Leaves the club entirely. Have you seen this move? What is that? Is that like a strip club mic drop? Dude you threw up $200 worth a singles, enjoy your moment. Nobody cares, we will all forget you in 3 seconds. We talk about these crazy strippers a lot, but some of these dudes got some screws loose.
Yes, I've seen this. Typically from younger guys who visit the club on a regular or semi regular basis.
Yes, it's a flex aimed at his buddies in the club as much as anyone else. But you know who remembers that move? The dancers. Especially if that guy pulls that move on a more than one-time basis. It's also not unusual for those guys to spend a lot on the dancers as well before they leave. So, dancers do remember guys who *literally* throw money around. Why shouldn't they?
It's not my style. I'll never do it. But, you know, if that other guy can afford it and it's fun for him, then I'm not going to tell him he's having fun wrong.
I've seen it only when clubs have their annual holiday party around Christmas. I've even seen a type of spring loaded cannon used which shoots a stream of singles at the dancer while standing a good distance from the stage.
Somebody had walked up to my stage and asked where I was from and I told him Texas, and he thought that was great because he was from Texas too. He threw a couple of poker chips with the club’s logo on stage and walked right out. I was confused so I called the bouncer over and asked if they were actually worth anything. He told me to go to the office after my set, so I did and then I was given $400. Wooo
Funny you mention the spring loaded singles money launcher. Last year Halloween weekend at my favorite club-there wasn't a costume contest and the place was really slow (Sat before halloween). But it was funny. One costumer was in a police costume and had a spring loaded "radar gun". He was aiming it at the stage and letting the singles fly. I don't know how many stacks of ones (in 20 dollar increments) he went through, but it was a bunch.
I’d be interested in what dancers think about raining single dollar bills. It seems demeaning to me. Having to crawl around to sweep up ten or twenty dollars of ones.
It’s an asshole power move on the part of the loser customer.
I’ve never made it rain nor would I but recently I was the only customer in a club. I had no interest in any of the dancers. It was afternoon and I felt sorry for them having no other customers so I asked the bartender how much a Lady’s Drink cost. She told me and asked who I was buying it for. I told her one for each of them (they get a kick-back). I paid and left the club.
I didn’t do it to impress anyone. I just felt sorry for the girls. How people have fun or why they choose to do things sometimes baffles me but as long as they aren’t hurting anyone then I don’t care.
Perhaps nicespice should give her 2 cents regarding Mark Ape’s comment that the raining of the dollar bills is demeaning. What say you nice?
Now, my rickly brain wants some additional information. Let’s imagine a game where the stripper bend over and customers throw wadded up dollar bills at their butthole. The dollars continue to be collected until somebody makes a bullseye. At that point the stripper gets all of the dollar bills.
My question is this: is that demeaning? Because it sounds like good clean fun to this rick. ROAR!!!
A more fitting question, mark94, is whether a girl would rather have $20 thrown onto the stage, or $5 handed to her. While I understand that it may, in fact, be demeaning to some, I've also seen plenty of girls over the years up their stage game when the dollars started landing in the stage. I've also seen girls make a game of having guys throw balled-up ones toward her coochie. I can think of 2 specific times, though, when regular girls of mine had me unfold the bills (but I did so while they grinded me barside, so the extra work wasn't all that painful).
If it pays the bills, what's the harm?
IMO, there are 2 types of girls in clubs. Some are genuinely nice people for whom I {maybe} I may feel a sense of civility and not do anything to make them feel bad. Others, I see as there for my demented gratification, and I enjoy seeing them roll around like filthy eye candy.
What's more demanding? (1) picking up $1s from stage, or (2) dancing for guys that merely just stare, and don't tip?
I probably tip a little too much with regulars but I rarely have to wait for dances Now money is money but I'm with Mark on this I also think it's a little demeaning to watch the girl crawl around picking up 1's. If you're going to tip a lot of singles at least lay them in a pile in front of her
I get the "lay them in pike in front of her" comment....but I go to clubs for MY enjoyment, not to accommodate what she wants/prefers.
Demented as it is, I actually get a bit turned on throwing ones. What's next, cashapping instead of cash throwing? Maybe I'll write a check for each girl next time, and hand them out upon arrival.
