I've noticed several changes to the website, and I'm wondering why they would choose to get rid of the dancer photos? I found posting pictures on here to be a great way to advertise myself and I'm missing it!
founder took them down because he kept getting complaints that San Jose Guy kept printing out your photos and taping them to the walls of the San Jose Public Library. Don’t even get me started about what he did in the restrooms.
A while ago, founder announced that he was taking down parts of the site that were "causing problems" without specifying if those problems were technology based (as in, not playing nicely with the new site design) or personality based (as in certain images resulted in outsized drama).
The two that appear to be missed the most are dancer images and search. I don't care about search; I just use Google. I do miss seeing dancer images, though.
If the images were to come back, then perhaps set it up so that dancers can turn off comments. Or just not allow any comments at all. And also limit file size so that they aren't soaking up as much bandwidth.
He also removed the Personal Ads section. Tbh I assumed that he removed these sections for liability reasons. There are easily a dozen ways that having those features can bring grief down on you. Sites that do that stuff for a living have to employ people to monitor posts and sometimes even have to move their servers overseas.
I miss Longball300's Photo section. Maybe the best collection of boobs and lesbians on the planet. I visit TUSCL a lot less now because that Photo section is no longer.
Yeah it's a shame they removed the pictures and gallery of the dancers. It's very hard to find any site that shows the dancers and verified ones so they are real. For some reason a lot of the strip clubs have poor websites or no website at all.
last commentThe two that appear to be missed the most are dancer images and search. I don't care about search; I just use Google. I do miss seeing dancer images, though.
Founder might be interested in your feedback. You could message him from here. https://app.tuscl.net/member/2
If the images were to come back, then perhaps set it up so that dancers can turn off comments. Or just not allow any comments at all. And also limit file size so that they aren't soaking up as much bandwidth.
The best part about those ads was how CMI was always trying to buy all the used fleshlights.
The horror...
I agree 100%
Every kid that came for story time at the San Jose Library agrees too.