
site changes

respect for others goes a long way
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 10:18 PM
Had to remove a few sections of the site. They were causing too much trouble.


  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    Which ones, if I might ask?
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    Seems the dancer-stuff (profiles; etc) is gone - I don't see the Personals section either. I would "assume" some sickos may have been giving some of the dancers grief - it's happened in the past even b/f Founder had instituted those sections.
  • ATACdawg
    a year ago
    Pictures and vids are gone as well.
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    @Papi, I'd like to know what Founder meant by "causing trouble." Technical difficulties? Or people like that Snazzynazz who kept getting blocked for harassing dancers? Almost no one used the Personals site anyways.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    ^ I would assume it was due to harassment
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    Damnit - I was trying to buy a used fleshlight from the personals section.
  • Mike Rotch
    a year ago
    What happened with the other thread saying founder was done? Is the website gonna be sold? Did he really find Jesus? Was this a very late April fools joke?
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    God dammit Founder if your gonna go drinking in Vegas again, at least invite us.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    And shailynn, we had a garage sale and it's been sold. Off the market.
  • Warrior15
    a year ago
    OMG. All of Longball300's Photos are gone. That was a prize collection of pics.
  • founder
    a year ago
    No photos were deleted.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    The photos in my profile are gone including my priced award-winning personal dick-pics
  • founder
    a year ago
    Just the links are gone.
  • Specialj
    a year ago
    Y’all can keep you dick pictures to yourself 🫣
  • CostaTheCrazyGreek
    a year ago
    Sometimes less is more....
  • Richard_Head
    a year ago
    ‘What’s New’ appears to be gone.
  • Mike Rotch
    a year ago
    Well if the forums suddenly close... it's been nice chatting with you guys. As a monger, I have learned so much thanks to your wisdom. See ya at the club! Or not, maybe, whatever.
  • LapHunt
    a year ago
    The search function also seems to be gone.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Losing dancer profiles sucks. It seems a lot of our faves put a lot of effort into them; and we can all thank the degenerate incels for making them untenable. I never understood why we even had a personals section. It was just an obvious herpes nest of bad news and worse behavior.
  • Specialj
    a year ago
    Founder maybe you can keep the dancer profiles and give them to block anyone they find offensive. Personally I don’t use the dancer profile but I know a lot of members do.
  • Specialj
    a year ago
    Maybe give dancers the option to block people they find offensive but keep the dancer profile as it benefits dancers and members
  • Longball300
    a year ago
    Dancer photos too........
  • wallanon
    a year ago
    This is the type of discussion that can go on for a while, and it's an interesting read. In the past when TUSCL going away has come up I've said it'd be great if the content could be archived somehow. In the present, I have some features I prefer over others but vote for whatever keeps the site up and running.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    One of the things I still miss is being able to easily find my own comments would be a help. used to be easy with the old version and there was the total count also.
  • ChampionOfAura
    a year ago
    Seems we also lost the ability to search
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    Search stuff... The search function on this site never gave me results that were great. I found it more use to go to Google, put in 'TUSCL' plus the thing I wanted to find and hit 'Search'.
  • sinclair
    a year ago
    I think there are too many creepy/deranged guys in the strip club community. All of the dancer stuff was bound to encourage stalkers and harassment. I like the streamlined design because the sections of the site I did not care for are gone.
  • ilbbaicnl
    a year ago
    Now we have to go to the Washington Monument to see what Papi's dick looks like.
  • Mike Rotch
    a year ago
    I guess I don't fully understand because I'm an idiot. Didn't the dancers have an ignore option just like the rest of us? If they were being harassed by creeps, couldn't they just put them on ignore? Seems a bit extreme to cut out huge sections of the website just to keep the stalkers away. Personally I enjoyed the dancer photos and it sucks that they're gone now. This place was already a sausage fest, now even less women are going to be interested in participating on this site.
  • datinman
    a year ago
    Why is everyone assuming it was related to some PL stacking a dancer? I can think of about a dozen other reasons. Did the photos make Tuscl a pornographic site that had to abide by Utah's age verification law? Would model age statements have to kept on file to conform to various State laws? Did Founder get a cease and desist order for copy righted materials? Was cjkent's gaping asshole photo so disgusting that Founder finally pulled the plug? Regardless of the cause, the site is significantly less enjoyable without the dancers posting candid photos.
  • datinman
    a year ago
    Stalking, not stacking. I can't seem to find the edit button on the new site update.
  • azdd
    a year ago
    As always, thanks Founder for all your work on the site. A couple of observations for your consideration: The blinking chat button is hard to see. If someone doesn’t have their profile set up to get an email telling them they have a message, they can miss it. Could this be coded to change color to something brighter like red, instead of just the grayscale blink it does now? Also, on our own profile view, we can see our reviews, articles, and discussions we’ve started, but it appears I can no longer see a list of all my comments over the years to discussions and reviews. Can this be restored? Thanks again!
  • wallanon
    a year ago
    Can we move some of hand wringing speculation and angst into the PMs? When the person who is basically 100% in control of whether the site exists is in one of those moods, let's not "poke the bear" lol. Whatever this is that's going on, let's default to "it's not about you".
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    All he said was that parts of the site were causing too much trouble. Considering that the recent site redesign also included extensive updates and overhauls of the underlying code, etc., I'd say it's also pretty likely that some parts of the site weren't playing nicely in the new site environment.
  • whodey
    a year ago
    As far as I know all of the parts of the site that were here when I joined are still functional. I know the photo section, dancer directory and personals sections were not a part of TUSCL back then, I can't remember if there was a search function or not at that time. As long as the core features (strip club list and reviews) remain I'll stick around. I hope the discussion board stays, but I can see why founder may not want to put up with it at times. Not sure if it was a stalker, new laws, IT hassles or just founder not being in the mood to deal with the complaints about the sections he removed but if it makes it easier for him to keep the core of the site running smoothly I'm all for it.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    We need to increase the character limits for review titles. I can't get out what I'm trying to say. It's censorship in it's highest form.
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