Tourist Monger Litterbug

To tell the plain truth, it is getting kinda dull around here...
So I figured out a term for the mongers who come to TJ once or twice a year and jack the prices because they litter the Zona with money.
Tourist Monger Litterbug (TML)
Follow the logic. You live in a resort area, like a beach community or mountain resort. You respect your home by keeping it clean and the places you visit in the community clean. And because you have seen the issues inconsiderate tourists cause in resort areas or even in their own communities, such as dumping out their ashtray at the stop light. A tourist litterbug shows up with the logic, what the hell, I am not coming back here, so what do I care if I leave all the trash where it can blow around and is a blight on the local environment. (Acknowledging that there are tourists who respect the local customs and environment, but we have all seen and met the arrogant bastards who actually take perverse pride in trashing a place.)
The TLM with the same logic, comes to Tijuana as an infrequent visitor, doesn't do any research, and litters the clubs with money because it is a once-in-a-lifetime trip and who cares? Well, the regular visitors care. For some frequent visitors it is their second home that we want to keep clean and affordable.
To shortcut the random complaints describing in different ways those visitors who pay too much, raising the greed and expectations of the locals, making it harder on us regulars who come to Tijuana (or anywhere else for that matter) looking for an affordable good time, I give you the term "Tourist Monger Litterbug (TML)."
You are welcome.
last commentAre we talking an extra $10 for a Billy Joel or $70?
No. It is the guy who doesn't know the prices or the prices that we are trying to hold to because he doesn't do any research and thinks $150-$200 for a 30-minute wham bam is a bargain.
That's just how a market works. Can't the same logic be said about the idiots from NY overpaying for Florida houses, driving the price up for locals? "Well it's cheap compared to NYC, what a bargain!".
I dunno man, I could theoretically be included in that group because I don't go as often as I used to. At the same time though, I don't try to get into the pants of the trophy fucks in the club that much and they're the ones asking for that kind of money.
SanchoRG is right, though - this is capitalism, comrade. Once word about a good thing gets out, everyone wants a piece of it including the whales. If you go on the boards that talk about Costa Rica, you see no end of posts from old timers complaining about the rise in prices. Ditto for the Dominican Republic, and on and on. And don't think that the owners of HK don't work hard at getting the word out themselves.
For the guys you're talking about, that kind of money probably is a bargain if they're used to dropping a couple of grand per visit at a US strip club to get limited service with the anxiety of getting caught at it. If sex work was legal in America, you'd get economies of scale and the prices would drop through the floor in Mexico.
In other words, Congress is who you should be complaining to.
In defense of capitalism? Almost nothing but complaints about the large jump in prices for months. Not only here but on other boards. I make light of it and have a little fun with something that is totally out of my/our control and the comments are justifying and defending the inflation?
And booji, you, nor anyone else on this forum can be counted can be included in the TML cult because you are on this forum learning and doing your research. You would be immediately kicked out of both the TML cult and the He Man Woman Haters Club.
Breathe brothers breathe. LOL
I suspect there are enough frequent visitors to TJ to offset any risk of TMLs...good term, though.
Sure, some girls may chase the TML, and reject normal offers, but there are certainly enough girls in TJ...particularly at HongKong...that there will always be someone waiting in the wings to accept your normal offer.
I don't think anyone is happy about inflation, but everything is interconnected. For the girls rent is up. Food costs a lot more. Cars are more. Inflation is a global problem. You can stick to your guns and only offer the same price you always have, but you'll be priced out of a lot of women. The TJ pussy market is not immune to supply and demand.
It's like going to 7-11 and pulling out $2 to buy a bottle of soda that's on sale for $2.79 and arguing with other customers who come up to the register and pay full price. Nobody is happy with inflation but on the same token, nobody can do shit about it except choose to find an alternative product or market.
some of my normal girls in Hong Kong have raised their prices. I'm not grandfathered in at the old rates.
an absolutely certainly NOT grandfathered in at tropical bar or Chicago or adelitas (when it was open..)
it used to be $60 for a half hour at those establishments.
At the HK club, prices are pretty fixed. They've gone up quite a bit - from $60 / HH years ago as Jascoi points out to $100 / HH when I first visited a year ago to $120 / HH my most recent visit. The prime mover in these prices changes isn't TMLs though in my opinion, it's the rising Peso-Dollar exchange rate. But setting aside these rising prices, you have to be an absolutely uninformed idiot and do zero research to be paying a higher rate than normal. In my experience, if you don't negotiate at all, you can just count on paying the standard price at HK.
I think the "TML" concept has more of an impact in other extras clubs in the US where there isn't a standard price. Like the TML who goes to Flight Club Detroit and takes a dancer up on her offer of $1,000.
Tangentially, there's another kind of Litterbug I worry more about with the ladies in TJ, and that's the litterbug who isn't respectful to the chicas. My current fav from HK just left the club, telling me "entitled gringos" were the reason she wouldn't work there any more. I worry more about the impact that type litterbug has, because they're driving hot women away from the club, which IMHO is much more damaging to the overall experience than the guy who pays to much for lack of research.
Treat those Chicas well, gents, we want them to stay!
I like the new term puta. I've been able to rangle in a few mongers that over pay this last year.
Last week had a few that quoted 100 but most were 120, which I haggled with before doing the math on the peso exchange.
Before girls were getting 20 pesos to every $1. So 2000 pesos for a $100 session.
Now they get 16 to every 1. 16x120=1920 pesos, they are getting less than before at 16 to 1.
At 17 to 1 they get 2 peso more than before. 17x120= 2040.
I guess I'm getting soft in old age but once I did the math I couldn't hold it against the girls for asking 120, it's not their fault for the inflation and the weakening of the dollar that's more on the current administration..
I am with you. I had a long conversation with a CC ATF. She said she would be doing good if she earned her income in pesos, but she earns dollars, “and the exchange is KILLING me.”
I have known her for about four years. She treats me VERY well. (It might be a great act, but I have seen her drinking with other mongers and she isn’t nearly as “accommodating” with others. In her case, I have been a TML. I have been tipping her big, because I know her personal story and I like her a lot as a person.
I just had a twisted thought and shared it, never dreaming it would get this much traction.
@azfiole - the dollar is not weaker in global terms but rather the peso is a lot stronger now than 2 years ago. The dollar has gained value against almost all other currencies in that time. Research will show that the US$ vs euro, Canadian, British pound etc has strengthen slightly since the admin change 2+ years ago.