clubs issuing payments not for any reasons related to immigration.
Corporations are required to issue a 1099 for payments over a fairly small amount they aren’t interested in who is legally allowed employment in the US they’re only interested in compliance with the regulations that apply to them (the corporation)
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
Even Tijuana's Zona Norte clubs, MAINLY Hong Kong... check IDs and medical cards.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
adelitas got into big trouble about a half year ago. big issue is undocumented dancers, Even some trafficking and even an accusation of being ilinvolved in fenidrol. and adilita is still closed.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
When you see Latinos working illegally in the US, the vast majority are Mexican, and most of the rest are Central American. Whereas Latina strippers are almost always either Cuban, Venezuelan or born in the US. Cubans and Venezuelans can get their permanent residence much more easily, (regardless of English ability) because they are automatically considered legitimate political refugees under the law.

@nice from what I've heard/read, illegal immigrants can get a fake social security card pretty easily. Which is part of my point, seems like it would be cheaper to stop that kind of crap, than build the Great Wall of Trump.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
It is true that it's easier to strip if you're a Caribbean chick (which includes Venezuela and parts of Colombia). The slut shaming in Caribbean cultures is significantly less intense. Among US native-born Latina strippers, it does seem like Puerto Ricans are less afraid to do it than Mexicans.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
@Jascoi that's because it's legal, regulated full service sex work like in Nevada.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
There's a Cuban dancer that I text with fairly regularly. She was the one who first told me the Cuban strippers were all able to get permanent residence fairly.

At one time, the Coast Guard would pick up Cuban balseros and bring them to Florida. But, after the Mariel Boat Lift, I think they started forcing them to go back to Cuba. But, until recently, if the Cuban sneak in, they can get legalized. Many Cuban strippers have told me they came via Mexico. I think I read that Biden made some change to stop this. They have to apply to come at the US Embassy in Havana first, if they want to be legal.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
^ you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, the Mariel Boat Lift was 40 years ago these strippers you’re talking to weren’t even a gleam in their daddy’s eye most of them are in their twenties tha majority of the so called balls Eros are in their late fifties, sixties, and seventies
avatar for georgmicrodong
a year ago
I think the very fact that strip clubs are in such a grey area that they go the extra mile to make sure they don't contract with illegals. I'm sure there are *some*, but it's too easy to be investigated for trafficking, and illegals are assumed to be the majority of victims.

Now, AMPs on the other hand, major trafficking operation, and I frankly don't understand why more aren't busted locally. I can only assume the vig is massive.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
@nice what is your definition of a "dive" strip club. To me, the diviness level of the club is about dancer working conditions. I've been in clubs that looked very swank, but once you have favs who trust you, they've got endless stories of being shit on. Would you consider Chicas Locas in Houston to be a dive? It's almost all Cubans. But the dancer working conditions seemed about average, and the interiors seemed relatively swank to me. Yes, the name is divey, means Nympho Chicks to Mexicans.
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
"This seems like a question of particular interest to Trumpers. If the US can keep out illegal strippers without an expensive new wall/fence, why is it needed to keep out other workers?"

WTF does this have to do with "Trumpers"? To clarify: NO ILLEGALS regardless of what they want to do, victimize, traffic, scam, push drugs, get welfare, live on Taxpayers' Dime, or squat. What's wrong with controlling borders, knowing who us entering and how they can benefit America?

Yeah, I know I was just baited.
avatar for Manuellabore
a year ago
If I was undocumented and trying to stay under the radar, I’d rather clean houses or offices than work in the highly-scrutinized strip club industry
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
@mogul if people can t work here illegally, that helps to control the border, because they don't have that reason to try to cross it illegally in the first place. If you don't want ants in your sugar, the first thing you do is keep the lid on the sugar. I mean, unless you want to totally live in some Fox Network fantasy world, where most illegal immigrants are coming here to collect welfare or commit crimes. Sorry, I don't mean to blow your chance to play the victim by claiming you were baited, knock yourself out.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
@Manuel before we spend billions on a wall, we should at least get a cost estimate on similar scrutiny for all employers.
avatar for nicespice
a year ago
That’s what I was told by a manager before. How useful it is to ask for social vs whatever is not my problem. And plenty of Texas clubs that don’t issue 1099s ask for a social anyways.