IMO there is a Pavlovian effect of dollar-throwing. As I previously stated, some girls will up their dance game when you are throwing ones. Also, it's a way to weed out the boring/unappreciative girls. If guys are throwing ones, and their dance does not improve, I know they think they are entitled to tips merely because they are on stage (even if staring into space or at themselves in mirror).
Dollar-throwing is part of strip club culture (regardless of whether it's $3 or $100).
mark94 said "It seems demeaning to me. Having to crawl around to sweep up ten or twenty dollars of ones."
I'm sorry. I guess I assumed that you'd been to a strip club before.
You do realize that dancers usually have to crawl around at the end of their set to collect the money whether it's been thrown at them with flourish, casually dropped over the edge of the stage, or even slipped into whatever they're wearing. Because a lot of dancers let guys slip cash into their outfit and then the dancer pulls it out and drop it on the stage. So, that happens regardless of the delivery method.
How often have you seen a dancer look humiliated by big piles of cash on the stage at the end of her set?
All you guys yep-yepping to Mark’s political drivel should pay attention to this post. He clearly doesn’t go to strip clubs. Yet here he is, on a titty board talking about strippers and strip clubs. Do you think the same level of due diligence is applied to his political posts?
Now money is money but I'm with Mark on this I also think it's a little demeaning to watch the girl crawl around picking up 1's.
At the more upscale clubs a bouncer comes around with a rake and collects the $'s in a bucket for her. Often a few dollars fall off the stage to the benefit of the customers sitting nearby.
Wrt dancers crawling around on hands and knees to collect singles.
I am seeing a lot of clubs where bouncers bring out a broom and bucket for more than just a couple of singles.
Me, I like to talk to her, learn her name, give her mine, maybe get a stevie, ask for the dance and then tip as much as I need to get the dance based on how much I like her. I must be old-fashioned that way.
WiseToo said "At the more upscale clubs a bouncer comes around with a rake and collects the $'s in a bucket for her."
That practice has zero to do with the money being "rained" them. Mark's position that making it rain is demeaning to dancers still doesn't make sense to people who have been in strip clubs. Clubs that have a bouncer sweeping up the cash aren't being "chivalrous". They want the next dancer on stage faster.
I've talked to dancers who've told me that when they're walking or crawling around to collect cash at the end of their set, that's when they chat with guys at the rail and lock down dances or VIPs. It's not demeaning; it's an opportunity.
WiseToo also said "...but I'm with Mark on this I also think it's a little demeaning to watch the girl crawl around picking up 1's."
Really? I mean... really?
Because when I see dancers on stage, they gyrate on or around a metal pole for an audience of strangers, sometimes they roll around on the stage itself, and when a random guy waves a dollar or two at them, they get on the rail and do a sexy dance for someone they'd possibly mace in any other setting. This sometimes includes wagging their tits, pussy, and ass inches from his face.
And, listen, I'm in favor of *all* of those things, but I'm really struggling to see how anyone could think that the most demeaning part of that whole process is at the end when she gets paid.
I'm really starting to believe that there's a bunch of guys in this thread that have never gone to a strip club.
It isn’t a matter of half the guys never being to a strip club. It’s a matter of half the guys acting halfway decent in the club.
If your idea of a strip club is a place where you can let everyone know what hot shit you are by throwing ten dollars in singles, rather than handing it to dancers and having a quick conversation, well, that sounds like someone lacking confidence and social skills. To each their own.
Whether it's $10 or $100, the dancer is still walking or crawling around at the end of her set to collect it along with all the other money that has landed on stage by whatever means. So, how does "making it rain" make it more or less humiliating for the dancer at the end of the set?
Also, are dudes at the clubs you go to actually making it rain $10 in singles? Are you going to a historical reenactment strip club set in the early 1950s?
It's not for me. But the reality is that the vast majority of dancers remember guys who literally shower them with cash, and they don't mind it.
At least they don't mind it nearly as much as you do.
The last few times I’ve seen it done, it was literally 10 dollars in singles. If it had been $100, my reaction would have been different.
You know the old joke about the guy who drops a dollar in the public toilet, then immediately throws another twenty in. When someone asks why he did that, he said “ I’m not putting my hand in the toilet for just a dollar”.
WiseToo wrote "At the more upscale clubs a bouncer comes around with a rake and collects the $'s in a bucket for her."
