The Pompano Triangle of Strip Clubs

avatar for BuckMcNutter
I recently paid homage to the Triangle. I know there is a 4th or 5th option but I don't even attempt to go those places. Instead of short reviews which might get rejected i just wanted to post what i see at the big three ; Cheetah, Booby Trap and Diamond Dolls. I mainly a day shift guy so take that into consideration. The vibe and talent shifts at night. No cover at any during the day. I always tip Valet dudes !

IMHO Cheetah Pompano still has the prettiest dancers. They mostly have the young spinner types. There are of course many of them have enhanced boobies. But there aren't many bubble butts there.
I prefer the spinners. That's just me. I find that the $10 table dances are a good way to feel a dancer out. Most let you touch there ass and boobs right at your table or bar seat. The day shifts are crowded and sometimes you can't get a bar seat. However, Im finding it impossible to get any of them to take their bottoms off. They say they are not allowed which is BS. The days are gone where i could even get some FIV at the bar. Bouncers walk around like hawks...
The lap dances in back are still $25 and decent but only topless. For full nude... They will try to get you into the 15 minute room for $75 to the house (plus tip to bouncer) and $300 for them. You should get FS from most of them.

Diamonds has more ladies willing to take bottoms off at your table for yes, $10. Some will still do a nice grind. I hear some want $20 but i usually pass on those. What Im seeing at Diamond for day shift is that there is absolutely NO variety. They are 95% cuban and all look the same. Hardly any spinners and most need to drop a few LB's. Big butts and some are just too curvy for me. You still get FS for $225 -275 and you can't beat that.

Booby Trap is way too loud and the Cuban dancers all sit together and babble in Spanglish and it hurts my ears. Not many spinners here either. I don't mind that they barely speak English but when they are hovered together and screaming over the music to each other it pierces through my Skull (Seinfeld Episode). FS available for $50-60 to house (plus tip) and $200 for the dancer. The rooms are small but i can get flexible and many positions. Some of my experience there were fun and some are screamers , lol.
$10 Topless Table side dances available. Had full nude at the table only once.

Sorry I did not want to leave reviews for each club as i have many times in the past. Just wanted to post this to comment on the trend of the Big Three.


last comment
avatar for BuckMcNutter
2 years ago
DM me if you want some names for Cheetah ladies. I don't have any names for the other two as they are usually not memorable.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Question isn’t Gold Club and Solid Gold part of that too? I thought they were well thought of.

And Buck btw you had the best username on TUSCL in mets1986. Now that it’s up for grabs I’m tempted to snatch it.
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
Nice write up. If you had split into three reviews, they would have been better than most of the crap that gets approved.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
@Muddy porthole is also in pompano, same as pink, but aside from Solid Gold which isn’t very good for afternoon shift, none of those compare to #1 Cheetah #2 Booby Trap or #3 Diamond Dolls
I mean they don’t belong in the same conversation except that they’re in pompano
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
Thanks for the "reviews"

I don't disagree with anything said. I think at least from my point of view, BT has gone from arguably #1 to arguably #3. The past 3/4 months the girls have gotten uglier and more expensive, the bartenders have gotten even worse, the music and vibe is totally haphazard, etc. It used to have the advantage of the girls at least being friendly and less mechanical than DD, but that's mostly evened out with the girls at DD becoming a little more human and the BT ones becoming more robotic. With the more consistent vibe and much better bar service, DD is becoming a better option than BT.

Cheetah just stays consistent, day-to-day, week-to-week, year-to-year. It ain't perfect, but its damn good. I will say it seems as though lately the evening shift has had hotter chicks than dayshift. Which is a bit of a change IMO.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
Pretty-good breakdown - probably would've been better as a TUSCL-Article so it could be a bit more-easily found/referenced in the future (i e. you could have written it as an Article then do a Discussion thread letting us know it was there waiting approval since many on-here perhaps don't check the pending Articles list regularly).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
w.r.t. the $10 table-dances; I'd confirm the price-upfront bc particularly at DDs (Diamond Dolls) it's not uncommon for giris to wanna charge $20 and not tell you till the end after one has finished the dances.

My M.O. is to not ask for the price but to state/confirm it upfront - I don't ask how much are (table) dances; I verify/state upfront "$10 for (table) dances right" - verifying/stating the price upfront lets then know one knows the club-rate$ and lesser chance (though not foolproof) they will charge $20 for the table/floor dances.
avatar for BuckMcNutter
2 years ago
I've never done an Article ... I might have to try.
Glad it's helpful none the less. I might try Gold Club and Solid Gold one evening as i can't imagine their day shift being any good. I did spend a fare amount of time at Cheetah Hallendale which i should review. And I even slummed it one night at Scarletts until 5am which I swore years ago i would never do again.
ciao for now.
P.S... You can take my old handle but you should have been at the games in 1986 like I was , LOL
avatar for TxVegas
2 years ago
Thanks for the current info and approximate pricing. I would rank them Cheetahs, DD, BT. I have had some good times at BT but my last trips have been underwhelming to the point that I was thinking about just going to the first two on my next trip to town.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
I haven't been in Cheetah Pompano in a while. You are saying the 15 minute rooms will cost $75 and $300 ? I'm not sure I can get it "done" in 15 minutes. Is there a 30 minute option ? I'm worried about the cost though.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
30 minute room there is $150 + 350 usually, +/- another 50 or so. Comes with a bottle of Champagne, and often the annoying waitress looking for tips to keep her from checking on you.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^It's really pretty easy to arrange take out at all three of those clubs, in my opinion, that's a better option for us older guys that are no longer minutemen
jes sayin
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
^in your and Brandon's case -as demented, impotent blowhards- nevermen
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ My biggest fan boy what's a matter you mad bro ?
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings.

How's that ignoring me going? Oh, thats right you wanted to cost to attack me and get humiliated some more.

How about lying to Founder about me to get me kicked off the site? No, that didn't work out because I'm smarter than you and had the facts on my side.

How is life since you quit TUSCL? You found you had no life outside of TUSCL. No friends, no family, no outlet for your hate and bitterness. You came crawling and sniveling back, just like all of us predicted.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Your smarter than who AHAHAHAHAHAHA.
that's big time funny right there.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I'm noticing that many of you have decided that Diamond Dolls is better than Booby Trap, I was in Booby Trap last Thursday afternoon, it was pretty packed, and I had a pretty good visit, I haven't been to DDs in a very long time as I'm not really a fan, maybe I should give DDs a visit, but I've never had a great time in there, I have had some solid visits to both Solid Gold and Gold Club, but they're both hit or miss, you have to be lucky to walk in on the right day, it's funny but the best visit I've had recently at The Gold club was a Tuesday late afternoon, and Solid gold is also all over the place Had a good visit there about 3 weeks back I think it was a Thursday.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
DD is last on my list. I love Cheetah and the Booby Trap. Better in every way except for cost and if I truly cared about cost, I'd be at the Waffle House, not a strip club.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
DD was a distant third for me, as early Jan. With Cheetah & BT neck & neck for #1. But BT has steadily gone downhill for me since then and at this point Cheetah is the clear #1 for me with DD/BT tied at 3.
avatar for Tonybo
a year ago
do any of these clubs post roll calls of the women day on website or instagram?
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