And I will straight up say that I side eye clubs that only have Cuban dancers. Clubs that are mixed and have a lot of Cubans and they are half the lineup? I’m not referring to those places. But who knows, maybe the managers really do relate to the girls better and aren’t just only hiring one type just because they are less likely to argue back against bs.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
“In Texas a LOT of clubs require dancers to bring their social security cards when auditioning”

I could take you to some factories that employee virtually 99% illegals - and every single one of them have a social security card. Means nothing
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
in reality... why the fuck have a wall? I i mean it doesn't matter . it's like whatever barrier and no matter how many are guarding the border it doesn't seem to matter. those that are determined to cross eventually get across.
the best thing would be to improve the work situations in Mexico.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
but what do I know?... I'm just an old fart that doesn't know shit.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
I'm sure a shadow cat is far more knowledgeable about this situation. after all, he does drive a new mustang.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
and I keep driving my bad ass prius and my $300 Corolla.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
If these clubs aren’t using E-Verify they aren’t checking for immigration status, and these phony state governors that claim all kinds of things about how they’re supposedly being overwhelmed with illegals could pass laws that require businesses to comply with E-Verify instead of allowing loopholes so that they can evade the law, the border would solve itself because there undocumented folks would have no way to support themselves.
It’s just smoke and mirrors people.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
but I do have to probably replace the head gasket on my 200,000+ mile badass Prius. because the 33 MPG average with my $300 Corolla is killing me.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
There are a lot of illegal Cuban strippers in the south Florida clubs. There are a lot of legal Cuban strippers in the south Florida clubs. There are a lot that are here legally, but not with the right to work. Most of the ones in that last scenario that I've spoken to are awaiting permanent residence as they've applied for political asylum.

There are a lot of illegals here who can pass e-verify. Its often as simple as sharing an ID. Sure, they get caught eventually. But that's 3, 5, or more years down the road. The one who gave out their ID to be shared is rarely prosecuted, since they play the victim of identity theft. And the ones who used it are difficult to identify and generally not worth the hassle.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
^ I know e-verify can be gamed, but the real problem is the lack of any mandatory verification, these politicians think we’re all stupid, truthfully many are, but they’re not even trying, just making phony excuses and demonizing folks, when they are the guilty ones.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
I mean... when you really get down to it, what the hell is trying to have a secure southern border? I mean it's causing one hell of a lot to try to keep a secure border. is it really cost efficient?
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
*costing* instead of causing.

what is it costing overall?...
from what I'm seeing in my limited 73 years of Southwest living, what the hell? let them come across! and make them legal citizens! and tax paying citizens! after all, if you look in the past history, the entire Southwest was Mexico and Spain to begin with!!!!!
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
and the Indians in the southwest are making a killing with casinos. (at least they were here first.)
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
When there is no social security for native born americans it will be because of illegal immigration. They should all be shot. All immigrants, legal and illegal collect public benefits at a rate of 2-1 over the native born so the idea that they are an economic benefit is beyond moronic. They are the enemy.
avatar for rickdugan
a year ago
There are plenty of illegals stripping. Almost every Russian girl dancing in the NY, CT, NJ and E. PA clubs got here by overstaying a tourist visa or on a student visa that doesn't include work privileges. Plenty of Latinas are dancing in certain parts of the country without having work authorization.

There are only two states where employee treatment of dancers is mandatory. Also there are plenty of areas throughout the country without licensing requirements. In places with neither, the only thing that many strippers need is a valid government issued ID for proof of age, for which an Ecuadorian passport works just as well as a DL.

When a club decides to require legal status despite a lack of these local requirements, it's most often because they've put in place cash controls and payout structures which require them to issue 1099s. Examples include clubs which split room charges with dancers and require customers to pay the whole thing to the club upfront. A lot of the Manhattan clubs are like this.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
Things don't add up, when you look at the implications of the claims being made here. Suppose Chicas Locas in Houston, and Chicas Bonitas and Sophia's in Vegas, were willing to hire dancers who couldn't work legally. They'd have more Mexican dancers than Cuban. Yes, there's harder slut shaming in Mexican culture, but that doesn't prevent there being gobs of sex workers in TJ. So is it somehow that only South FL strip clubs are willing to hire illegally? That, and maybe some small areas in NJ, is the only part of the country where the majority of immigrants without work permission might be Cuban.