At some of these clubs, the pickup guy gets a cut of the cash (either as part of an arrangement, or via theft). I'm sure the girl would rather keep 100% of tips, even if she has to pick up the money herself.
mark wrote "If your idea of a strip club is a place where you can let everyone know what hot shit you are by throwing ten dollars in singles, rather than handing it to dancers and having a quick conversation, well, that sounds like someone lacking confidence and social skills."
I've actually engaged MORE in conversations with dancers after they raked cash from the stage, then when I've placed money on the rail. As someone else mentioned, they use the rake-up time to chat with custies. And, I continue to maintain that the tossing of bills makes it a bit more interesting for the dancer, as the act of tossing/raining money is a bit more exciting than placing gently on the rail.
Placing tips on the rail is the equivalent of a dancer blankly staring when dancing. Also, I don't believe they want you interrupting their dance routine to daintily handing them a few dollars.
Tipping behavior should be adjusted based on the club protocol, and I adjust tipping style to that of the club I am in. In some clubs, there is no tip throwing, or even placing on rail (as is the case in clubs where the stage is within the interior of the bar). In other clubs, you may be looked down upon for placing gently onto tip rail.
In some hood clubs, a dancer not only accepts tips thrown on the ground next to her barstool, but EXPECTS it. At a hood club in Philly, I once had a girl take the bills I had placed into her bra strap, and throw them onto the floor. It's a sign of status for them, and used to mark their territory.
...and...I've seen many girls brush dollars placed onto the rail, onto the stage, as the rail is sometimes used for walking/lying, and she doesn't want to slip on rail dollars.
last commentYes, it's a flex aimed at his buddies in the club as much as anyone else. But you know who remembers that move? The dancers. Especially if that guy pulls that move on a more than one-time basis. It's also not unusual for those guys to spend a lot on the dancers as well before they leave. So, dancers do remember guys who *literally* throw money around. Why shouldn't they?
It's not my style. I'll never do it. But, you know, if that other guy can afford it and it's fun for him, then I'm not going to tell him he's having fun wrong.
Good luck - I hope he enjoyed the party!
Somebody had walked up to my stage and asked where I was from and I told him Texas, and he thought that was great because he was from Texas too. He threw a couple of poker chips with the club’s logo on stage and walked right out. I was confused so I called the bouncer over and asked if they were actually worth anything. He told me to go to the office after my set, so I did and then I was given $400. Wooo
Funny you mention the spring loaded singles money launcher. Last year Halloween weekend at my favorite club-there wasn't a costume contest and the place was really slow (Sat before halloween). But it was funny. One costumer was in a police costume and had a spring loaded "radar gun". He was aiming it at the stage and letting the singles fly. I don't know how many stacks of ones (in 20 dollar increments) he went through, but it was a bunch.
It’s an asshole power move on the part of the loser customer.
Anyway, that’s my impression.
I didn’t do it to impress anyone. I just felt sorry for the girls. How people have fun or why they choose to do things sometimes baffles me but as long as they aren’t hurting anyone then I don’t care.
Now, my rickly brain wants some additional information. Let’s imagine a game where the stripper bend over and customers throw wadded up dollar bills at their butthole. The dollars continue to be collected until somebody makes a bullseye. At that point the stripper gets all of the dollar bills.
My question is this: is that demeaning? Because it sounds like good clean fun to this rick. ROAR!!!
If it pays the bills, what's the harm?
IMO, there are 2 types of girls in clubs. Some are genuinely nice people for whom I {maybe} I may feel a sense of civility and not do anything to make them feel bad. Others, I see as there for my demented gratification, and I enjoy seeing them roll around like filthy eye candy.
What's more demanding? (1) picking up $1s from stage, or (2) dancing for guys that merely just stare, and don't tip?
Now money is money but I'm with Mark on this I also think it's a little demeaning to watch the girl crawl around picking up 1's. If you're going to tip a lot of singles at least lay them in a pile in front of her
Demented as it is, I actually get a bit turned on throwing ones. What's next, cashapping instead of cash throwing? Maybe I'll write a check for each girl next time, and hand them out upon arrival.
IMO there is a Pavlovian effect of dollar-throwing. As I previously stated, some girls will up their dance game when you are throwing ones. Also, it's a way to weed out the boring/unappreciative girls. If guys are throwing ones, and their dance does not improve, I know they think they are entitled to tips merely because they are on stage (even if staring into space or at themselves in mirror).
