1. I was reading an book on MTV. And one thing everybody agreed on was that the worst video in MTV's hey day was Billy Squire's Rock me tonight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?… which ended up probably derailing his career. Yeah that's one is pretty bad.
2. I actually saw Henry Rollins making fun Morrisey in one interview about this one and recently youtubed it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?… I used to love the Smiths but this was just so ridiculous I've lost all respect for Morrisey and everything he's ever done. And I'm a pretty open minded dude.
3. This one is so bad it's actually fucking awesome. But it is terrible. By Falco, people probably know the After the fire cover version more than this original of Der Kommisar.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?… I know the 80's was a crazy time but how much crack do you have to be on to make that fucking thing.
I think the moral of the story is, do not film yourself dancing around like a little fag ever.
last commentI remember this was notorious back in its umm…heyday?
Even if you could look past the fact they're dressed up in drag, WTF with the vacuuming and dusting. And Freddie in a cow suit, stuffing his face in a pile of grapes?
Why are you all bent out of shape by Queen being in drag? Distracts the casual viewer from Freddie’s overbite. Also, the frickin’ band name is Queen. If I watch a video by a band named Queen I wanna see some frickin’ queens!
Just like if I go to a Taylor Swift concert I wanna see Princess Tay Tay on stage complaining about her exes. Sheesh. Use your head. And go to some Tay Tay concerts. Normally this rick is all about the hairless ape strippers and the Jack and Jim and Johnnie but I also likes me the Tay Tay. ROAR!!!