We need a border control system that's designed based on cost effectiveness, and maximizing US wages. No major party is really pressing for this. The status quo is exactly what corporatist Republicans and Democrats want. Trump/De Santis/Abbott are only interested in demagoguing about the issue, not really solving it.
avatar for rickdugan
a year ago
===> "So is it somehow that only South FL strip clubs are willing to hire illegally? That, and maybe some small areas in NJ"

I guess you didn't read what I just posted before you typed this.
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
For people (Leftists) who are not current on local events: the border is wide open, it's like Tiffany's saying the store is closed but the door is left wide open 24x7, or better put a strip club VIP room with unlimited time and free anything goes; what is it with hating on Fox News; illegals come here, are given food, clothes, cell phones and a place to stay be it a NGO or expensive hotel in say NYC, groups in NYC-area hotels have been booted out to accommodate illegals (future Dem voters); lots of accommodations are made for them while ignoring homelessness; AOC had a news conference on Friday outside the Roosevelt Hotel with Oompa Loompa Nadler and was shouted down by a large group of angry NYC residents including a new "Joe The Plumber" type guy; NYC residents demand the border be closed while Mayor Adams looks to the WH for federal funding - TAXPAYERS' MONEY - and is too cowardly to demand The Wall be completed with said money, Remain in Mexico and proper security screening; kids are being added to public schools who can't speak English and schools can't handler taxpaying families; DHS has admitted they have lost track of 85,000 children; one "solution" is Work Permits so they can earn a legal paycheck, do this and voting is next and then Amnesty like was done in 1986 that made CA as blue as BLUE can be. NYC is spending several Billion Dollars with no solutions to control the Borders, spending money like that is not a solution as it will be continual and increase. It's like having a leaky pipe in the house and you just keep a bucket under it to collect them water - it never stops.

Keep the bird feeders full and the birds will continue to come.

These people are coming here globally. The Left is doing this to change voting demographics for power and control. Mexico won't do shit to stop it. Nor will the WH as the "Border Is Closed"; good think they don't run Tiffany's.

If you won't or can't understand the long term peril, this is a real existential threat not "climate change", this country faces, I feel really sad for you. I spelled out what is happening, and all the Leftists & (majority, not all) GenZ'ers can say is "RACISTS", "WHITE SUPREMACY", MAGA (I don't get what's wrong with that), FOX NEWS. Legal migration to the USA is fine, bum rushing and perverting it is anti-Constitutional.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
^ I’m pretty sure you weren’t referring to me, but if you were IDGAF
Truthfully you Maga idiots have been around a long time, lately you’ve become the authoritarian rabble rousers because Mr Trump emboldened you into saying what used to be the silent part.
I’ve been a fiscally conservative socially liberal person and I reject all of your labeling.
This is a fact, if we don’t find a way to compromise our positions this country will degenerate into a civil war, this country is a democracy I’ve contributed as much as anyone here, the only way this democracy works is if everyone gets some of what they want and allows the other guy the same. You don’t agree with what I’ve just said, tough, I don’t back down either.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
"Why don't illegal immigrants strip?"

They do.
avatar for georgmicrodong
a year ago
@motorhead: "I could take you to some factories that employee virtually 99% illegals - and every single one of them have a social security card. Means nothing"

I used to work for a company one of whose clients was a *large* department of the state of California. We maintained a database of their personnel, including names, ssns, dates of birth, addresses, and a whole host of other information.

There were several tens of *different* people, different names, different marital statuses, different dates of birth, addresses, sometimes even different genders. With the same SSN.

When we reported it to the state, they basically said they didn't care.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
Historically in the US, there have been claims that the Irish, free African-Americans, the Italians, and the Slavs were existential threats. Why is your claim about Latinos any less false?

Seems like housing is the worst issue we are facing right now, not immigration.
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
"This country is a democracy." See, right there is a fallacy. The USA is a Representative Republic - huge difference.

Ellis Island and immigration: people came here to work, not to get welfare. Ellis Island was established to control immigration, they just didn't "walk in" and told to come to a hearing in 3 years. They were identified and many were deported. And sure, people were pissed off that foreigners came here and took jobs. We were growing at an incredible pace and needed workers.

