
Do their seem to be way less raids now?

Avatar for Muddy

In the counties with big blue cities, usually under the reign of a Soros DA. It came up in another thread but I thought it was worth it's own thread. Look we all understand that voting for one of these pro criminal DA's is fucking stupid. I think we all get that, we understand that.

BUT if we take a chance to look at and extract the bright side from the situation is that these strip clubs will likely be left a lone and de criminalized. I mean shit everything else is. Also some places don't have enough police to even keep up with 911 calls let alone stake out a strip club to watch for illicit hand jobs. My question to you, is that if you live in or near the jurisdiction of these District Attorneys, have you even heard of a strip club raid during their reign, in their jurisdiction recently? I haven't personally but hey I could've missed something.


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Avatar for funonthaside

There was a recent raid at Purple Orchid in Philadelphia, a blue city with a Progessive Democrat DA.

From what I understand, however, this may have been the result of a tip from a disgruntled dancer, and not necessarily a government-initiated investigation.

I do agree that such policies may ultimately lead to legalization of certain activities.

Avatar for knight_errant

There was a raid at the Electric Blue Cafe in Tolland, Connecticut, a blue state (true blue since '92). Homeland Security and state police executed a search warrant at the strip club a couple of weeks ago as part of an ongoing investigation into claims of prostitution and human trafficking. (The club has been there 35 years and I wouldn't be surprised if there were generations of providers in the employ.)

Avatar for wallanon

Yeah, this seems like a bad take. San Antonio has Democrats in charge and they're determined to crush one of the best clubs in town by taking its liquor license after a recent raid.

Avatar for Muddy

Let's use this one not the other one. My bad for the double thread.

Avatar for Muddy

And interesting to above responses.

Avatar for mickey48066

It was a few years back but clubs in the city of Detroit were raided and the curtains came down in the private rooms. Democrats will try to fool people into thinking that they are working tirelessly to clean up their cities by hitting low hanging fruit where nothing more than consensual activity between consenting adults is occurring. Meanwhile, we see how they support the influx of dangerous, diseased illegals into their sanctuary cities. If you are of the right, ethnicities, you can rape, rob, and murder all you want. Thankfully, the likelihood of getting a blow job in the club has decreased and that truly makes us all safer.

Avatar for Muddy

And perhaps the clubs themselves are still fair game for not paying the pied piper. But I just can't ever see a girl or a John going to jail EVER again for prostitution in a blue city like an LA, SF, NYC, Cook County, Philadelphia etc. (which I don't think is a bad thing necessarily) they way worse shit going on. That non violent stuff gets thrown out instantly. And you got people not doing any time for way way waaaaaay worse stuff.

Avatar for Muddy

All I'm saying is might be something to keep an eye on going forward here.

Avatar for Muddy

Except for children are involved like the recent case in Orlando. Then all bets are off as they should be.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

One would assume there are multiple-reasons for LE going after a club(s) - pre-Covid; with the booming-economy and real-estate; seemed a common reason for going after a club was gentrification - most-people don't want a titty-bar near them decreasing their property values - likewise developers don't want a titty-bar near their their new fancy/shinny development they are pouring millions-of-dollars into (or developers may just have their eye on the club's land for redevelopment and city-hall will probably usually prefer a fresh new development to an existing titty-bar in their jurisdiction).

But in today's woke/defund-police climate I would not be surprised if cops are a lot less proactive w.r.t. their job in order to avoid the lefty-woke-mafia from making their lives/job a living-hell.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Yes, I think there are fewer raids now. No, I don't think it's a partisan political thing.

There have been laws proposed to decriminalize sex work in several regions. None have passed yet, but they likely will at some point. It's not the incredibly taboo thing that it used to be. I think that LE in most areas are content to keep it contained, knowing that it will never go away.

I think that most raids happen in response to the club doing something incredibly stupid or being on the periphery of something far more serious than extras.

The last time Providence really cracked down on the clubs was when it came out that a runaway 15 year old was working at the only-extras club Cheaters (now closed, thankfully). There was a minor crackdown after a Foxy Lady dancer went to the cops to report that she was sexually assaulted in VIP. So, around here raids only seem to occur when LE wants to remind the clubs to stay out of the news.

