
Strippers forcing tips/extorting you

Monday, July 31, 2023 10:02 PM
So I know I make alot of discussions but this one is serious I really need help wanna discuss something. So recently when I go to strip clubs girls force tips or make threats if you don't tip them or when you reject their dance or say no and I know this may seem unusual for some of you, maybe some of you have experienced it or some you haven't yet. It also depends on the area and the clubs too. I noticed this happened to me alot like in LA clubs or City of Industry, Anaheim etc, I noticed it there the girls get really stuck up and psycho if you say no to a dance or if you get a dance but don't tip after. They will hold you down or block your way of walking out. Or they'll say I'm gonna tell my manager or call my guy if you don't tip me $20 or whatever.

When you say no to a dance it mainly means no they should get the fucking hint and leave you alone and walk away, maybe I'll come back possibly who knows, but if you keep forcing and being an annoying brat I'm definitely not gonna come back. Also when you get a lap dance you already paid the fee, you don't have to tip shit. The girls lie and say we don't get paid for these dances not even VIP we only make money off stage money and tips. I'm like yeah right that's pure BS. If you don't make money from dances then why are you trying so hard to sell them, if you didn't make money off dances or any VIP you would leave the club the first day. I'm sure there is a cut, but there is no way that the girls get nothing or no money, come on stop the nonsense, you obviously get paid more than enough for your dances.

Also I tip girls when they don't ask for a tip and they're just naturally sweet and do good service and really care for me. When you beg and beg and literally threaten me for a tip of course your not gonna get shit then, like GTFO of here. If I go up to a hot girl in public and keep asking and begging her to bang me of course she's not gonna bang me. She's gonna bang me when I don't ask for it and work for it, and demonstrate game, seduction and all that, same way for them, you can't ask and force it you gotta work and do good service and go beyond then you'll get a tip

Sometimes girls even said I charge a $5 rejection fee for refusing a dance with me I'm like what the?!?! Go away get out of my face. Usually when girls force tips or try to extort me I just walk away or don't engage. If she really physically threatens me or says she's gonna call someone or attack me then of course I'm gonna tell the manager to handle it. Usually your not supposed to be the snitch you don't wanna be known as the little tattle tale I know I understand I get that. But in these situations it's valid you have to tell the manager to handle it for safety and everything.

So what do you guys do in these situations, how do you handle them? And also what are some tips you can give me to handle them or what to do when it happens again, thanks guys love y'all


  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    And to add some more like yeah when they sit and talk to you I'll say I don't want a dance sorry, then they'll keep talking and at the end say give me a $5 or $10 dollar tip for my time sitting and talking to you, I'm like I said no in the beginning you kept sitting and talking to me you wasted your own time go steal the money off stage from some other stripper as the thief you are.

    And when they force tips after dances I usually just ignore or walk away or if they talk and don't let me go I'll say I don't owe you anything I'm not giving you a tip, I don't have to, that's optional
  • mickey48066
    a year ago
    You said that when they try to force tips or extort you, you usually walk away or don't engage. I find the use of "usually" interesting. What happens when the usual isn't practiced.

    There's no shortage of simps and suckers who will lay down like a rug and give in to their demands. They probably do that to many hoping they found their simp.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Yeah honestly it was my fault I will admit that. Before I used to just walk away and ignore the bullshit. But recently I've been talking or say what tip, some seem really crazy that's why they block your way or don't let you move. I should just stay with ignoring and not giving in that was on me at least I'm honest about it
  • etsutwigg222
    a year ago
  • JamesSD
    a year ago
    I've never had girls pull this. I did have a girl ask for a tip after a terrible lap dances set in COI and I almost laughed at her.

    I've also gotten the "can I have a tip for my time?" after I reject dances and I find it easy enough to say no *except* when she's entertaining and sweet but not physically my type.