Dollar-throwing is part of strip club culture (regardless of whether it's $3 or $100).
I'm sorry. I guess I assumed that you'd been to a strip club before.
You do realize that dancers usually have to crawl around at the end of their set to collect the money whether it's been thrown at them with flourish, casually dropped over the edge of the stage, or even slipped into whatever they're wearing. Because a lot of dancers let guys slip cash into their outfit and then the dancer pulls it out and drop it on the stage. So, that happens regardless of the delivery method.
How often have you seen a dancer look humiliated by big piles of cash on the stage at the end of her set?
Now money is money but I'm with Mark on this I also think it's a little demeaning to watch the girl crawl around picking up 1's.
At the more upscale clubs a bouncer comes around with a rake and collects the $'s in a bucket for her. Often a few dollars fall off the stage to the benefit of the customers sitting nearby.
I am seeing a lot of clubs where bouncers bring out a broom and bucket for more than just a couple of singles.
Me, I like to talk to her, learn her name, give her mine, maybe get a stevie, ask for the dance and then tip as much as I need to get the dance based on how much I like her. I must be old-fashioned that way.
It's your money don't let anyone tell you how to have your fun
That practice has zero to do with the money being "rained" them. Mark's position that making it rain is demeaning to dancers still doesn't make sense to people who have been in strip clubs. Clubs that have a bouncer sweeping up the cash aren't being "chivalrous". They want the next dancer on stage faster.
I've talked to dancers who've told me that when they're walking or crawling around to collect cash at the end of their set, that's when they chat with guys at the rail and lock down dances or VIPs. It's not demeaning; it's an opportunity.
WiseToo also said "...but I'm with Mark on this I also think it's a little demeaning to watch the girl crawl around picking up 1's."
Really? I mean... really?
Because when I see dancers on stage, they gyrate on or around a metal pole for an audience of strangers, sometimes they roll around on the stage itself, and when a random guy waves a dollar or two at them, they get on the rail and do a sexy dance for someone they'd possibly mace in any other setting. This sometimes includes wagging their tits, pussy, and ass inches from his face.
And, listen, I'm in favor of *all* of those things, but I'm really struggling to see how anyone could think that the most demeaning part of that whole process is at the end when she gets paid.
I'm really starting to believe that there's a bunch of guys in this thread that have never gone to a strip club.
I specified $10 or $20 in singles. Is that a big pile of cash in your world ?
If your idea of a strip club is a place where you can let everyone know what hot shit you are by throwing ten dollars in singles, rather than handing it to dancers and having a quick conversation, well, that sounds like someone lacking confidence and social skills. To each their own.
Also, are dudes at the clubs you go to actually making it rain $10 in singles? Are you going to a historical reenactment strip club set in the early 1950s?
It's not for me. But the reality is that the vast majority of dancers remember guys who literally shower them with cash, and they don't mind it.
At least they don't mind it nearly as much as you do.
You know the old joke about the guy who drops a dollar in the public toilet, then immediately throws another twenty in. When someone asks why he did that, he said “ I’m not putting my hand in the toilet for just a dollar”.
At some of these clubs, the pickup guy gets a cut of the cash (either as part of an arrangement, or via theft). I'm sure the girl would rather keep 100% of tips, even if she has to pick up the money herself.
I've actually engaged MORE in conversations with dancers after they raked cash from the stage, then when I've placed money on the rail. As someone else mentioned, they use the rake-up time to chat with custies. And, I continue to maintain that the tossing of bills makes it a bit more interesting for the dancer, as the act of tossing/raining money is a bit more exciting than placing gently on the rail.
Placing tips on the rail is the equivalent of a dancer blankly staring when dancing. Also, I don't believe they want you interrupting their dance routine to daintily handing them a few dollars.
Tipping behavior should be adjusted based on the club protocol, and I adjust tipping style to that of the club I am in. In some clubs, there is no tip throwing, or even placing on rail (as is the case in clubs where the stage is within the interior of the bar). In other clubs, you may be looked down upon for placing gently onto tip rail.
In some hood clubs, a dancer not only accepts tips thrown on the ground next to her barstool, but EXPECTS it. At a hood club in Philly, I once had a girl take the bills I had placed into her bra strap, and throw them onto the floor. It's a sign of status for them, and used to mark their territory.