Illegals coming here now - real different story. Sure, many come here in search of a better life. They bring no education, no skills, no talent to improve America, unvaccinated, aren't required to be jabbed when kids go to schools - this is a hot mess designed for power & control. And what about the 85,000 children and several million "Got Aways" DHS has no clue about, and will never be held accountable?

Now that the UAW is striking, they can get assemble jobs. WGA - what a boon for Univision!
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
I always find it interesting how someone can argue simultaneously that all illegal immigrants want to go on welfare *and* all illegal immigrants want to steal American jobs.

The employment niche that illegal immigrants have filled is the type of work that no one else will do (at least not at the pay offered by employers...). Which is why industries like agriculture, livestock farming & processing, hospitality, and construction are quietly happy about the status quo with illegal or gray-area labor.

People and politicians who are against illegal immigration always seem reluctant to go after the industries and corporations that joyfully hire them. I mean, it's almost as if those politicians find the outrage over the problem more useful than working towards an actual solution...

And they also find the outrage more useful than actually succeeding at eliminating a cheap labor pool (particularly for the shittiest jobs) and then seeing the price of goods and services go up for their voters.

Also, there's plenty of illegal immigrants that are also strippers.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
>>> "This country is a democracy." See, right there is a fallacy. The USA is a Representative Republic - huge difference.

Amazing how much different your copy of the constitution is than mine, show us where it says that.

Actually it establishes a federal democratic republic, a union of 50 sovereign states, it is a democracy because the people govern themselves, it is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot

I’m done with this stupid argument I have better things to do with my time than pay attention to , and I mean this kindly, the people against the American way.
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
Why the fuck is it so hard to keep political discussions in the politics forum? This was bound to happen, because people are so god damned brainwashed by their biases. It's so sad to watch critical thinking take a back seat to whatever political party you have allegiance to, a party which cares ZERO about your welfare as a person.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
^ Someone holding a gun to your head forcing you to read them?
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
"The employment niche that illegal immigrants have filled is the type of work that no one else will do (at least not at the pay offered by employers...). Which is why industries like agriculture, livestock farming & processing, hospitality, and construction are quietly happy about the status quo with illegal or gray-area labor."

Then, set-up a legal process where workers comes in on a Work Visa across a secured bordered, with a verified foreign home address, taxes are withheld, eVerify is enforced, medical insurance of some sort is covered (not by taxpayers - this is a big one), they get registered via DNA, vaccinated on all shots, ect. They don't qualify for SS, Medicare or Medicaid, food stamps, ect. But then politicians won't get greased with lobbyist and Big Donor money - this goes for all in congress. And, the 14thA needs to be updated that those born on US soil must have at least one legal citizen parent by DNA analysis.

The Left doesn't like the immigration system they helped to create, so now they want "Comprehensive" (Open Borders & Amnesty) Immigration Reform and that just ain't gonna happen with our current Congress.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
^ I guess you skipped the part where the status quo (and all of its attached controversy and outrage) is more politically advantageous than actually solving the problem. It's also more economically advantageous for the American industries that love hiring illegal immigrants.

Also, there are many strippers who are also illegal immigrants.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
The reality is that there's probably a big percentage of strip club customers who have directly contributed to an illegal immigrant's presence and enjoyment of American residency. This includes, perhaps, strip club customers who rail against illegal immigrants online...

And much like those American industries that are quietly okay with illegal / gray-market labor as long as they get what they want, I'm pretty sure that those strip club customers have the same "forgiving" philosophy as long as there's a smoking hot (illegal) Russian or Columbian dancer grinding away on their hard-ons.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
If you end up getting less or no social security --thank a progressive. If housing is in a crunch because there are 40 million people who snuck in -- thank a progressive. If real wages are down because illegals are undercutting prices -- thank a progressive. If schools fail because of too many students who need more than anyone alive can give and t hereby use up all the money ----thank a progressive. If you do not think native born kill enough people or commit enough crimes - look at how many crimes illegals commit and ---thank a progressive. If you like seeing disabled American veterans thrown into the street because the motel is needed for illegals ---thank a progressive. If you think sending the number one sponsor of state terrorism 6 Billion dollars for the release of 5 people so the left can crow and pretend we're not failing ---t thank a progressive.