    I'm also just picky so I've rejected so many dancers over the years it's easy.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    @Dustyhawkins - Seems like you get hassled, ripped off, threatened, belittled or ignored at every club you visit. Maybe it's time you get honest with yourself. Admit you're just a faggot who goes to strip clubs to try and prove otherwise.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    Pretty much every post the OP makes causes me to wonder if they've ever been to a strip club. I go a lot and none of this shit happens to me.
  • deboinair
    a year ago
    Ha! This has never happened to me. They just must think you are a sucker and will roll over. I wish would try that shit with me. lol
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    Why are you the only PL who "usually" experiences this? Perhaps you should work on your confidence, to avoid being a mark.
  • mickey48066
    a year ago
    OP you're in LA, with the amp's and the agencies out there, especially the asian ones, why even waste your time with strip clubs? If I lived in la and could make use of agencies like candy girl, I'd be broke in a week. Strip clubs can be a decent option, especially in areas where there's nothing else but you're sitting on a gold mine with all the other options available to you.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    What else are you talking about? Brothels or escorts? Lol
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    mickey, you're suggesting that Dusty be alone in a room with a girl; isn't that super dangerous? He won't have a bouncer to run to for help.
  • mickey48066
    a year ago
    Fun on the side, my bad. Those 4'11, 90 pound Korean girls are a force to be reckoned with.
  • Specialj
    a year ago
    Dusty be sure to let us know when you lose your virginity.
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Wow fag thanks. That was 10 years ago. Now waiting for when u lose urs
  • Specialj
    a year ago
    You keep posting stupid shit dude. That's why people don't take you seriously.
  • bang69
    a year ago
    That happened to me once or twice at Folies when they were still open. I just got up found a mother dancer standing there looking around. And got some dances from her. Leaving her co worker sitting at the table.
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    Like many others here, I've never had this shit happen to me. You must come across as a real pussy, lol.
  • FLAP3000
    a year ago
    This guy is a troll. Probably needs to go on the “ignore” list.
  • FLAP3000
    a year ago
    Is this BlindThirdEye reincarnated??

  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    I'm not a troll. I'm real and talk real strip club experiences. Things happen to all of us whether we wanna admit it or not. At least I talk about real topics and what happens in strip clubs what this site is for. Not other useless posts getting drunk at 3am or eating at Denny's before a strip club who cares about that fag shit. I'm the most normalest person possible
  • EastCoaster
    a year ago
    ^ "I'm the most normalest person possible"

    Objection, your honor. Assuming facts not in evidence.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    Dusty said "I'm the most normalest person possible"

    If you're here, then you're not.

    Also... troll.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Skiiiibummmm wassup man how's skiing. Are you Reese from Malcom in the Middle u seem cool and funny u fuck all the strippers pussy they love you
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Why is everyone older on tuscl like 40s to 50s and 60s. I thought most people here were 20s to like 33/34 max
  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    Mainly thought 20-30
  • elmer
    a year ago
    ^^ I thought most people here were 20s to like 33/34 max"
    I'm 20 and here like you to learn as much about strippers clubs too, especially what kind of pants to wear in case I'm unable to control myself during a lap dance. Eww

  • Dustyhawkins
    a year ago
    I'm 28-29 hahhaha
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    Almost no one on TUSCL is in their 20’s because they aren’t yet earning the $350k required for admission.

    When founder deleted the photo section and the glossary, he also deleted the requirements needed to become a member in good standing.

    1. Minimum annual income of $350,000
    2. White, three-piece suit. (Two recommended.
    3.LDK’s are strongly discouraged. (If you must, you cannot ever admit it)
    4. Must own a verified original copy of “The System”. Available on Amazon for the low price of only $39.95. Remember, Prime gets you free shipping.
    5. You are not permitted to enjoy any strip club song newer than “Du Hast”
    6. Minimum weight requirement 250 pounds. Or at least weight NOT proportional to height. (Shadowcat gets an exemption for seniority)
    7. You are only permitted to shop for groceries at the Piggly Wiggly. It’s an automatic expulsion for anyone caught with a Kroger, H-E-B, Ralph’s or Publix shopping bag. Eating a Cuban from the Public deli is permissible.
    8. And finally, never, ever ask “where is Tiffany (or Heaven or Amber) working now.

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