But really, I think it's because there's less pearl-clutching and therefore less public pressure on the cops.

Avatar for Brahma2k

It is French enough about headlines. DAs and Police chiefs can/may go onto bigger and better things in politics. They get these bigger and better things by impulse grabbing headlines. Human trafficking is one of the buzz phrases that gets headlines. So does underage. Don’t think for a second that they’ll completely turn their backs on SCs if headlines and that higher position in politics is possible.
They may be lefty and Soros backed but make no mistake their actions will still be about grabbing the public’s impulses to a headline, mostly lefty impulses. Women naked for men in a bar, much less giving cbjs? Be sure that can gain public(lefty or not) headlines->impulse. Bob Kraft is worth several billion and would go to an AMP for a rub and tug. Seriously, who cares…but it made great headlines when they found out he was there.

Avatar for CostaTheCrazyGreek

Both sides of the aisle HATE SEX. Can we all agree on that?? The left because it objectifies women. The right because it goes against the bible and they prefer their women barefoot and preggers in the kitchen.

Avatar for Brahma2k

Yep. The right hates any type of SC, the left hates any type of SC that has straight men with naked women. Funny but true. And For each respective view, being able to bust a place that produces headlines of “human trafficking, prostitution, drugs” is clickbait sugar for a public that has a sweet tooth for instant “these! are! terrible! people!” reactions.

Avatar for Jasdoit

US governments don’t know nor care about the differences between sex work and sex trafficking. They use anything to get their arrests record on sex trafficking up.

Avatar for docsavage

I've always found it odd that the police will spend time on something like fining strippers for not wearing tape on their nipples here in Indianapolis while we have high levels of murder, rape and robbery. There are limited police resources, and they should be focused in areas where they do the most good.

Avatar for funonthaside

^ The issue is that much violent crime occurs where most people don't venture., while there are strip clubs in more mainstream areas. Also, wives/SOs don't like that their male partners have options that take care of rhe needs that are neglected by their SOs.

Avatar for Mate27

If you were a cop what would be easier, fighting crime that involves violence or writing tickets for inappropriate sexual conduct?

Avatar for drewcareypnw

We’ve had dems running the show here forever, there have been raids before, at the moment there aren’t any. Neither side of the political equation is immune to the cheap political ploy of sw crackdowns. There is a tendency on tuscl to do logical gymnastics to tie anything bad back to a specific political party, one that the poster conveniently does not subscribe to.

Some things are just not about politics, or at least there are different reasons in each camp to arrive at the same conclusions.

Avatar for Brahma2k

@funonthaside writes "Also, wives/SOs don't like that their male partners have options that take care of rhe needs that are neglected by their SOs"

I don't think people know how true this is. Media very much pushes the passive/not so passive narrative that what a male has and a female doesn't have, that is because she's been treated unfair. Fortunately not all females have fallen for it but a lot have. And that entire narrative is based largely on evoking a purely visceral emotional response = "it's unfair!". That segues to the nature of and why clickbait headlines are so successful. "Strip Club busted!"(cue the mental image of a naked female dancing for a male) --> incoming pure visceral, emotional, "it's unfair!" response. While these kind of responses are absolutely most certainly not limited to females, in general there is a higher propensity for a visceral emotional response from the female population. Add these together and it's naive to think that a period of less headline making SC busts means "authorities" are backing off, decided to overlook it. Not a chance, the ability to grab headlines, get emotional response, get funding-name recognition-more political power is a certainty to happen/continue.

Avatar for docsavage

Soft on crime liberal city governments may ignore what goes on in strip clubs, which should help business. At the same time, though, soft on crime liberal city governments lead to increases in crime, which then drives the middle class out of cities. Middle class males have money to spend in strip clubs, so their absence hurts big city strip clubs. Big city strip clubs become more of a place for ghetto blacks to hang out in and strip clubs increasingly become part of black hip hop culture. This is slowly changing the nature and purpose of strip clubs.

Avatar for wallanon

How terrifying the world must be for some of you now.

Avatar for shailynn

I raided my fridge last night when I needed a snack. No police were involved.

Avatar for BubbleYum

Vice hasn't been out much at all within the last year in Detroit. They were disbanded briefly though, too.

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