If you're a smarmy, American hating fraud who always has an excuse as to why everything you do is stupid and fails, then you are a progressive. Start shooting everyone wading across the Rio Grande. Start with the white people to make progressives happy. make over staying your visa a felony punished by banishment and the loss of ever applying to come here again. Boycott every business you suspect of hiring illegals.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
@mogul it's another Fox Channel fantasy that all the people who obstruct simple, facts-based immigration reform are on the left. Many on the right do it as well. The people with zero compassion, together with the people with zero practicality, drown out most rational discussion of this issue.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
“This includes, perhaps, strip club customers who rail against illegal immigrants online... “

Not me. Give me an All-American blonde, not a Latina who cannot converse in English. Of course, if I admit that, I’m branded a racist by the left. Sort of a no win situation, eh?
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
"^ Someone holding a gun to your head forcing you to read them?"

What a stupid, sarcastic question. The point of having a Politics forum is so that people can look in the other forums and read non-political content. Discussing politics in a place where it's not supposed to be discussed clutters the forum and makes it so that people have to sift through content which should already be sifted.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
What a stupid sarcastic reply, difference between my statement and yours it’s not my job to be the internet police, is it yours. No, I didn’t think so
Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your yap and remove all doubt.
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
@ilbbaicnl: What is it with you and Fox (FDS)? I'll admit I watch Gutfeld! and I go back to his Red Eye days.
avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
^ Ahhhh....Gutfeld....I love that guy. I'm surprised, though, that he hasn't been cancelled. Some of the things he has been saying, particularly with respect to the Lauren Boebert situation, have been quite edgy. I enjoy his commentary, but become concerned when he makes a statement, as I can't help but to wonder who is going to come after him.

And....seeing Kat's legs in those heels and short skirts, adds a bit of visual stimulant to the commentary.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
@mogul all the MSM spread disinformation, but it's Fox focuses on border issues as a topic to lie about. I don't know what FDS and Gutfield are.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
Motorhead said "Give me an All-American blonde, not a Latina who cannot converse in English."

Everybody has their personal preference, and that's fine. It doesn't affect me.

That said, I'm not sure if you knew this, but many Latinas speak English and were born and raised in the U.S. One of my favorite and hottest Latina dancers is an Army veteran who took part in Operation Iraqi Freedom. She showed me some pictures of herself and her unit when they occupied Sadam Hussain's palace.

"Of course, if I admit that, I’m branded a racist by the left. Sort of a no win situation, eh?"

I've never seen someone say "I like blondes." and get called a racist. You're afraid of weird things.

Also, with regard to Latinas, you're really missing out. But I'm actually in favor of more guys not being attracted to Latinas; it works in my favor.

So... keep doing that.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
We call Puerto Ricans, South Americans and Dominicans Latinas and yet none of them are Larinas, so the word is fucking used wrong most of the time anyway. No, there is no such thing as an Hispanic either. Lets call people LatinX because progressives are ignorant bigots.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
^ I'm not sure where you're getting all that from, but... [shrug].
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
Wikipedia seems to disagree with skibum609.

avatar for skibum609
a year ago
Wow Wikipedia lmao. Merriam Webster and Oxford dictionaries say Wikipedia is fucked up and wrong. Then again progressives are racists, just not honest about it.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
I'll never get it why Quebec isn't considered part of Latin America. Miami is often described as the financial capital of Latin America. You can do most business in Spanish, in the more business-supportive environment of the US.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
Skibum said "Wow Wikipedia lmao. Merriam Webster and Oxford dictionaries say Wikipedia is fucked up and wrong."

Sure, well, ignore Wikipedia then. Please provide your source stating that South America is not part of Latin America. Let's just start there.

The only South American countries that occasionally get excluded are Guyana and Suriname. And the same goes for Belize in Central America. But I have yet to see any credible definition that excludes all of South America.

Also, most definitions of Latin America include the Caribbean Islands (including Puerto Rico).
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
My source? I made it up and threw it out there. Sort of like at work. Thanks for playing.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
^ These guys don’t get your sense of humor they’re too young to fully understand the joke.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
C'est domage, or que lastima.
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